Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 606 The world’s best trick to seduce girls

When Lin Xinyi's organizational colleagues were uneasy because of the second-hand news from the TV station.

His colleagues at the Metropolitan Police Department had received his call immediately.

Because Lin Xinyi needs to keep in touch with the police at all times in order to pass on the final news at the critical moment when the second bomb location appears.

The time it takes for him to read and deliver messages is only 3 seconds.

"We have to seize this only opportunity."

"Megure Police Department, Officer Sato, the task of receiving the news will be left to you."

"You can prepare the phone recording equipment in advance. When the time comes, I will read out the information I read in real time."

Lin Xinyi gave instructions to his colleagues on the phone in such an orderly manner.

His tone was very calm, as if he was not in danger at all.

But my colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department were as anxious as ants on a hot pot:

"Forest Manager!"

"How is the situation at the scene?"

"Is it possible to defuse the bomb?"

"I'm already in contact with the bomb disposal experts from the explosive ordnance disposal squad. They can provide remote support."

The police officer in the Mumu area yelled anxiously into the hands-free phone.

Sato, Takagi, Shiratori, Asai Narumi and others who came to the side after hearing the news also gathered around the phone with serious expressions, anxious looks, or moist eyes, guarding the phone.

Lin Xinyi's answer was still calm and calm:

"No, you just need to hold on to this phone and seize the time to evacuate the people on site."

"As for me, I don't have to worry."

"Trust me, I have a way to get out safely."

Lin Xinyi said this sincerely.

He really has a way out.

But it came to the ears of Megure Police Department, Asai Narumi, and especially Miss Sato Miwako who had a profound memory of this situation.

These are all like white lies told by Officer Lin Xinyi before he sacrificed his life.

"Lin, Mr. Lin!"

Miwako Sato, the heroic flower of the Metropolitan Police Department, is really as fragile as that delicate flower at this moment.

Her voice was almost choked, and her eyes were quietly moist:

"Mr. Lin, please leave."

Miss Sato instinctively wanted to persuade Lin Xinyi to leave.

Because she really didn't want to experience that nightmare past again.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them out.

Because just like the Officer Matsuda she loved so much, Officer Lin Xinyi and Lin were now doing something great, right and glorious.

Her personal emotions made her instinctively want to prevent the tragedy.

But her sense of responsibility as a police officer told Miwako Sato that she should respect Lin Shinichi's choice with the highest respect.

He could not say anything to persuade him to run away.

But after all, she didn't want to see anyone sacrifice again.

So Miwako Sato could only ask in confusion and pain:

"Is there really no other way?"

This is talking to oneself, but also asking questions to everyone present.

But no one can answer it.

The air was dead silent.

A few faintly moved choked sobs could still be heard.

This seems to be no longer the Metropolitan Police Office.

It was the farewell ceremony for Comrade Lin Xinyi’s body.

"But I said it"

"I really have a way!"

Lin Xinyi was about to explain.

But everyone firmly believes:

"Manager Lin, stop lying to us!"

Asai Chengmi bit her lip emotionally:

"You are always saving others."

"Today, please save yourself once!"

Officer Asai recalled the past of his acquaintance with Manager Lin, and finally couldn't bear to see him die heroically like this.

"I" Lin Xinyi was speechless for a moment.

Miwako Sato followed Narimi Asai's words and eagerly thought of a way to survive for Lin Shinichi:

"Lin, Mr. Lin, I thought of it!"

"Are there any cameras at the scene?"

"If there is a camera, we can monitor the bomb remotely!"

"No." Lin Xinyi sighed helplessly.

He had already suggested to the Metropolitan Police Department to install more cameras in Tokyo.

However, the leader of the Metropolitan Police Department told him that such major matters involving infrastructure and citizens' privacy must be decided by the Tokyo City Council and even the National Assembly. Before issuing a resolution, you must first survey the public sentiment to see if public opinion supports it and whether it will affect the votes.

This process will take at least a year to complete.

And the ending may not come true.

"There are no security cameras installed here."

"And don't even think about bringing a camera to broadcast it live."

"There are less than 10 minutes left. It's too late."

In the 1990s, when there was no WiFi, no mobile phones, no 5G, 4G, and 3G, and even 2G construction had just begun, the words "live broadcast" were still far away from ordinary people.

Only TV stations have the equipment to broadcast live.

And this live broadcast equipment is not "wireless".

Instead, the cameras are connected to cables, and the cables are connected to the wired live broadcast equipment of the satellite broadcast truck.

If you want to solve the problem through live broadcast.

The TV station must drive the satellite broadcast truck to the foot of Tokyo Tower within 10 minutes, pull a camera cable at least 300 meters long, and connect it from the ground to a special observation deck located 250 meters high——

Apart from anything else, the TV station might not be able to produce such a long line.

Of course, they can also move the equipment from the broadcast truck first, then take the elevator to the 150-meter large observation deck, then move the live broadcast equipment onto the fire ladder, climb to a height of more than 200 meters with load, and finally continue upward, A live camera connected to a cable is sent to a special observation deck at a height of 250 meters.

The last reporter to run so fast seemed to be Clark Kent.

"No, it can't be done"

"What about the telescope?"

"Can I use a telescope?"

Miss Sato thought of something again.

"No. The bomb is at a height of 250 meters. Which telescope are you going to use?"

The screen was placed directly above the bomb. If you wanted to see the screen, you had to look down from a high position.

But this special observation deck of Tokyo Tower is already the tallest building nearby.

And because it was equipped with a mercury rod detonator, the bomb could hardly be moved and could not withstand any overturning.

Lin Xinyi risked his life and spent more than a minute before carefully moving it half a meter.

It was impossible for him to move the bomb to the window, or even turn it over so that the screen faced the outside of the window.

And telescopes cannot see through walls and ceilings.

If Lin Xinyi didn't move the bomb to the window, people outside would still not be able to see the bomb hidden inside the building even if they used binoculars.

So using a telescope won't work either.

"Is it okay to use a helicopter?"

"Set up a telescope from a helicopter?"

Concern leads to chaos, and Miss Sato's suggestions are getting more and more outrageous.

"This" Lin Xinyi replied helplessly: "I only have about ten minutes in total, and now there is less than 10 minutes left."

"With the efficiency of the Metropolitan Police Department, will the helicopter arrive in time?"

These words made Miss Sato feel cold.

It happened so suddenly.

Time is too tight again.

She knew that even if the mobile rescue team's helicopter was dispatched, it would take less than twenty minutes from the crew's arrival to takeoff, and then from the flight base on the outskirts of Tokyo to Tokyo Tower, to get down.

As for the helicopters of private organizations such as TV stations and large enterprises, their dispatch efficiency is even lower and their movements are even slower.

In short

After the windbreaker man left, Lin Xin only had 16 minutes left in total.

Even if many tricks are feasible in theory, there is no time to use them.

Lin Xinyi completely dispelled Miwako Sato's illusions.

The flower of the Metropolitan Police was silent for a while.

The nightmare seemed to be replaying before her eyes.

"no no."

Sato Miwako bit her lip tightly.

A crazy and decisive idea emerged from her heart:

"Mr. Lin, why don't you let me go?!"

"Let me take your place!"

Although it is only 8 or 9 minutes before the explosion time.

But the distance from Kasumigaseki, where the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters is located, to Tokyo Tower is only about 2 kilometers.

With her racing skills, even in the busiest city center of Tokyo, she can complete this stretch of road in 1 or 2 minutes.

Counting the time it took to go downstairs to pick up the car and take the elevator up to the special observation deck, if she used Jackie Chan's speed to parkour, she might be able to barely catch up and replace Lin Xinyi.

And this is Miwako Sato’s determination:

"Let me go!"

"Mr. Lin, let me go!"

She didn't want to see such a tragedy happen in front of her again.

If it had to happen, the person she would rather sacrifice was herself.

This moved Lin Xinyi very much

And helpless:

"But I really won't die!"

"actually, I"

"Mr. Lin!"

His explanation was interrupted again by Miss Sato's moving voice:

"Don't hesitate any longer."

"You are the hope of the Metropolitan Police. You are more important than me. You cannot die!"

Lin Xinyi: "."

Forget it, no more explanation.

Anyway, the result will naturally be in front of everyone.

With this thought in his mind, he actually pretended to be serious like the Gin boss expected:

"That's enough, Sato!"

"How could you say such a thing!"

"You are a policeman, am I not a policeman?"

"We are all comrades serving the nation. Ahem, colleagues."

"We only have different division of labor, there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority!"

"Don't say words like 'you are more important than me' again!"

Lin Xinyi gave Miss Sato a piece of ideological education:

"Whose child is not a child?"

"Why can't I, an official, die?"

"I have to let you big soldiers die for me?!"

The height of his thought, which can be called a dimensionality reduction attack, made the atmosphere in the scene freeze instantly once it was revealed.

No one advised Lin Xinyi anymore.

The flower of the Metropolitan Police who always interrupted his speech choked up his voice and sobbed so much that he could hardly speak anymore.

And those young police officers who had been suppressed by seniority and had had enough of the invisible hierarchy that emphasized superiority and inferiority were moved to tears by Lin Xinyi's dedication that transcended hierarchy.

At this moment, Officer Lin Shin-ichi is the idol of all police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department and the embodiment of the spirit of the Japanese police.

"Mr. Lin"

Everyone looked solemn and their eyes were sad.

Not to mention Ms. Sato, who fell in love with the situation, Asai Narumi, who had a close relationship with Lin Shinichi, even the police officer Shiratori, who was always known for his aloofness, and the vicious manager Matsumoto, couldn't help but wet their eyes.

"Please rest assured that your death will not be in vain."

"We will definitely find the second bomb, catch the bomber, and avenge you and the dead seniors!"

Sato Miwako clenched her fists and firmly took the oath.

Everyone also made emotional sounds:

“Have a good trip, Mr. Lin!!”

On Tokyo Tower, there is a special observation deck.

Lin Xinyi's cheeks twitched as he listened to the affectionate cries on the other end of the phone bidding him farewell.

"Oh, it's so unlucky."

He sighed helplessly.

The only person in the world who is least worried about his life safety now is probably himself.

Of course, there is also Ms. Shiho beside me.

Looking at the troubled look on her boyfriend's face, she couldn't help but joke:

"Now things are getting serious."

"You don't seem to have mentioned anything about me to them."

"If you, Mr. Lin, did not sacrifice your life this time and were later found to have a married wife next to you, how would you explain it?"

Miyano Shiho asked playfully.

"Ahem. This."

Lin Xinyi felt dizzy again.

He carefully covered the phone receiver to prevent the Metropolitan Police Department from hearing the sound:

"In the past, those tourists were just looking at the scenery, and no one noticed the two of us. Later, they were just focused on running for their lives, and no one paid attention to what was happening behind them."

"So as long as Akai Shuichi and Judy keep their mouths shut, no one will know about us."

"Should?" Miyano Shiho raised his eyebrows.

"Well, if that doesn't work, just say that we are just ordinary friends who happened to meet here."

"As for you staying here, you are just helping me study how to defuse bombs."

"Huh?" Ms. Shiho thought this reason was a bit nonsense:

Asai Kana's identity is only a doctor, how can he still know how to defuse bombs?

"Learned it in Hawaii."

“Nowadays high school students know how to defuse bombs.”

"Why can't a graduate of a prestigious university be good?"

"Okay." Miss Shiho rolled her eyes helplessly.

Anyway, these troubles will happen later, and there is still time to think about it.

The biggest trouble now is the bomb.

"There are only 5 minutes left."

Miyano Shiho looked at his watch, then raised his head and asked:

"Lin, how are you going to solve this problem?"

"Is this it?"

A mysterious smile appeared at the corner of Lin Xinyi's mouth again.

This smile made Ms. Shiho feel familiar.

Why is it familiar?

By the way, Lin Xinsheng was shyly playing with romance before and softly told her that he had prepared a surprise for her today.

It seems like that’s how he laughs.

"Is that the surprise?"

Miyano Shiho opened his mouth unexpectedly:

"The way you solve the crisis is the surprise you prepared for me?"

"That's right." Lin Xinyi replied with a smile: "Zhibao."

"Do you still remember the trick I told you, the trick taught by an expert?"

Five minutes later, there were only 10 seconds until the explosion.

At night, in the deep sky, Tokyo Tower is emitting dazzling neon lights.

Belmod tightened his grip on the balcony railing.

Fang Guling stood frozen on the window sill where the cold wind howled.

Gin leaned on the car and looked up, his expression unhurried.

There was deathly silence in the Metropolitan Police Department, and the air was eerily still.

Only Lin Xinyi's countdown voice rang lonely and decisively on the phone:

"10, 9, 8"

Miwako Sato wiped away her tears and tightened her grip on the gun.


Asai Narumi closed her eyes and prayed.


The fat police officer's face was gloomy, flashing with fierce anger.


The last 3 seconds have arrived.

The screen finally showed the location of the second bomb.

What pops up is a line of English letters:


first letter.


second letter.


"Damn it. It's too late!"

Lin Xinyi's voice suddenly became anxious.

The call ended abruptly.

"Not in time?"

What's too late?

Sato, Asai, Megure and others on the other end of the phone were all stunned.

They instinctively felt something was wrong:

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin?"

"What happened?!"

Everyone shouted anxiously.

Then, the next second.

boom! ! !

The explosion echoed through the rice pops.

Fireworks bloom in the night sky.

Tokyo Tower exploded.

half a minute ago.

Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho looked at each other quietly:

"The time is almost up, open the box."

"Yes." Miss Shiho nodded solemnly.

The two of them reached out together and opened the iron box containing the deadly bomb.

The door of the box was opened, the bomb was revealed again, and the countdown screen that heralded death and terror appeared in front of them again.

"be prepared."

"Yes." Miyano Shiho smiled tacitly.

She slowly walked up to Lin Xinyi and asked him to tightly hug her slender waist.

20, 19, 18

The countdown keeps dwindling.

Lin Xinyi hugged Miss Shiho tightly, stared at the countdown screen with her, and slowly stepped back.

Behind them, what was getting closer and closer was the big hole that the man in the trench coat had blasted into the floor-to-ceiling glass three times in a row.

Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho finally stood at the edge of the hole.

Taking another step back is the abyss beyond the observation deck.

"Are you afraid?"

"As long as you are here, I won't be afraid."

Miss Shiho also hugged Lin Xinyi forcefully.

The high-altitude wind howled, and the two embraced each other passionately in the wind.

In a daze, it really vaguely resembles the famous scene on the Titanic ship.

"coming soon"

"10, 9, 8, 7"

Lin Xinyi took out his cell phone and made the final countdown to his colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department, as well as to himself and Miss Shiho.

"5, 4, 3"

The screen finally showed the location of the second bomb.

What popped up was a line of English letters.

And what's even more abominable is

This line of letters still pops up one by one.




Lin Xinyi didn't expect that the bastard man in the windbreaker would give such an answer in the last three seconds.

The answer is not displayed completely in one breath, but slowly pops up letter by letter.

A full second passed, and there were only the last two seconds left before the explosion. Only then did he see s, h, and o, these three seemingly meaningless letters.

There is no doubt that at this speed of letter display, if you want to know the full answer, you have to wait until the last second runs out and the bomb explodes.


"That's too late!"

There is no time to wait for the next letters to pop up.

If he didn't run, it would be too late.

So Lin Xinyi hung up the phone and ended the live broadcast.

He is going to run away with his girlfriend.

"But..." Miss Shiho hesitated for a moment.

"It doesn't matter." Lin Xinyi whispered in her ear: "Three letters, that's enough."

Then, the next second.

"Let's go, Shiho!"

Lin Xinyi hugged Miyano Shiho tightly.

Miyano Shiho also wrapped himself around him hard.

Lin Xinyi jumped back.

The two of them jumped off the edge of the observatory and fell into the endless abyss.


Although he was mentally prepared, Miyano Shiho still let out a cute scream.

The weightless feeling of free fall made her tremble.

The explosion of Tokyo Tower behind her made her shrink her head subconsciously.

Miss Shiho was so scared that she closed her eyes.

And when she opened her eyes again.

What I saw was the gorgeous firelight on Tokyo.

It is the bright moon in the sky.

It’s a sleepless night in the city.

There is also a pair of white "wings" and a smiling face full of warmth.

Lin Xinyi and he held Miss Shiho and flew up in the sky.

"How about it?"

Lin Xinyi smiled and asked his girlfriend in his arms:

"Isn't the trick the master taught me good?"

"Hmph." Miyano Shiho curled his lips helplessly: "How could anyone prepare a date surprise?"

"Did you bring your girlfriend to Tokyo Tower to jump off the building at night?"

Feeling the exciting feeling of gliding a hundred meters high in the sky, Ms. Shiho gave a very vicious negative review.

But Lin Xinyi is still satisfied with his creativity:

"Haha. Don't underestimate this trick!"

"According to what that boy Kuroba Kaito said"

"His father, the first-generation Phantom Thief Kidd, met his mother on the Eiffel Tower in Paris and used this trick to capture his mother's heart."

18 years ago, Kuroba Toichi met his future wife, the Kaitou Lady Chikage Kuroba, on the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

At that time, they had an armed conflict with a criminal gang in Paris.

The enemy blocked all access to the Eiffel Tower.

So Mr. Touichi directly hugged Miss Chikage, unfolded Kaito Kid's hang glider, and flew down from the Eiffel Tower.

That day 18 years ago was the first time they met.

And 18 years later, the two sons will be 17 years old.

This shows how lethal this trick of "taking you flying" is and how effective it is in flirting with girls.

"Tokyo Tower was originally built after the Eiffel Tower."

"That's why I thought of bringing you here to experience what it's like to be a flying monster thief."

Lin Xinyi made sufficient preparations for this date.

He had inspected the terrain in advance in the past few days, checked the weather and wind direction, and confirmed that the flying conditions were met tonight.

He also secretly did several gliding trainings in private, and asked Dr. Ari to tailor a Phantom Thief glider specifically for him based on his body shape.

That's right, Dr. Ali can also build this thing.

Because Kaitou Kid's assistant and butler, Mr. Terai Kinosuke, is actually his good friend for many years.

Many of Kidd's scientific equipment were actually made with the help of Dr. Ali.

After these careful preparations, Lin Xinyi had the confidence to give Miss Shiho an "unforgettable romantic date."


Lin Xinyi lowered his head and looked at Miyano Shiho.

He asked a little awkwardly:

"I should be considered romantic this time, right?"

Ms. Shiho did not answer directly.

The breeze blew across my face.

Warmth melts into the embrace.

The moonlight splashed on the wings.

Behind him is the brilliant light of Tokyo Tower.

Below him are thousands of people from Miwa Town.

Isn’t it romantic?

Needless to say?

Miyano Shiho did not intend to answer with words.

She tightened her grip on Lin Xinyi's neck and pressed her soft lips against it.

(づ ̄3 ̄)づ~

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