Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 631 There is a murderer, but there is no one

"Why do you carry a knife with you?"

"defense, self-defense"

"Where are the gloves?"


Daye Yuemin hesitated and couldn't continue editing.

Wearing Higo Ryūsuke's jersey and pretending to be a fan, lying when explaining his whereabouts, buying subway tickets in advance, and carrying gloves and a knife with him is already too suspicious to explain.

"If I guess correctly, Mr. Daye"

Belmod narrowed his eyes and smiled playfully:

"When Akano Kakutake forced his way into the front row, you should have followed him closely, right?"

"That's right!" someone at the scene recalled.

They may not be impressed by the people they pass by.

But those who cut into their own ranks are not so easily forgotten.

"At that time, Akano Kakutake took the lead and jumped in line."

"And this guy with long hair named Daye is following closely behind him!"

Daye Yuemin had previously followed Akano Kakutake to jump in the queue. It seemed that he was just a guy with low quality who wanted to jump in the queue, but he met another older brother who was even less qualified.

But now it seems.

"You didn't want to lose the target, so you jumped in line behind him immediately, right?"

Belmode pointed out Daye Yuemin's intention.

And by this time, even the elementary school detectives such as Ayumi, Mitsuhiko and Genta who were watching could figure out the ins and outs behind this incident:

"I understand. Mr. Daye originally planned to kill Uncle Akano with a knife."

"But Uncle Akano happened to jump in the front row and stood at the edge of the platform, giving Mr. Daye a better opportunity to kill."

"So he made a prompt decision, changed his killing method, and pushed Uncle Akano directly while the subway was entering the station!"

"Yes!" This inference is reasonable and can completely explain everything that is happening now.

Everyone present also thought so.

"I" Daye Yuemin was so choked that she couldn't speak at all.

He was burned all over by the glances that alerted him to the murderer.

In despair and fear, he finally couldn't help but gnashed his teeth and shouted: "I didn't, I really didn't kill that scum!!"

"That 'scumbag'?"

Everyone’s gaze became more and more subtle:

"Mr. Daye, didn't you just say you didn't know him?"

Daye Yuemin: "."

The sweat on his forehead had unconsciously gathered into a stream, soaking his entire face.

He had no excuse at all and could only keep saying: "I don't have it, I really don't have it."

But no one at the scene believed him.

Except Conan.

"Something's wrong." The detective frowned slightly.

Before finding the gloves and knife from Daye Yuemin's bag, Conan regarded him as the number one suspect.

But after seeing the crime tools hidden in his bag, Conan hesitated:

"This guy even prepared gloves and a murder weapon, and he followed the deceased hours in advance."

"This means that he made a detailed plan before committing the crime and designed the killing method in advance."

"Would a prisoner who had made a careful plan really change his killing method temporarily?"

"Push people down the platform."

"This is not a better choice."

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Genta, and all the passengers present felt that Oye Yuemin accidentally discovered a better opportunity to commit a crime while following him, so he pushed Akano Kakutake directly without using the tools hidden in his bag. Go down.

In this way, Akano Kakutake's death can be disguised as suicide by jumping off the rails.

In the huge Tokyo metropolis, with tens of millions of people in the surrounding urban areas, it is not uncommon for several cases of suicide by jumping off the rails to occur every year.

The Metropolitan Police Department doesn't bother to deal with such cases, and usually just dismisses them as "suicide."

From this point of view, pushing someone off the platform and pretending to commit suicide by jumping off the rails is indeed much smarter than killing someone with a knife.

It is normal for Daye Yuemin to temporarily change his killing methods.

But in Conan's view, this is somewhat counterproductive:

"Akano Kakutake's death was initially regarded as a suicide simply because of the three people behind him, except for the suspect Oye Yuemin, exactly two of them were staring at the subway with all their concentration and did not pay attention to what was happening in front of them. "

"There were no witnesses at the scene and no one saw him fall down the track."

"But it's all a coincidence."

Conan's brows furrowed deeper and deeper:

"How could Daye Yuemin be so sure that the two passers-by around him would look at the train at that time and not pay attention to what was going on in front of him?"

"What if someone happened to look back and glanced back, wouldn't it be discovered that he pushed the person down?"

This is not the Tokyo subway in some literary and artistic works.

Passersby are not backdrops, nor are they blind.

It's just too risky to commit a crime in a place like this.

If Daye Yuemin hadn't thought carefully beforehand, he would have only thought of this method of killing.

But he had clearly designed another killing method in advance, and even had gloves and murder weapons ready. So why would he change his plan temporarily and take such a risky move?

Could it be that I was too excited and couldn't hold it back all of a sudden?

"Mr. Daye."

After some contemplation, Conan raised his head with sharp eyes:

"Anyway, we found the tools of the crime in your bag."

"Since you said you didn't kill Uncle Akano, you should explain to everyone clearly what happened to the knife and gloves in your bag, and why did you follow Uncle Akano?"

"Also, why are you calling him a scumbag through gritted teeth?"

"Does he have a grudge against you?"

This series of questions restored calm to the noisy scene.

Everyone looked over curiously, waiting for Daye Yuemin's answer.

"I" Daye Yuemin's voice was stuck for a while.

Then he finally showed a bitter smile:

"I do have a grudge against Akano Kakutake."

"Because my brother died at the hands of this bastard!"

There seemed to be sad music playing.

There's just something wrong with the process this time.

Before the murderer confessed, he cried bitterly and talked about the motive for the murder:

"Actually, I'm not a fan, my brother is."

"A year ago, my brother suddenly returned home with bruises all over his body, and unfortunately passed away the next day because his injuries worsened."

"Before he died, he told me that when he was leaving the venue after watching the football game, he was pushed from behind by someone and accidentally fell down the stairs."

At that time, Daye Yuemin only thought it was an unfortunate accident.

Thinking it was just someone who accidentally bumped into his brother.

Moreover, even his brother didn't know who pushed him, and he couldn't find the murderer.

Therefore, Daye Yuemin did not call the police, but just buried the grief in his heart.

But later.

However, he saw Akano Kakutake, a football hooligan, bragging on an online forum:

Bragging that he had educated some ignorant fan on a certain day in a certain year.

The method of "education" is to push the person down the stairs from behind——

This scumbag has always regarded his criminal behavior as merit, and he also likes to brag about the detailed process on the Internet.

As a result, Daye Yuemin discovered:

The method of committing the crime is correct.

The time and place are right.

Even the gender, age, body shape and characteristics of the victim mentioned by Akano Kakutake when showing off, and the No. 9 jersey of the Novalu team he was wearing, all matched his brother who unfortunately died.

"The one who killed my brother was Akano Kakutake!"

"My brother didn't die from an accident at all, but from this bastard's deliberate murder!"

Daye Yuemin gritted his teeth and cursed:

"The matter has reached this point, and it is impossible for the police to help me find justice."

"I also have no conclusive evidence that he is the murderer."

"So I have no choice but to take matters into my own hands and avenge my brother!"

"." The scene was quiet.

Everyone was affected by the pain displayed by this man.

"So that's it." Belmode sighed softly: "Is it for the revenge of your family?"

"No wonder you want to kill this bastard. I can understand you."

"Wait." Daye Yuemin's face froze.

Seeing that his identity as a murderer became more and more confirmed, he was still immersed in painful memories and could only explain hurriedly:

"I, I really want to kill Akano Kakutake."

"He also prepared the tools to commit the crime and followed him all the way here, preparing to find an opportunity to attack him."

"But, but."

"It's really not me who killed Akano Kakutake!"

"He jumped down on his own before I even made a move!"

"This" the expressions of everyone present were subtle:

This prisoner doesn't follow the procedures?

You’ve already mentioned the motive for the crime, but you still deny it?

Does anyone believe what you say?

No one saw how Akano Kakutake fell. Isn’t this just your nonsense?

"Really, it's true!"

"He really jumped by himself!"

Daye Yuemin couldn't explain anything and could only repeat it over and over again in a daze.

"He jumped by himself?" Naturally, everyone didn't believe it: "Then you said before that you were watching the subway enter the station, but you didn't see how Akano Kakutake jumped?"

"I" Daye Yuemin choked again: "The other two people said they didn't see it at that time."

"Because I hid the crime tools in my bag, I felt guilty and didn't dare to stand out in front of the police, so I also said that I didn't see it."

"But I actually saw-"

"Akano Kakutake really jumped by himself."

"Really?" He was still met with suspicious looks.

Daye Yuemin was completely desperate.

There was no way he could clear himself from suspicion.

In this despair, he was finally forced to change his thinking:

"You say I am a murderer."

"You have to come up with evidence, right?"

"Just because I was standing behind him, you can't judge me as a murderer!"

This was not a matter for him to prove his innocence, but for the police to produce evidence.

Daye Yuemin was not strong in his words, but his reasoning was still straight.

"This" all the "folk Conan" present suddenly turned off.

They are only good at "solving crimes" by relying on their imagination.

If you really ask them to come up with evidence, they will be blind.

Even the real Conan is a little embarrassed:


Neither did he.

Gently push the person from behind and push the person off the platform.

Such a simple and crude crime modus operandi, such a short and direct crime process, what evidence can be left behind?

It really gives me a headache just thinking about it.

Without cameras and witnesses, such cases would be unsolvable.

Thinking of this, Conan helplessly looked at the subway tracks over there:

Maybe something could be found on the body?

I really want to see it

But Lin Xinyi wouldn't let it go.

After all, it would be too curious to see a primary school student not being afraid when seeing a corpse, but excitedly approaching the bloody mass of flesh.

"We can only rely on Lin Xinyi."

"Hopefully he'll find something from the autopsy."

Although he felt helpless, due to the limitations of objective conditions, Conan could only regard Lin Xinyi as his last hope.

If he hadn't discovered it, he could only assume that Akano Kakutake committed suicide.

And at this critical moment

Lin Xinyi really showed up.

He seemed to have completed a brief examination of the body.

Then he turned around and jumped slightly, rising from the subway track, jumping onto the high subway platform, and returned to the focus of everyone present.

And the title of "Interest Management Officer" and "cos circle boss" does not affect Lin Xinyi's authoritative status in the field of criminal investigation.

So everyone instinctively placed their hopes on him.

They all cast expectant glances in unison:

"Officer Lin, have you found any evidence?"

Lin Xinyi did not answer directly.

Instead, he immediately looked at Daye Yuemin: "Mr. Daye."

"What, what's wrong?" Seeing this famous administrator looking at him like this, Daye Yuemin felt a little flustered for no reason.

"You said you saw with your own eyes that Akano Kakutake jumped by himself, right?"

Although Lin Xinyi was conducting an autopsy on the track just now, he could still hear the conversation on the platform.

"Yes I saw it."

"Then how did he 'jump' down?"

"Huh?" Daye Yuemin was slightly startled.

He couldn't understand Lin Xinyi's question.

The surrounding passengers, including Conan, Haibara Ai, and Belmode, also secretly cast curious glances.

At this time, Lin Xinyi asked in detail:

"You said you saw Akano Kakutake jump by himself."

"Then please show me the detailed actions of him jumping off the rails to commit suicide."

"Action?" Daye Yuemin looked surprised and uncertain.

Lin Xinyi continued to emphasize:

"That's right, you can also dance and demonstrate -"

"Of course, you don't have to actually jump from the edge of the platform, just find a line to simulate it."

"But you have to be careful, you must completely restore the movements you see, without any deviation."

"If you actually saw it."

"This" Daye Yuemin still can't understand.

I don't know if Lin Xinyi is planning to prove that he is the murderer, or if he is helping him clear away the suspicion.

But since Lin Xinyi gave the order so seriously, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow it.

"Okay. I'll try."

Daye Yuemin frowned, as if reminiscing.

Then he looked nervously and found a line on the ground, imitating Akano Kakutake's appearance at that time, and stood on the "edge of the platform."

Then, he slowly raised his heels, and his whole body tilted forward and fell forward.

"Is Akano Kakutake 'jumping' down like this?"

"Yeah." Daye Yuemin was a little nervous.

He didn't know whether to answer "yes" or not.

But what he saw then.

"That's true."

"This is not a 'jump'." Lin Xinyi still frowned tightly, showing off his dignity: "This should be called a 'fall' or a 'fall'."

"Why did you just say that he jumped?"

"Uh?" Daye Yuemin became even more flustered when asked.

But he still insisted and answered:

"Yes, I used the wrong word."

"But Akano Kakutake was really unable to jump and fell down."

"That's it"

Lin Xinyi's brows relaxed quietly.

But the expression became extremely subtle.

"What's wrong?" Conan asked impatiently: "Brother Shinichi, did you find anything?"

"Well, I know how Akano Kakutake died."

Lin Xinyi's expression was very strange when he spoke.

And everyone present didn't care to pay attention to his expression.

They just asked curiously:

"Mr. Lin, how did Akano Kakutake die?"

"Who is the murderer? Did Daye Yuemin kill him?!"

Huihara Ai and Belmode pricked up their ears curiously.

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta looked over with admiration.

Daye Yuemin secretly clenched her fists and waited nervously for the answer.

Lin Xinyi’s answer is:

"The murderer of this case."

"I won't say who the murderer is."

Because there is no murderer in this case.

But it can also be said that there is a murderer.

As for who this "murderer" is.


"Let's first talk about how Akano Kakutake died."

Lin Xinyi paused for a moment and finally gave the answer:

"Akano Kakutake is——"

"Infuriated to death."

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