Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 65 The first round of confrontation

Accepting the collection of inspection materials was a decision made by Kuroba Kaito after careful consideration.

After all, refusing would directly expose his identity and put him under heavy siege in the lobby on the first floor, which has the most police presence.

What he is best at is sneaking in, not being unparalleled.

Whenever possible, Kuroba Kaito would prefer to keep his disguise and approach the target in a low-key manner.

As for the footprints, palm prints, fingerprints, and fingernails left behind this time,

"The worst case scenario is that I'll steal it back later."

Kuroba Kaito thought confidently:

Isn't it just to steal the physical evidence he left behind from the Metropolitan Police Department?

This can still stump him, Kaitou Kidd!

Kuroba Kaito knew in his heart that if he did not send a notice in advance and instead focused on stealing quietly, no one in the world would be able to stop him.

In this case, even if Lin Xinyi was forced to keep these biological test materials, the impact would not be huge.

So, with this idea in mind, Kuroba Kaito followed Lin Xinyi obediently to the inspection materials collection area.

The so-called "inspection material collection area" is actually a temporary table.

Various collection equipment such as toothpicks, cotton thread, cotton swabs, scissors, white paper, and palmprint printing boxes are placed on the table.

And next to this table

There was also a tall, muscular, dark-skinned young man standing.

He was the only one among everyone present who was not wearing a police uniform, except Lin Xinyi.

"Who is this?"

"Kyogoku Makoto, a friend here to help." Lin Xinyi replied casually.

"Yeah." Kuroba Kaito had never heard Kyogoku's real name, but he still looked at him with some concern.

And Kyogoku Makoto nodded politely at him, completely unaware that the police officer in front of him was actually a fake.

Kuroba Kaito calmly returned the smile and planned to follow Lin Xinyi and sit down at the table.

And at this time, he discovered

There was a dog lying on the ground not far away.

This is a purebred German shepherd dog. He is tall and strong, with a fat body, shiny yellow and black fur, and sharp and bright eyes like black jade.

As soon as it saw someone approaching, it immediately raised its ears alertly, showed its fangs, and jumped up from the ground.

"Don't be afraid."

Lin Xinyi said calmly:

"His name is Caesar. He is the ace of the police dog family. He will not bite anyone casually."

The Forensics Section is in charge of investigations, autopsies and police dog training.

Therefore, as a manager, he will not only manage people, but also dogs.

What's interesting is that the Investigation Department and Autopsy Department of the Forensic Science Department are currently purely fishing and retiring. On the contrary, the Police Dog Department, which is responsible for the training and management of police dogs, has always been operating normally.

So, if nothing else happens

The German Shepherd named "Caesar"

Now and for a long time to come, it will be the ace police officer of the forensics department and the number one general under Lin Xinyi.

Whether it is criminal investigation ability or work attitude, Caesar is obviously better than his colleagues in the forensics class.

"Um okay."

Seeing that the big dog really had no intention of opening its mouth to bite, and no sign of getting closer to smell him, Kuroba Kaito felt relieved for the time being.

At this time, Lin Xinyi sat down at the table, nodded to Kuroba Kaito and said, "Come on, sit down."

"Yes." Kuroba Kaito nodded.

Then, he also sat down and placed the hat and cloak he was holding on the corner of the table.

"This is it?" Lin Xinyi asked curiously.

"Sir, this is the top hat and cloak that I found while patrolling. Phantom Thief Kidd left behind."

"This time I am here to report this discovery."


"What's left behind by Kaitou Kidd?"

Lin Xinyi seemed very interested, but still did not forget about business:

"Okay, then put this hat and cloak aside first."

"After you finish collecting the inspection materials, you can tell me more about the situation at that time."

"Yes!" Kuroba Kaito nodded and asked, "Then, sir, what should we collect first?"


"Do the most troublesome thing first."

With that said, Lin Xinyi handed a pair of nail scissors to Kuroba Kaito.

Under his gaze, as well as dozens of policemen and dozens of police dogs, Kuroba Kaito picked up the nail scissors without changing his expression and cut off a small piece of nail.

Lin Xinyi carefully picked up the nail with tweezers and put it into the prepared plastic evidence bag.

Then, he suddenly stretched out his hand and gently pressed Kuroba Kaito's arm before he could take it back.

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Kuroba Kaito's nerves suddenly became tense.

"Collect armor scales."

"The nails I'm talking about include nail flakes and nail scales."

Lin Xinyi replied with a normal expression.

"Nail grime? But there is no dirt in my nails."

Just like it's impossible for a pretty little fairy to fart, how could a handsome heartthrob like him not have clean nails?

"You can't tell with the naked eye whether it's done properly or not."

"Everyone has dirt in their nails to some extent."

As he spoke, Lin Xinyi put on latex gloves in an orderly manner, then picked up a thin toothpick and carefully wrapped a thin cotton thread around the tip of the toothpick.

Then, he gently dipped a toothpick wrapped in thin cotton thread into the saline solution and shook off the excess water.

Finally, Lin Xinyi gently held Kuroba Kaito's hand.

Like a skilled manicurist, he firmly inserted the tip of the toothpick into the gap between Kuroba Kaito's nails, then carefully rotated and wiped along the nail bed tissue.

Kuroba Kaito felt slightly uncomfortable.

But Lin Xinyi quickly completed the collection of armor scales.

He took the toothpick out from the seam of Kuroba Kaito's nail. Sure enough, the cotton yarn at the top was stained with some slightly black dirt.

"Okay, the nails are done."

Lin Xinyi also put the toothpick stained with nail polish into the plastic evidence bag.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and handed the two evidence bags to Kyogoku Makoto's hands:

"Kyogoku, you will keep these two inspection materials."

"Oh?" Kyogoku was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

"Understood." He carefully held the two evidence bags in his hands, and there was a sharpness in his eyes.

Lin Xinyi, on the other hand, turned back as if nothing had happened and smiled at Kuroba Kaito with a kind face:

"Come on, let's move on to the next one."

As he spoke, he laid out the palm print box and a piece of clean white paper.

"Collecting fingerprints and palm prints this time is very simple. Just press the ink pad of the printing box with your hand."

Lin Xinyi's smile remained calm, as if he was just following the process step by step.

If everything goes well, listen to him and finish collecting the inspection materials honestly, then Kuroba Kaito will be fine

But, just at this moment

Kuroba Kaito was silent.

"What?" Lin Xinyi asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Is there any problem?"

Kuroba Kaito remained silent.

Then, a helpless smile suddenly appeared on his mask-covered face:

"Oh, it's really troublesome."

"Tell me, how did you see through my disguise?"

As soon as these words came out, the air suddenly became extremely quiet.

The surrounding police officers were stunned for a moment, and in the next moment, dozens of guns were pointed at them again.

The confusion on Lin Xinyi's face quietly disappeared, replaced by a hint of surprise and a hint of joking:

"You actually found out that I found out that you are Kaitou Kidd?"

"Is there something wrong with my acting skills?"

"No." Kuroba Kaito shook his head: "Although your acting skills are indeed average, the real problem is"

"Name, you didn't ask my name."

"Other evidence bags have labels indicating the names of the sources of the materials being examined."

"But you didn't ask me my name from the beginning to the end. You just handed the nails you collected from me to that guy named Kyogoku for safekeeping."

"I see."

"It seems that I was careless and careless."

Lin Xinyi reflected thoughtfully on himself.

"I have answered your question."

Caught in a tight siege, with dozens of guns pointed at him, Kuroba Kaito's expression remained calm:

"So, how did I get exposed?"

"Is it because of the footprints when you entered the door?"

"Have you guessed this?" Lin Xinyi was surprised by the other party's quick thinking.

It seems that the legendary Kaitou Kidd really has two brushes.

"Yes, from the moment you walked in, I already noticed something was wrong from the footprints."

"Because you seem to be wearing a shoe that doesn't fit very well."

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have snatched these standard leather shoes from the Metropolitan Police Department from the policeman you replaced, right?"

"And your actual foot size should be slightly smaller than this officer's."

Lin Xinyi explained vaguely.

He knew in his heart that the characteristics of the footprints imprinted on the soil by small feet wearing big shoes were very obvious.

Just like Kuroba Kaito, the "big shoes" he is currently wearing are probably within 1.5cm larger than his bare footprints. As a result, the following footprint characteristics are formed:

There is obvious virtual pressure on both sides of the palm of the shoe print.

The heel is pressed back, the front edge of the big toe is about 2cm away from the front edge of the shoe print, and there is virtual pressure on both sides of the palm of the shoe print.

The heavy pressure part of the first plantar area is reflected at the lower end of the inner palm of the shoe print, and the inner arc of the heavy pressure surface is about 1cm away from the inner edge of the shoe print.

The heavy pressure part of the fifth plantar area is reflected on the anterolateral side of the arch of the shoe print, and the outer arc edge of the heavy pressure surface is close to the outer edge of the shoe print.

These footprint features are difficult for ordinary people to distinguish, but Lin Xinyi can see through them at a glance.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi noticed something fishy from the moment Kuroba Kaito entered the house, and regarded him as the focus of suspicion from beginning to end.

“It’s because of the shoes”

Kuroba Kaito couldn't help but feel a little emotional:

In order to perfectly disguise himself as the replaced patrolman, he specially put on a pair of unfitting Metropolitan Police standard leather shoes that he had ripped off the other man's feet.

But he never expected that these shoes would betray him right away.

"You can tell so much from just one shoe print," Kuroba Kaito admired from the bottom of his heart: "You are truly worthy of being a famous detective who is more popular than me these days!"

"Forensic doctor, I am a forensic doctor."

Lin Xinyi corrected him unhappily:

"Everywhere a famous detective goes, people die. It's so unlucky."

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