Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 616: I got my father...

Chapter 616: Dad is drawn

After pulling out the file, Mizuno Reina's expression changed.

Because what she pulled out was


Looking at the familiar time and place of the crime marked on the cover of the file, she knew it without opening the file and taking a closer look:

Contained here is the death file of her father, Ethan Hondo.

Ethan Hondo, Mizuno Reina's father, is a Japanese-American, a CIA agent with 30 years of work experience, and an undercover agent who successfully broke into the black organization.

Four years ago, Mizumu Rena, who inherited her father's career and also became a CIA agent, was ordered by her superiors to sneak into the black organization under the pseudonym "Mizumu Rena" and serve as a liaison for her father who had successfully gone undercover inside the organization.

However, during a meeting to exchange intelligence, Rena Mizuna was young and inexperienced and did not discover that there was a transmitter hidden in her clothes that the organization used to monitor new members, which exposed the secret meeting between the two.

Then Gin came over in his Porsche.

In order to save his daughter's life, Ethan Bentong decisively injected her with veritaserum, bit off his own wrist and shot himself, and used a recorder that he had recorded in advance to interrogate his daughter but did not record her voice. Make organization members mistakenly believe that:

"After discovering Ethan's doubts, Rena Minami took him out for interrogation, but was controlled by him. Even though she was injected with veritaserum, she still remained determined and did not reveal any information. After biting off Ethan's wrist, she snatched the pistol and then killed him. It kills.”

As a result, she was able to survive Gin's butcher's knife, gain the trust of the organization, and even be appreciated by the boss, and she continues to lurk as an organization cadre, Kiel, to this day.


Shui Wulian will never forget that it was his father's sacrifice that allowed him to live until now.

But this memory has also been deeply buried in her long hidden life.

But at this moment, memories of the past quietly come to mind.

In an unexpected way.

"Miss Minato, Miss Minami?"

Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho both looked over with concerned expressions.

Asai Narumi also discovered something strange about her:

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Is there anything wrong with this file?"

"No, no" Shui Wulian suddenly came back to his senses.

The unexpected shock made her almost lose control.

This is a big no-no for an undercover agent.

Especially, he lost his composure in front of Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, and Asai Chengmi, the most astute policemen in the Metropolitan Police Department.

"I am"

Shui Wulian quickly adjusted his emotions and said calmly:

"I just suddenly remembered that I seem to have some impressions of this case."

"Oh?" Lin Xinyi and others were a little curious.

Shui Wu Liannai explained calmly:

"In 1992, that is, four years ago when the incident occurred, I was still a rookie reporter who had just joined Nippon TV."

"And the abandoned warehouse where this case occurred is not far from the Japanese TV station."

"So this case caused a lot of discussion in our station at that time."

"I see."

Asai Narumi nodded thoughtfully:

"I remembered that this case seemed to have been in the newspapers at the time."

Because the crime occurred in the center of Miwa Town.

There were also traces of firearms, bullet holes, bloodstains and other armed exchanges left at the scene.

And the body of an unknown man who did not carry any documents and whose head was shot through by a bullet.

All signs indicate that this case is probably not an ordinary criminal homicide, but a murder involving gangs and violence.

"The Metropolitan Police at the time speculated that the deceased might be related to some underworld gang members and underground criminal organizations."

"In order to find out the identity of this corpse, we also published a newspaper to collect clues from the whole society."

"But then I still found nothing."

"Not only did no one come forward with any clues, but no one came forward to claim the body."

"The police couldn't even figure out the identity of the deceased, so the case gradually faded out of the public eye and just ended."

Anyway, the security in Tokyo in this world is extremely poor.

Underworld, bomb maniacs, bank robber gangs, jewelry robbery gangs. Don't have too many conflicts between various criminal organizations.

It's just an unknown man who is suspected of being a gang member. If you can't find it, just don't investigate it at all.

So the case has been backlogged until now.

It became the old case file that Reina Mizuna is holding in her hands now.

"That's right."

Lin Xinyi roughly understood the ins and outs of the case.

He sighed helplessly:

“Looking at this case alone, we can’t blame the Metropolitan Police Department for failing in its duties.”

"The murderer left immediately after killing and disappeared from the world."

"The identity of the deceased is unknown and the social relationship is a mystery."

"Even if I take over this case, I'm afraid there won't be any results."

In a world without surveillance, big data, fingerprints and DNA databases, such headless cases are almost unsolvable.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi could only admit honestly that he was not very sure.

"Then why don't we investigate another case?"

Shui Wulian calmly put down the file that she had secretly picked out with her finger marks:

"As the first case when the project is launched, we should choose one that is easy to detect, right?"

“Otherwise, our TV station’s cameras will only be able to capture the ‘incompetent’ scenes of everyone’s sad faces and difficulties.”

she suggested half-jokingly.

But the real reason is

Can't check.

This case cannot be investigated.

It would be okay if the truth could not be found out, but if the truth was found out, and the news was accidentally leaked.

What if the people in the organization knew that Ethan Hondo actually did not die due to the counterattack of Miss Keel, but committed suicide to protect her daughter?

Then she would be in big trouble.

So Shui Wu Liannai could only "sincerely" suggest that Lin Xinyi change to a simpler case to investigate.

But Lin Xinyi just shook his head firmly:


"Although the case is difficult, it may not be unsolvable."

"If we don't investigate a difficult case and just forget about it to save trouble, what's the difference between this and the perfunctory guys in the past?"


Lin Xinyi picked up the file and sighed softly:

"The case of the 'Unknown Man's Corpse', eh"

"Four years have passed since the incident, but the deceased still doesn't have a name."

"I'm afraid his family members are still waiting, right?"

"Waiting for their families to come back."

"I" Shui Wulian was speechless for a moment.

Having undergone rigorous agent training, she was unable to control her inner softness.

Her father has been gone for 4 years.

It was a miserable walk.

Gin left his body casually at the crime scene like waste paper.

The Metropolitan Police took possession of the body, but then cremated it hastily after an investigation proved fruitless.

At that time, Ethan Hondo's accidental exposure led to the death of the new CIA contact, causing Reina Mizuno, who was still undercover, to lose contact with the CIA for a while.

Therefore, the CIA, who was belatedly aware of the incident, failed to collect her father's body in time.

And because they were worried that the black organization would use this to set up an ambush, they did not send anyone to claim the body afterwards.

So until now

Her father, Ethan Bentang, was still an unknown deceased, without even a decent memorial tablet, which was installed in a small cubicle in the public mourning hall.

And Shui Wulian didn't even dare to look at him.

No one went to see him, and no one paid attention to his passing.

until now

"Mr. Lin"

Shui Wulian bit her lips quietly.

At this moment, she realized the meaning of a good police officer.

If she were just an ordinary victim's family member, she would definitely be moved to tears by Lin Xinyi uncontrollably.

It's a pity that she is not an ordinary person.

She must hide her emotions and hide the truth about her father's death.

So Shui Wulian could only force himself to be indifferent, and then slowly pushed the file in his hand to Mr. Lin:

"Mr. Lin, since you have decided to investigate this case, I can't say much."

"But my personal suggestion is to pick a case that is easy to solve and get results as soon as possible."

"In this way, after the program is broadcast, it will have a publicity effect - just like you said."

Direct blocking will only arouse suspicion.

Shui Wulian had no choice but to give Lin Xinyi hints quietly.

I hope he can retreat after hitting a wall.

It would be best to forget about this case completely.

Lin Xinyi nodded calmly, then opened the file bag, took out the documents, sat on the sofa and read them carefully.

His eyes were focused but full of seriousness.

This case is obviously not that simple.

Just like he expected.

"Asai, Miss Mori, you should also come and take a look."

"Yeah." Asai Narumi took out some documents from the file and started reading them.

Miyano Shiho covered the short skirt of a high school student uniform that he was not used to wearing, and sat down next to Lin Shinichi, tilting his head, shoulders against shoulders, and his face close to his face, reading the same sentence as him documents.

And Reina Mizuna is no longer in the mood to pay attention to the little intimacy between Lin Xinyi and his beautiful female student.

She was extremely nervous now.

Nervously looking forward to the investigation results of Lin Xinyi and others.

Fortunately, the three of them watched together for a long time without saying a word and frowning.

It seems that there is no progress.


"This case is not that easy to solve."

Shuiwu Lina breathed a sigh of relief with complicated emotions:

His father deceived Gin and the organization with his death to save her life.

This was a scam that was enough to make Gin fail.

Even Lin Xinyi may not be able to easily find out the truth of this case through a file left four years ago.

"How about it?"

Shui Wulian asked tentatively:

"Is there any hope of solving this case?"

"It's hard to say." Lin Xinyi, who had been silent for a long time, finally responded.

There was a faint look of embarrassment on his face:

"This file lacks a professional autopsy report."

"The case is an old one from four years ago. The body has been cremated long ago and nothing is left."

The lack of a professional autopsy report alone ruined most of Lin Xinyi's skills.

Although the scene photos and corpse photos taken by those photography masters are very detailed.

However, it is too difficult to conduct a spatial survey and autopsy using only the eyes through the photos taken four years ago.

"But there are still some doubts."

Lin Xinyi read the file in his hand carefully:

"You just said this might just be a regular gangster gangster."

"But in addition to a corpse, a pistol, and large areas of blood stains on two people, a very strange thing was also found at the scene——"

"A syringe and an empty vial."

The syringes and medicines were too conspicuous, and they were clearly placed next to the body after the crime. Even the photography masters in the forensics course would not miss them.

Therefore, the syringe and medicine bottle were also retained as evidence at the scene.

"Both the medicine bottle and syringe are empty. There is still some liquid residue in the syringe."

"It means that the deceased or the murderer must have injected drugs into people before the incident."

"And the medicine contained in this medicine bottle is..."


Lin Xinyi frowned quietly:

The CIA secretly conducted human experiments in the 1950s in order to develop legendary mind-control agents.

Xuan Zhi You Xuan's mind control experiment ultimately failed, of course.

But they have indeed achieved results in their research on the so-called "truth truth medicine".

Thiopental sodium is one of them.

Later, when people mentioned truth serum, the first thing that came to mind was sodium thiopental.

"Why do the gangsters use truth serum?"

"Is it to interrogate the opponent's younger brother?"

"Nowadays, the underworld is so professional that they even take truth serum?"

Lin Xinyi was puzzled.

Shui Wulian's expression was slightly stiff.

She knew in her heart that the truth serum was injected into her by her father before committing suicide in order to create the illusion of torture.

The Metropolitan Police Department didn't pay much attention to this matter at the time.

But Lin Xinyi would not let go of such obvious doubts.

Fortunately, Asai Narumi spoke up in time and offered his opinion:

"This, Mr. Lin."

"You also know that the legendary 'truth serum' does not actually exist."

There really is no such thing as a truth serum that will make you tell the truth 100% of the time as soon as you take the medicine.

The so-called "truth truth drug" sodium thiopental actually has the real effect of paralyzing the brain of the person being interrogated, making the person put down their guard in a daze and speak nonsense uncontrollably.

This effect is actually not much better than getting someone drunk with wine.

"So it's possible that the murderer and the deceased wanted to use something other than truth serum."

"But anesthetics."

Narumi Asai analyzed from a doctor’s perspective:

"Sodium thiopental itself is a common general anesthetic and is available in almost every hospital. It is not difficult to obtain as long as you are willing."

"Perhaps they just want to use this drug to stun their opponents so that they can kidnap them easily."

"And it turns out."

"The person who was knocked down should be the opponent of the deceased."

As he spoke, he took out a report from the document he was holding:

"There were two large blood stains left at the scene."

"A pool of blood belonged to the deceased, the unknown body of a man."

"The owner of another pool of blood that fell against the wall disappeared from the scene and has never been found by the police in four years."

Photos from the scene showed that the unknown man's body had been shot in the head and fell to the ground.

And on the wall not far from him, there was still a large piece of blood that did not belong to him.

There was still a bullet hole clearly visible on the wall stained with blood.

This shows that besides the deceased, there was another person present at the scene when the crime occurred.

This man was shot and injured in the exchange of fire. He collapsed against the wall and slipped, leaving a large bloodstain on the wall that had the characteristics of both a columnar bloodstain and a wipe-like bloodstain.

The man later disappeared from the scene.

This shows that even if he is not the murderer, he must be someone related to the murderer.

"At that time, Kesouyan conducted the most detailed blood test on the two blood stains left at the scene."

"And the blood test report proves:"

"The blood of the mysterious man who disappeared from the scene contained sodium thiopental."

"In other words, the deceased should have been the more advantageous party in this fight."

Asai Narumi tried to restore the incident:

"He first numbed his opponent with sodium thiopental and then kidnapped him to this abandoned warehouse."

"Then it may be that the opponent who wakes up finds an opportunity to counterattack, or it may be that he is unfortunately found by the enemy who comes to rescue the opponent, so he ends up being the one who is shot and killed."

"Well, judging from the current situation, that should be the case."

Lin Xinyi nodded in agreement.

Shui Wulian was slightly relieved:

Fortunately, the conclusions drawn by these police officers were essentially the same as those of Gin who had been deceived in the first place.

As long as they thought the deceased and the mysterious man who disappeared from the scene were enemies and opponents, she should still be safe.

Shui Wulian was thinking so in her heart

"Mao Lilan" suddenly spoke.

This "rookie" who was the most despised by Shui Wulian and studied forensic medicine for several months under the teacher, was a silly girl who was deceived by a scumbag and fell deeply in love.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he overturned the speculations of Lin Xinyi and Asai Narumi:

"The deceased used sodium thiopental on the mysterious man. He probably didn't just want to stun his opponent."

"He's not under anesthesia."

"It's an interrogation."

"Oh?" Asai Narumi was slightly startled: "Miss Mori, why are you so sure?"

"It's simple-"

Miyano Shiho opened Mao Lilan's watery eyes, but Haihara Ai's confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"Thiopental is only a short-acting anesthetic."

"It takes effect quickly and disappears quickly. The anesthesia begins to fade about 40 seconds after intravenous injection, and awakening begins in about 15 to 20 minutes."

"If the deceased just wanted to use drugs to anesthetize his opponent and make him lose the ability to resist, then why would he choose sodium thiopental, which has extremely limited control time?"

“Isn’t it safer and more appropriate to use long-acting anesthetics such as ropivacaine and bupivacaine?”

Miss Shiho paused slightly and continued:

"And even if he is deceased, he is just a layman who does not understand medicine."

"Then he should choose ether instead of thiopental sodium, right?"

Ether has a scientific effect in this world.

Not only is it a household name and everyone knows it, but like the explosives in this world, it can be obtained by one person.

Criminals love to use it and say it’s good to use it.

Yonehara-sensei has used it before.

Sprinkle a little onto a handkerchief and cover it gently for 3 seconds to see the effect. Not only is it easy to operate, it also lasts a long time.

Isn't this more convenient and effective than thiopental sodium?

"So when he used sodium thiopental, it was definitely not for anesthesia."

"It's to make the opponent's truth come true."

As he spoke, Miyano Shiho's tone became subtle:

"A gang member who knows how to use truth serum to interrogate his opponents."

"It seems that the underworld he is involved in is not simple."

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