Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 612 You’d better believe it

Metropolitan Police Department, cafeteria.

It's still lunch break time.

The special interview work of Mizuno Reina and his team could not officially begin until the police officers returned to work in the afternoon.

But she didn't waste the time now.

Before interviewing to learn about the work of a forensic doctor, Ms. Minashi is also happy to learn about the life of a forensic doctor.

So she clung to Lin Xinyi's side and kept asking him for details about his "cheating" experience.

Lin Xinyi didn't want to answer for the time being because he hadn't compiled it yet and wasn't mentally prepared.

He had no choice but to use the excuse that he and "Xiao Lan" had not eaten yet and were hungry and weak, saying that they would wait until they went to the cafeteria to fill their stomachs before accepting the interview.

And this is true.

The two of them started exercising as soon as they got up today, and they didn't stop until about three o'clock in the morning.

Later, I was busy thinking about how to deal with this "cheating" incident, and I didn't have time to eat at all.

So Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho simply planned to have lunch in the canteen of the Metropolitan Police Department when they came to work.

With the Metropolitan Police Department’s sufficient annual funding of 600 billion yen, its cafeteria’s variety of dishes, quality of dishes, and dining environment are perfect enough to be directly used in Ministry of Foreign Affairs promotional articles without adding filters.

The most important thing is that insiders don’t have to pay to eat here.

So Lin Xinyi, who is afraid of poverty, likes to come here very much.

Unfortunately, there are still a lot of people here.

A little more talkative:

"I didn't expect that the management officer would cheat on me."

"That's enough, don't speak ill of Mr. Lin behind his back!"

"No way! I didn't tell which manager was the one who cheated!"

"You said you cheated on me, who else could it be?"

Lin Xinyi: "."

He held the empty dinner plate and avoided it silently with a cold face.

"Mao Lilan" followed him quietly without making any statement.

On the other hand, Shui Wuliannai, who had followed her here, approached the police officers who were busy chatting with great interest:

"Everyone is talking about Manager Lin, right?"

"What do you think of Lin Xinyi's scandal that was exposed yesterday?"

"Uh, um." These police officers didn't realize that the female TV anchor standing in front of them was just a gossip female police officer from some department:

"Well, of course Mr. Lin is an upright person."



"But he usually has many beautiful girls around him, so this is not the first time such scandals have spread."

"Oh?" Mizuno Reina was inspired by the journalist's instinct.

Her eyes sparkled like a shark smelling blood:

"Then can you tell me who Mr. Lin's 'scandal' targets are?"

"Is this it, hehe." Facing Shui Wu Lianna, who is as good-looking as any girl in the Metropolitan Police Department, the police officers naturally knew everything they wanted to say.

It’s not a secret anyway:

"The eldest lady of the Suzuki family, Suzuki Sonoko."

Before Lin Xinyi's real girlfriend appeared, Suzuki Sonoko was his number one suitor.

To say that the two of them might have had an affair is not just speculating.

"Lin Xinyi's student, Mao Lilan."

Lin Xinyi's original decision to recruit a female high school student as a student and entrust her with an important task did arouse a wave of malicious speculation.

Although Mao Lilan has proven his ability through serious study afterwards, rumors are like "grass" with strong vitality (Chinese and Japanese bilingual), and they do not disappear from people's lips so easily.

"Search Section 1 Police Beauty, Sato Miwako."

"Head of the Department of Autopsy, Narumi Asai."


Shui Wu Lianna memorized several names again seriously.

Although these are just rumors and scandals.

But you are involved in every anti-pornography campaign. No matter how you prove your innocence, it will be difficult for others to believe you.

"Mr. Lin."

Mizuno Reina returned home with the results of her interview.

She handed Lin Xin the name she had written down in the notebook and asked pointedly:

"Is the girl who went on a night tour of Tokyo Tower with you yesterday among these names?"

As he said that, Mizuna Reina didn't forget to take a sneak look at "Mao Lilan".

This gentle and lovely high school girl was sitting quietly next to Lin Xinyi and dining with him.

They were very close together.

Arms touching arms, shoulders brushing against shoulders.

"Mao Lilan's" slender legs under her cool short skirt were also very close to Lin Xinyi's thighs.

I originally thought this scene was nothing.

It's nothing more than sitting closer.

But after listening to the scandals circulating among the police officers, to an outsider like Mizumu Reina, this scene seemed to be more than just a "deep relationship between teacher and student".

"Ms. Minashi."

"Journalists must speak responsibly and don't always think about making big news."

Lin Xinyi finally gave a positive answer righteously:

"Are you hinting to me that the woman yesterday was my lover?"

"And among the candidates for this lover, there are even my students?"

"Yeah." Shuiwu Reina nodded frankly: "That's what I think."

"Mr. Lin, if you want everyone to believe that you have not cheated, shouldn't you give an explanation as soon as possible?"

"Is it possible that you really have something unspeakable and it's really not convenient for you to reveal it?"

"This." Lin Xin said with a tangled look on his face: "Okay."

He hesitated for a while before finally giving the answer he had just made up:

"This matter is indeed relatively private. If it weren't for the fact that there was really no other way, I wouldn't want to speak out and let everyone know."

"Actually, that person was yesterday"

"Yes?" Shui Wu Lina quietly raised his ears.

"It's my girlfriend, Chrissy."

"Huh?" Miss Shui Wu's expression froze.

In all her years as an anchor, this was the first time she had encountered a government official who could tell lies so clearly.

If you want to make one, you have to make it more reasonable, right?

Who would believe this kind of nonsense:

"Miss Chrissy?"

"Are you talking about the silver-haired Miss Chris?"

"Yes, that's her." Lin Xinyi replied with a shy face: "She was wearing a wig at the time."

"This excuse is totally unjustifiable, Mr. Lin."

Shui Wulian showed her trump card that she had prepared long ago:

"Our Japanese TV station interviewed tourists who were present at the time."

"According to the memories of several of the tourists, they are sure that they saw the scene of you and the black-haired lady embracing intimately."

"Although the black-haired lady covered most of her face with sunglasses, everyone can still tell that she is a thoroughly oriental woman."

"Even the races are different."

"How can you say she is Miss Chrissy?"

Shui Wulian took advantage of the famous anchor's momentum and asked Lin Xinyi openly.

But Lin Xinyi remained calm:

"That's her."

"If you don't believe me, ask Chris."

"You" Miss Mizuno was almost defeated by the shamelessness of this forest manager.

He cheated on himself and asked his girlfriend to come forward to clear his name?

"Then how do you explain the fact that there are racial differences in their looks?"

"It's the art of disguise."

"I used the disguise technique."

"Do you know Kaitou Kidd? My disguise skills are about half as good as his."

"Disguise?" Shui Wulian was slightly surprised:

As an industry insider, she certainly knows how difficult it is to learn advanced disguise techniques.

You can completely transform yourself into another person, and you can even use makeup to perfectly hide your racial differences.

Even within the organization, Belmode should be the only one who knows this level of disguise, right?

"Mr. Lin, how did you learn this disguise technique?"

Shui Wulian asked suspiciously and warily.

"Mrs. Kudo and I are good friends."

"She taught me that in Hawaii."

Lin Xinyi replied unhurriedly.

The art of disguise is easy to explain.

People in the organization believe that he learned it from Belmode.

The police think he learned it from Kaitou Kidd.

And when it was inconvenient to move out these two teachers, he still had the trick of "I have a friend" available.

But this still couldn't dispel Shui Wulian's suspicion:

Does Lin Xinyi really know how to disguise himself?

Even if it does.

"And why do you want Miss Chris to disguise herself?"

"She is obviously your girlfriend, Mr. Lin. Do we have to be secretly dating you?"

Mizuno Reina pointed out this huge loophole very rudely.

"Is this it?" Lin Xinyi still had something to say: "Of course it is for"

"For 'fun'."

This excuse is not convenient for Ginjiu to say, because Ginjiu knows that they are just a fake couple, not real boyfriend and girlfriend.

If Ginjiu knew that Lin Xinyi was having an affair with his teacher, and even secretly having fun with him, he would probably have his views shattered, and he would have endless doubts.

But for those news media and the general public who don’t know the inside story, this is a barely acceptable explanation:

"Ms. Minami, you know that couples will always get tired of it after being together for a long time."

"Chris and I also had conflicts about breaking up."

"So in order to keep the exciting freshness and prevent the relationship between us from fading, we will"

Lin Xinyi struggled to say the line that even made him blush:

"Just play some role-playing games from time to time."

"In other words, let Chris dress up as another woman and follow me."

"???" Shui Wulian was shocked:

This is a disguise technique comparable to that of Belmode.

Is this what you use it for?

"Otherwise?" Lin Xinyi replied with a shy face: "If I don't do this, why should I learn the art of disguise?"

Shui Wulian said: "."

Use the art of disguise to make your girlfriend look like another woman

Marrying a girlfriend like this is like marrying all the beauties in the world.

Hey, it seems really exciting.

"Well" Shui Wulian somewhat understood what Lin Xinyi said.

And having fun cosplaying with your girlfriend is indeed a very private matter.

In this way, Lin Xinyi had a fairly reasonable explanation for his previous evasiveness and cover-up, and even concealed from the Metropolitan Police the suspicious behavior of another woman at the explosion site.

"I see."

Although Mizuno Reina has the gossip of a reporter, she knows how to respect others.

She expressed her understanding and respect for Lin Xinyi's seemingly obscene personal hobbies, and then stopped making any further entanglements.

After all, today's big TV stations are not the future small self-media, and reporters are not the future editors.

News these days still adheres to the principle of authenticity, and will not distort facts without any bottom line for the sake of traffic.

Since Lin Xinyi gave a self-explanatory answer, she will no longer make any subjective opinions on the content of the interview:

"We all understand the situation."

"Our daily TV station will definitely report this truthfully and help Mr. Lin issue a formal statement to refute the rumors."

"Haha, that's good."

Lin Xinyi's sad face disappeared, and for a while the guests and hosts were happy.


"Zhi Xiaolan?" Lin Xinyi suddenly noticed Miss Shibao beside him.

She was holding a big sandwich and taking small bites.

"Blueberry peanut butter sandwich again."

The blueberry peanut butter sandwich is two pieces of bread sandwiched with a thick layer of blueberry jam and a layer of peanut butter. When you take a bite, the heat explodes, and it is so sweet that it can knock your teeth out.

But Ms. Shiho has lived in the United States since she was a child, and has to experience heavy study and work every day.

So she likes this simple, convenient and rich rice-style food.

"You should eat less of this kind of food that is high in oil and sugar."

Lin Xin suddenly snatched the sandwich from Miss Shiho's mouth:

"Now you do high-intensity mental activities every day, you don't exercise much, and you keep eating these high-calorie foods."

"Think of Dr. Agasa."

"Well" Miyano Shiho rolled his eyes at his boyfriend helplessly.

Her previous diet was indeed very unhealthy.

I work day and night every day, and when it’s time to eat, it’s coffee, milk, and sandwiches.

So much so that when Lin Xinyi saw her for the first time, he felt that this girl must be sick.

But that was before.

After her eating life was completely taken over by her sister and her boyfriend, she ate very healthily every day.

Occasionally, I would want to eat my favorite sandwich from the past, but my sister and boyfriend would nag me.

It's really not free at all.

But she liked the feeling of someone nagging her.

"I understand, Mr. Lin~"

Miss Shiho turned on the voice-changing collar hidden in her collar and answered in Mao Lilan's soft accent:

"I will eat well."

As she said that, she handed the half-bitten sandwich to Lin Xinyi.

Without thinking, Lin Xin naturally put the sandwich to his mouth and swallowed it in two or three mouthfuls.

Because of the education he received since childhood, he doesn’t like to waste food.

While this sandwich was very unhealthy for the delicate Miss Shiho, it had almost no effect on a science warrior like him.

"Here" Shui Wu Liannai frowned slightly at the sight: "Mr. Lin, you"

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing."

Shui Wulian maintained a fake smile at work, but secretly cursed in his heart:

The sandwich was still stained with his female student's saliva.

Lin Xinyi ate it naturally.

And Miss Lan didn't object at all, as if she had long been accustomed to this kind of slightly sweet interaction.

Reina Mizuna was also a high school girl.

She knew very well that girls of this age should be very sensitive to the concept of "indirect kissing".

But Mao Lilan is used to it?

"Hey" Shuiwu Reina secretly showed the expression of the subway old man's cell phone.

She suddenly thought of Lin Xinyi's kind words about Mao Lilan's health.

At first glance nothing seems wrong.

But think about it carefully.

Isn’t Mao Lilan the karate champion of the Kanto region?

Does her body need anyone else to care about her?

Still “less exercise”?

The telephone poles in Mikka Town would not agree with this.

So what Lin Xinyi said is not about caring about students' health?

This was clearly the central air conditioner blowing warm air, quietly flirting with the female students.

"Mr. Lin, you"

Shui Wulian finally couldn't hold back and asked:

"May I venture to ask again:"

"Can you guarantee that the situations you just mentioned are absolutely true?"

She looked directly into Lin Xinyi's eyes quietly, as if she wanted to penetrate Lin Xinyi's soul with her sharp eyes.

The reporter's intuition told her that there was still some powerful information to be mined.

But Lin Xinyi just responded to her with a cold face:

"Ms. Minami, haven't I already given you an explanation?"

"As I said, I definitely didn't cheat."

"Really?" The atmosphere became tense again: "I don't believe it."

"You'd better believe it."

Lin Xinyi showed a firm smile:

"I will never let the innocent lady around me have her reputation damaged by such baseless rumors."

He pretended to be Mao Lilan this time just to deal with Gin's suspicion.

He didn't expect Mao Lilan to appear on TV news after taking the blame for him in private.

That would be very sorry for this innocent angel lady.

So apart from performing for Gin and the people in the organization, Lin Xinyi didn't want the news to reach anyone else's ears.

"Miss Mizuno, please report this matter truthfully."

"Don't add too much personal speculation to the content of my interview."

Lin Xin gave instructions one by one.

"Are you threatening me?"

Shui Wulian raised his eyebrows.

What she likes to do most is to say "NO" to those interviewees who think they are special.

Using a little power is like keeping her away from the truth. This is too underestimated the integrity of a journalist:

"Then I'm really curious, Mr. Lin, what can you do to me?"

"Send a lawyer's letter? Haha."

Shui Wu Lina's temperament suddenly became "Kiel".

His whole person was sharp and even his smile was dangerous.

Lin Xinyi’s answer was:

"I really didn't lie to you just now."

"I'm really good at disguise."


He quietly lowered his voice and sounded like a villain:

"If you don't report it truthfully."

"I will disguise Chris as 'you' tonight."

Shui Wulian said: "."

This bastard.

If he really did this and let "her" be seen dating him

Then the protagonist of the scandal is her, Shui Wu Lian Nai!

She did this gossip show

Selling melons to myself?

"So, do you believe it now?"

"." Shui Wulian was silent for a while: "I believe it."

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