Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 618 Medical miracle or spy movie?

Chapter 618 Medical Miracle, or a Spy Movie?

PS: In the original work, it was Mizutama's brother who received the bone marrow transplant, but I realized halfway through writing that the case was wrongly conceived from the beginning——

The parent-child relationship between Shuiwu and his daughter could be determined with just one DNA test. No reasoning was needed to guess the truth.

In order to solve this fatal bug, we could only temporarily change the character settings and forcibly replace Suzuna's DNA.

In short, let’s just treat it as a parallel world_(:з」∠)_

There have been more and more bugs recently, and my brain power has deteriorated to the point where I can no longer write reasoning, alas.

Don't blame Lin Xinyi for having random thoughts.

Although past experience told him that science phenomena generally do not appear in cases.

Those "non-human beings" with special physiques are generally not parties to the case.

But this scientific rule sometimes fails.

For example, last time in the Twilight Pavilion, there was a group of "supermen" who were immune to skin burns caused by potassium cyanide.

There is also the magic medicine ether that falls down as soon as I cover it. I don’t know whether it’s because the ether in this world is abnormal or because the people in this world are abnormal.

So Lin Xinyi had to re-examine this rule:

"It really can't be"

“Did a medical miracle happen?”

He couldn't help but think of Miyano Akemi's terrifying physique when she cured tetrodotoxin in just one second.

Miyano Shiho: "."

She also suddenly remembered the shameful scene of her recovering from heat stroke in an instant.


Ms. Shiho tried to regain her serious expression:

"That's just a small probability event, Mr. Lin."

"We can ignore it for now."

"Okay." Lin Xin nodded in acceptance, and his expression became subtle.

If we put aside for the moment the possibility of a medical miracle.

There are so many food for thought in this case:

Why did the deceased shoot the interrogator just one minute after injecting him with truth serum?

If the truth serum was administered for the purpose of interrogation, then why did the interrogation turn into an "execution" just after it began?

And the mysterious interrogator.

How could he have the strength to fight back despite being seriously injured and still under anesthesia?

There seems to be only one reasonable explanation left:

"This is a fake scene that was fabricated."

"And the person who fabricated this fake scene——"

"It's the deceased himself!"

"From beginning to end, this case was a show performed by him and the person on trial!"

"The purpose is to create the illusion that the deceased and the person on trial are enemies, and that they were killed by the person on trial during the torture process."

Lin Xinyi and Miyano Shiho looked at each other quietly and unanimously expressed this guess.

On the side, Shui Wulian was almost out of breath:

Too bad, I was really seen through.

Originally, even Lin Xinyi and Asai Narumi did not discover the mystery.

Because they are all doctors who major in medicine, and they are separated from those pharmacists and anesthesiologists, they do not understand the pharmacological properties of sodium thiopental.

So they couldn't tell anything from the blood test report.

Shui Wulian originally thought that this level would be over.

Unexpectedly, in the end, this silly and sweet high school girl who looks harmless will see the secret!

"No, no, right?"

Shui Wu Lina pretended to be surprised in her nervousness.

She is still making her last attempt, hoping to change the minds of Lin Xinyi and others:

"The deceased committed suicide and wanted others to think he was killed by the person on trial."

"Isn't this behavior unbelievable?"

"Why did he do this?"

The behavior of the deceased is indeed difficult to understand.

If you weren't someone who knew the inside story, you might not be able to figure out why he put so much effort into it.

"Compared to this truth."

"I think the term 'medical miracle' is more reasonable."

Explanations for medical miracles are simply not scientifically sound.

But the logic is perfectly self-consistent.

The deceased was violently killed by Ke Xue's soldiers, which is much easier to understand than the theory that the deceased committed suicide and acted out.


Shui Wulian tried his best to make his tone appear natural.

Fortunately, she is a female news anchor who often says "I don't believe it", so when she questioned it at this time, it seemed like a simple occupational disease attack:

"And Mr. Lin, Miss Maori, you can't rule out the possibility of a 'medical miracle', can you?"

"Perhaps that mysterious person really has a special physique?"

"Just like Miss Maori you"

Mizuno Reina directly used the Superman in front of him as an example:

"You are the Kanto Karate champion at such a young age."

"It is said that you can break rocks and drill through walls with your bare hands."

"There are even rumors that you broke the telephone poles in Miwa Town with your bare hands."

"So if it's you."

"I'm afraid the dose of anesthetic given to ordinary people won't be enough at all, right?"

"Perhaps the deceased underestimated the physique of the person on trial and used insufficient sodium thiopental, which was why he was accidentally killed by the other party."

In this scientific world, this speculation sounds very reasonable.

The "Ms. Maori" who was given an example was even speechless for a moment:

She was suddenly curious as to whether a muscular berserker like Mao Lilan really had drug resistance beyond ordinary people.

Should I go back and ask her to do an experiment?

Hmm. It would be best to invite Kyogoku Makoto.

It seems that he knows exactly how much dose of anesthetic is needed to numb the Saiyans who live in seclusion on the earth.

Miyano Shiho quietly added a touch to future scientific research plans.

And Shui Wu Liannai's words really made her and Lin Xinyi inevitably tangled:

What if it’s really the so-called “miracle”?

If you think about it carefully, in this world of Kexue, any high school karate club in Tokyo can catch one or two little supermen.

This doesn't seem to be considered a low-probability event.

"Mr. Lin."

Miyano Shiho turned his expectant eyes to Lin Shinichi:

"Did you see any clues from these on-site inspection photos that could support your guess?"

She understands pharmacology better than Lin Xinyi.

But when it comes to analyzing and restoring the scene, we still have to rely on forensic doctors like Lin Xinyi.

And Ms. Shiho instinctively believed that her boyfriend would be able to find clues that others could not notice, just like he had solved countless cases before.

Then, like the real Xiaolan, she blinked her big innocent eyes with little stars and looked over with expectation and admiration.

"Well" Lin Xin suddenly felt pressure.


He really couldn't see anything in this case.

If he had been asked to take over the investigation at the time of the crime four years ago, he would have easily solved the case.

Because this case is actually very simple.

Since they suspected that the deceased actually committed suicide, and the person under trial was seriously injured and anesthetized, he could not move.

The bite mark on his wrist could obviously only be caused by himself.

You only need to compare the bite marks on the corpse's wrist with the teeth marks on the deceased's mouth to determine whether the two are consistent, and you can easily verify that seemingly incredible speculation.

But now.

Four years later, the body has been cremated.

The forensic police officer who was in charge of the case used silicone rubber to make a wound cast of the bite mark on the deceased's wrist, and then made a plaster model of the wound that could be preserved for a long time.

Second, the tissue near the bite mark was cut off and made into formaldehyde specimens for long-term preservation.

All that remains are photographs of the surface morphology of the wound.

The bite marks were burned away along with the body.

And based only on the photos of the wound surface, the shape of the tooth marks inside the wound cavity cannot be seen, so the so-called tooth mark comparison is impossible to talk about.

Not to mention, the deceased’s own teeth have been put into the urn

After being cremated and broken into pieces, it is not certain whether the teeth can remain intact.

"Compared with the shape of the bite marks, this path is definitely unworkable."

"The only clues I have now are these photos of the scene."

Lin Xinyi frowned slightly and looked back and forth on the photos.

Miyano Shiho and Asai Narumi are secretly looking forward to it.

Shui Wu Liannai clenched her sweat-soaked palms tighter.

And just under the spotlight

Lin Xinyi really made a discovery:


He noticed something that he had previously ignored:

"Cuffs, the position of the deceased's cuffs!"

"How could his cuffs slip to that position, completely exposing his wrist and leaving a complete tooth mark?"

"Cuff position?"

Miyano Shiho and Asai Naomi both reacted.

Due to the mobility of clothing, the position of clothing relative to human body parts will change with changes in body position.

Lin Xinyi has used this principle to solve many cases before.

So they could quickly understand what Lin Xinyi meant:

"Mr. Lin, you mean, the cuffs of the deceased's clothes"

"The position is too low, isn't it?"

Under normal circumstances, the cuffs should just cover your wrists.

The deceased's right cuff was stuck on his forearm, exposing his entire wrist.

"Perhaps this is due to the change in body position?"

Asai Narumi tried to analyze:

"Judging from the blood stains remaining on the wall at the scene, the person under trial should have been leaning on the wall and slumped on the ground."

The pool of blood on the wall was the blood of the person on trial.

This bloodstain has the characteristics of both a splatter and a stream, and an obvious top-down, wipe-like bloodstain.

It’s not hard to imagine:

At that time, the mysterious man should have been standing with his back to the wall.

Then suddenly deceased shot at him.

The shot passed through the body and sank into the wall, causing some blood to spatter onto the wall.

Then the mysterious man fell back in pain, his back pressed against the wall, and the blood from the wound on his back flowed down the wall, leaving a column of blood on the wall.

Then the mysterious man was in unbearable pain and could no longer stand up straight.

He leaned against the wall and slowly slid down, his body slumped down.

The clothes on his back rubbed against the blood-stained wall, leaving a wipe-like blood stain.

It is not difficult to judge based on these bloodstain characteristics:

"At that time, the person on trial was sitting slumped against the wall."

"If the deceased was interrogating him and talking to him face to face, he would have to squat down in front of him."

"And the squat movement."

Asai Narimi raised his hand and said:

"Squatting will cause the body to pull on the clothing, causing the cuffs to slide back naturally."

If you try to squat while wearing clothes with tighter materials, you will know that the cuffs will naturally slide back, exposing the wrists.

"Asai, you are right."

"So I ignored that at first."

"Subconsciously, it is normal for the deceased's wrists to be exposed."

"But here's the thing."

Lin Xinyi pointed out the key that he had previously ignored.

To put it bluntly, this key couldn’t be simpler:


"The cuff buttons of the deceased's shirt were fastened."

"And his suit shirt itself is relatively close-fitting. If the cuffs of the shirt are tightened, even if he squats, the cuffs will be tightly stuck on his wrists——"

"At least, it won't slide down so far that the whole wrist is exposed."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi made a squatting movement to speak out for everyone.

He has a similar build and build to the nameless man in the photo, and they both wear slim-fitting black suits that could be described as the uniform of the Black Organization.

Now fasten the cuffs of your shirt and try to squat down

"its stuck."

"The cuff is stuck on my wrist!"

Asai Narumi opened her mouth in surprise:

The scene before him was enough to prove that if the deceased had just squatted down normally, the cuffs would not have completely slipped off his wrist.

But his wrist was completely exposed.

just like.

"It's just like he used force to tear off the cuffs for the convenience of biting."

Lin Xinyi expressed this guess.

This guess actually has some flaws.

Because the deceased might have rolled up his sleeves for the convenience of fighting.

But if it was for the convenience of fighting, the deceased would have rolled up both sleeves at the same time, not just the cuff on his right wrist.

And the most important thing is:

Even if the cuffs slipped strangely, there could be other explanations.

But this abnormal scene still provides proof for the theory that "the deceased committed suicide and faked it."

Everyone can’t help but start to believe more:

The deceased committed suicide.

He bit his own wrist off.

That's why his right cuff was lifted to that position.

That's why he injected people with truth serum and then suddenly shot them.

That's why he was "counter-killed" by a seriously injured and paralyzed person.

"This" Shui Wulian pursed his lips in confusion.

She could hardly find any objection.

Lin Xinyi, Mao Lilan, and Asai Narumi, it only took them less than half an hour to see through a pile of old documents that Gin had not seen through at first.

"Mr. Lin"

Shui Wulian held his breath nervously.

The truth was about to be revealed to the world before her eyes, and she could only make one final attempt:

"It still doesn't make sense——"

"The motive of the deceased."

"He did not hesitate to bite off his own wrist and shoot himself through the head with a bullet."

"Who would be so cruel to me?"



To protect my daughter.

Mizuno Reina knows the answers to these questions.

But she could only hide the truth in her heart and try to confuse the public.

But this trick didn't seem to work.

Lin Xinyi hesitated for a moment and then almost restored the truth:

"This method of committing suicide and faking homicide does seem a bit difficult to understand."

Generally, when this happens in cases, the deceased is probably trying to defraud insurance money for his family.

"But this man has a different identity."

"His identity is a mystery, he knows how to use truth serum, and he also carries a black gun that cannot be traced."

"It is not difficult to imagine that this person is likely to be a member of a criminal organization."

"Even agents from the intelligence services."

If it were before, Lin Xinyi might not be so imaginative.

But now, when he goes out to buy a pack of cigarettes, he meets a bunch of spies, and when he comes home for a meal, it's a gathering of criminal organizations.

This also didn’t allow him to stop thinking about bizarre things:

"Perhaps, he is actually an undercover agent of one organization who broke into another organization."

"The person on trial is actually his companion who was undercover in the organization with him?"

"Then for some reason, his identity was exposed in front of the organization, and together with his companions, he was accidentally surrounded by the organization's killers in that warehouse?"

When making this outrageous analysis, all that came to Lin Xinyi's mind was the face of the Gin boss.

The deceased and the mysterious person on trial were replaced by him and Miyano Akemi.

Gin was determined to kill Miyano Akemi.

At this time, only by letting Miyano Akemi "die" can Lin Xinyi regain his trust.

As for the deceased, he may have played a role similar to Miyano Akemi.

It's a pity that no one helped him fake his death.

He could only choose to commit suicide and use his life to help his companions gain life.

"if it is like this"

"It is understandable that the deceased deliberately committed suicide in such a cruel way and pretended to be killed by the person on trial - "

"He was saving his companions with his own life."

"Use your own blood to hand over your name to your companion so that he can continue to lurk."

Lin Xinyi's words were resounding.

Shui Wulian was silent for a while.

Memories came flooding back to me uncontrollably.

Finally someone knows about your sacrifice, Dad.

Unfortunately, now is not the time.

not the right time yet.

She forced out a smile and said calmly:

"Mr. Lin, your guess is too bizarre, isn't it?"

"Espionage, undercover, sacrifice. It's just like filming a 007 movie."

"Is there really such a terrible criminal organization and such professional criminals in the world?"

"Ha ha."

"Well" Lin Xinyi's expression became subtle:

Why is this woman pretending to be stupid?

Is it to maintain the persona of an ordinary person, or do you have other ideas?

"Ms. Minami."

He quietly cast an observing gaze:

Do you still not know whether there are such criminal organizations and criminal elements in the world?

Just in this room

Aren’t there just three people sitting there?

I had insomnia again yesterday. I couldn't sleep all night, so I just got up and coded today's update.

Get vaccinated in advance. You will probably take time off to recuperate tomorrow if you still haven't slept well today.

(The PS content in the chapter has a total of 153 words, and this chapter has 4787 words. The extra words are less than 200 words, and it won’t count. It’s just that the bug was too serious this time, so I wrote the explanation in the chapter. Look at the more eye-catching place)

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