Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 614 Great Work



"shake hands."

"Stick out your tongue."

"Woof woof woof~"

The big dog stuck out his tongue in laughter, perfectly demonstrating the results of his training.

Only at this moment do the funds of the Metropolitan Police Department seem to be not wasted at all.

"Caesar is the ace in our forensics class."

"Apart from Miss Maori and me, it solves the most cases in the class!"

"He is also the only full-time employee in our forensics class who has no record of arriving late or leaving early!"

"This" Shui Wu Lina looked strange.

She couldn't tell for a moment whether Lin Xinyi was praising the forensics class or scolding the forensics class.


"This kid is so cute."

No one can say no to a big, obedient dog.

Miss Minami also fell.

Caesar only used three "woofs" to let the beautiful female anchor lick his hair for 18 minutes.

By the time they finished visiting the police dog department, the seriousness on Rena Mizuna's face had faded a lot.


It took her a long time to find the flavor of a legal female anchor:

“The range of police dogs is truly impressive.”

"Administrator Dan Lin, this time we are here to do a special program on forensics."

"You can't just take some pictures of police dogs and use them as material, right?"

"This" Lin Xin looked confused: "Can't we use the materials we shot in the survey department?"

"No." Mizuno Reina was firm: "I don't want to use this kind of rehearsed fake scene."

“That’s the tenet of our show.”

Her show has indeed always been known for its authenticity and has never been afraid to expose official scandals.

After all, whether it is the "winery" who wants to punish officials who hinder the organization's operations, or the CIA wants to punish officials who are not controlled by the United States.

They all needed Shui Wu Liannai, a news anchor with integrity, to help expose them and help them dig out the black material they had collected.

So gradually, with two major news sources in hand and someone behind her to back her up, Miss Mizuwu became a news warrior who was not afraid of the powerful in the eyes of the masses.

Of course such a national-level anchor has his own ethics.

If you say you won’t fake it, then you won’t fake it.

The Metropolitan Police Department's reputation couldn't stop her.

"Well" then this will be troublesome.

Lin Xinyi can already imagine the effect after the program is broadcast:

The topic of this program is "Endeavor's Forensic Division Police".

Maybe the picture material that was taken out for playback only showed a beautiful lady smiling and playing with her dog.

Who is this woman? reporter.

Where is the dog? police dog.

Where are the forensic police officers?

The forensics department police are making progress.

"Damn it." The more Lin Xinyi thought about it, the uglier his face became.

If this program is broadcast, let alone fooling young people into becoming technical police.

I'm afraid that the good illusion he created for the forensic class by relying on his personal reputation will be ruthlessly disillusioned.

But what to do?

The most glorious aspect of the forensics class is basically all about him, Lin Xinyi.

And he had just unceremoniously revealed his chaotic private life in front of the female anchor, which completely ruined her impression.

"In that case, Ms. Minashi"

"It seems that I can only show you the hard work our forensic class has been doing silently behind the scenes."

Lin Xinyi decided to bring out more highlights from the forensics class.

"Oh?" Shui Wulian was a little curious:

Apart from Lin Xinyi and the dog, what else shines in the forensics class?

"Come with me!"

Lin Xinyi turned around and led everyone.

Miss Shiho followed immediately.

Shui Wuliannai and the photographer carrying the camera also followed curiously.

The group left the police dog department and passed through two corridors.

Lin Shinichi was about to continue walking forward with Miyano Shiho, but Rena Minami stopped in front of an office passing by:

"here it is"

"Autopsy department?"

Shui Wulian looked at the door number of the office.

There is also an empty and desolate scene inside.

"Shouldn't the autopsy department be the trump card in the forensics class?"

"Why is there no one inside?"

"Ahem." Lin Xinyi looked embarrassed: "Well, our autopsy department adopts a strategy of elite troops and does not blindly pursue the number of personnel."

"How many people are there?"

"Our autopsy department's elite strategy has been a huge success once it was implemented. Famous detectives like Ikumi Gunda have been employed before, and now we have top students from famous schools like Department Chief Asai and Chief Okiya joining the team."

"How many people are there?"

“The future of a booming forensic industry is already on the horizon before our eyes.”

"How many people are there in the autopsy department?"


"Don't ask, don't ask"

Bidding farewell to the empty offices of the Department of Coroners, the interview team moved on.

But not long after, Shuiwu Reina stopped in front of another door.

Before it was because it was too empty inside.

Now it's because it's too busy inside.

Even through a closed door.

Everyone can also clearly hear the noise coming from inside the house:

"Nomura-kun, you've caught a cold today, why don't you go back and rest?"

"No, Mr. Okiya."

"This is a critical moment for research. How could I give up because of a minor illness?"

"Is this really okay?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

An impassioned voice suddenly came from the office:

"If you are seriously ill, you will do things. If you are not ill, you will do things. If you are not sick, you will do things to death."

“This is how we can live up to the people’s trust in us!”

"Mr. Okiya, just let me charge again, Onboard!"

"All right."


Shui Wu Lianna outside the door was almost dumbfounded.

Such a recruiting atmosphere.

Is it really normal now?

Is this really a forensic course for fishermen everywhere?

"Mr. Lin, is this where you want to show me?"

Mizuno Reina's expression was very subtle.

She even suspected that Lin Xinyi had temporarily found a group of actors to act in a model show with her.

But Lin Xinyi had no intention of using this as a propaganda:

"No, no, no, I didn't bring you here."

"There's nothing to see here."

"Don't shoot, don't shoot."

He even cautiously blocked the camera:

"The things in this house are really not suitable for television."

Even most detectives can't carry the gadgets inside.

When it was broadcast, it had to scare those young people out of their wits.

What Lin Xinyi wanted to do was to give positive publicity to forensic medicine and trick a few new people into studying this profession in the future.

I don’t want to play such a scene to persuade people to quit right from the beginning, so that people will know how deep the pit is before they even jump into it.

“Anyway, there’s no need to visit here.”

"It's just some forensic experimental research being done inside."

"Oh?" Shui Wulian was even more curious:

What is the research that is so interesting that makes these forensic police officers so active?

She couldn't help but want to open the door and go in.

But Miyano Shiho had already realized something.

Before the door was pushed open, she took a few steps back with an ugly face and hid a few meters away.

Lin Xinyi calmly took out two layers of masks from his pocket and put them on himself with ease.

Then, the next second.

Shui Wulian opened the door stupidly and entered.

A complex smell that is indescribable, mixed with cadaverine, putrescine, ammonia, skatole, and sulfide, hits the face like a tsunami.


Miss Mizuno almost didn't get carried away by the wave of stench.

Fortunately, she was a well-trained agent and didn't faint so easily.

But what is irritating in front of me is not only the smell, but also the shocking picture:

I saw that in this vast empty office, in the corner near the window, there was a dead pig that was so rotten that it exposed purple-black carrion and a forest-white skeleton.

The body of the dead pig was filled with black corpse fluid, and countless green flies were lingering around it.

What's even more disgusting is that among the carrion of the dead pig, there are countless small white things that are clumped together and squirming.


The photographer behind him went straight to the bathroom and vomited.

Shui Wulian also turned pale and almost stumbled.

It was not that she had never seen corpses before, but it was indeed rare to see them left for so long and still covered with worms.

The environment in this room is so bad that a CIA agent like her doesn't want to stay there for a second longer.

But inside, there were several Forensics Section police officers wearing white coats, latex gloves, and gas masks on their faces, working seriously and with concentration.

They don't mind being dirty, they don't mind the smell, and they aren't afraid of hardship.

Just busy working diligently.

Even if Sui Wu Lina suddenly broke in, they were still working with no distractions:

Use tweezers to catch the maggots, kill them with xylene ethanol and soak them straight. Finally, carefully measure the length of the maggots with a ruler and record it.

There was no pause in the whole process, as if the journey was already familiar.

It seems that they are all used to this hard work.

"This is."

"Is this a forensic entomology study?"

Rena Minami knew the interview topic beforehand, so she could understand the seemingly bizarre scene in front of her.

But she was still deeply shocked:

It turns out that behind the glory of the forensics department police cracking down on the case, there are still so many unknown efforts hidden.

These people are actually willing to do this most painful and tiring work for the sake of Japanese forensic research.

Not just willing to do it.

And they are rushing to do it.

Even enjoy it.

The sounds of communication and work are filled with happiness and satisfaction.

This situation

It was as if the Metropolitan Police Department had been infiltrated by a bunch of red elements.

The more Shui Wulian looked at it, the more shocked she became, and she couldn't help but murmured to herself:

"People who work hard, work hard, and sacrifice themselves for the people."

"Mr. Lin, the people you are talking about refer to everyone here, right?"

"Uh" Lin Xinyi had nothing to say.

He bit the bullet and coaxed: "No, that's right."

"These are the most capable police officers in our forensics department. They have been responsible for the most arduous forensic research work and silently contributed to the development of criminal science and technology in our country."


Lin Xinyi pointed at the shocking scene:

"No more publicity here."

"If we publicize it, I'm afraid it will cause people to be overly afraid of this job and misunderstand it."

"I see"

Shui Wu Lina nodded deeply.

Only then did she realize that she had misunderstood Lin Xinyi and also misunderstood the forensics class too much.

They may all have a bad side.

But they do have their place where they shine.

In order to allow the forensic profession to flourish in the future, Lin Xinyi would rather work silently and let her misunderstand than let the outside world know their real efforts behind the scenes.

"Mr. Lin, you are right."

"The forensics class is indeed worthy of our national tax dollars."

Mizuno Reina completely changed her view.

She also cooperated very carefully and said:

"I will truthfully report what I saw here and let everyone know about the hard work of the forensics class——"

"Of course, please rest assured that we will not broadcast any scenes that may affect publicity."

"That's good, that's good"

Lin Xinyi finally asked Shui Wu Liannai to leave the laboratory after another round of politeness.

She was not given a chance to have a detailed chat with these "hot-blooded warriors".

She was not allowed to know how these police officers mobilized their enthusiasm.

However, Lin Xinyi himself ran back secretly and approached Subaru Okiya, who was in charge of research work, with a strange expression.

"Mr. Lin, is there anything else?"

Okiya Subaru knew that reporters were coming today, so he didn't react much to the scene just now.

And he wasn't just unresponsive to this chore.

Sitting in this laboratory, measuring maggots in his hand, Subaru Okiya's whole body was as numb as his own nose.

"Ahem, this"

Lin Xinyi pondered for a moment, and then asked with some confusion:

"Mr. Subaru, how on earth did you train these police officers?"

"Why don't they even want to take a break when they're sick?"

He even had the consciousness not to leave the line of fire even if he was slightly injured.

Is this really a spirit that can only be cultivated by high salary?

Lin Xinyi was so curious that he couldn't help but come to Okiya Subaru to learn management.

Okiya Subaru’s answer was also very direct:

"It's very simple."

"I agreed with them on hourly rates."

“The longer you stay, the more you earn.”

"If you take time off to rest, you won't get paid."

"And after a long break, the laboratory needs manpower, so his vacant assistant position may be taken away by other police officers rushing to do experiments."

Yes, because the wages are too high, there are too many people who want to work here.

Therefore, under fierce competition, these police officers not only work conscientiously and responsibly, but even work consciously on their own initiative.

Open your mouth to fight for the safety of the people and establish a lovable and positive persona.

That's when the previous "recruitment" scene occurred.

Shusui is rushing to teach himself forensic entomology to improve his professional competitiveness.

Although raising maggots as experimental assistants does not require much professional knowledge at all.

But just like cleaners who give priority to graduate students, applicants with professional knowledge are definitely more likely to be favored than those who don't.

Lin Xinyi: "."

"Awesome, Subaru Okiya."

"With you here, our forensic class will soon have a professional team that understands forensic knowledge!"

Lin Xinyi was very touched by this student's efforts.

"Ha ha."

Okiya Subaru smiled awkwardly:

People from the organization should show up quickly.

If we continue to be undercover, the FBI's funds will no longer be able to sustain it.

After visiting the Forensic Entomology Laboratory, Lin Xinyi took Mizuno Reina to see the great work he really wanted to show:

"In fact, our forensics class has always been a pioneer in the academic community and pioneered the research of Japanese forensic science."

"We have not forgotten our duties as police officers."

"What I want to show you this time is an important project that our forensics class is planning to launch recently."

"Important project?" Shui Wu Liannai said thoughtfully:

"Since it is not forensic research, then this 'important project' should be related to the case?"

Technical police, in addition to technology, the most capable project is naturally to solve crimes as a police officer.

"That's right." Lin Xinyi nodded seriously.

He was not joking at all and said very seriously:

"The Metropolitan Police Department has been working very hard in the past."

There is really nothing to boast about, I can only praise my hard work.

"But even so, due to various objective restrictions."

One's own ability is also an objective condition.

"In the past ten years of the Metropolitan Police Department's history, there are still many unsolved and mysterious cases that cannot be solved for the time being, and can only be kept in files for future generations to deal with."

If only there were unsolved cases and mysterious cases.

In fact, what Lin Xinyi is most afraid of are wrongful and unjust cases like the massacre of the Aso family on Yueying Island, which were inexplicably closed by the Metropolitan Police Department.

But there are so many closed cases that even if you want to check old accounts, you can't overturn them.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi, who wanted to bring the Metropolitan Police Department back on track and make some efforts to improve the security environment, could only focus on the unsolved cases.

"These cases have not been resolved in the past."

"But that doesn't mean it can't be solved now."

“Sometimes with the advancement of criminal science and technology, the difficulty of solving cases will decrease over time.”

"Just like ten years ago, DNA technology has not even been officially used in criminal investigation in Japan."

"And now, we can find clues that were previously unimaginable from a mouthful of saliva and a piece of hair left by the prisoner."


Lin Xinyi's face showed the light of justice:

"I recently started a project."

"We must begin to investigate the various old and unsolved cases left by the Metropolitan Police Department in the past ten years, provide justice for those victims who have been wronged, and let those murderers who are at large get the punishment they deserve!"

The words "this" made Shui Wu Lianna feel a little excited.

Although the remaining cases are regularly checked, in reality it is just the normal work of the police.

But in this scientific world.

The police can't even solve many new cases. How can they still have the ability to investigate unsolved cases that have been unable to be solved in the past and are obviously more difficult?

Most police don't even want to touch these old cases and just pretend they don't exist.

But when Lin Xin came, everything was different.

The Metropolitan Police Department is not only capable of solving current cases.

I even have the confidence to investigate those old cases.

"This is such a great job!"

Shui Wu Liannai generously praised Lin Xinyi's idea.

She even took out a pen and paper with great respect and carefully recorded the interview:

"So how is this project of investigating unsolved cases going?"

"Have you already achieved results?"

"Has an old case been solved?"

"Uh this"

Lin Xinyi suddenly felt embarrassed again:

"The project to clear up the unsolved cases has just begun, but no cases have been solved yet."

"But our work has initially yielded results."

"I have asked Department Chief Asai to take the lead and search for the first section to assist, and compiled a 524-page collection of old case files."

"524 pages? For a case file with dozens of pages, this doesn't seem to be much." Before Lin Xin finished speaking, Shui Wulian frowned slightly: "Left from the past by the Metropolitan Police Department Are there really only so few unsolved cases?"

"The catalog of the dossier is out."

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