Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 651 Akai Shuichi is completely confused

"Noah." Ireland murmured the name.

As a professional killer who has been in the underworld for many years, he is well-informed and can be sure that there is no such big shot in the underground world who calls himself Noah and has such power.

At least, he didn't know.

But not knowing is the scariest thing.

The names, identities, and looks of the real big shots, like the boss and second-in-command of their black organization, Rum, are just like the mysterious Mr. Noah, and are absolutely unknown to the outside world.

Unknowingly, Ireland has regarded him as a gangster on the same level as that mysterious boss Rum.

Even stronger——

The situation of the organization, the situation of the Japanese public security, and even the situation of Ireland itself, these other parties all have a clear understanding of it.

How terrifying is this intelligence capability?

How many nails did Noah and the organization behind Noah put in the organization, the police, and around him?

But he was not aware of it before.

This makes Ireland's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

“What a terrible guy”

Now, Ireland no longer dares to question Noah's original promise to save him from trouble.

Such a mysterious, powerful man with powerful hands and eyes might really be able to save him.

But why did the other party take the initiative to find him?

There is no free lunch in the world.

Ireland knew in his heart that since the other party took the initiative to save his life today, he would be needed later.

"Mr. Noah."

"Can I ask, what is the purpose of the organization behind you?"

"Why did you take the initiative to find me this time?"

Ireland unconsciously uses honorifics.

And of course he can't know

Mr. Noah, whom he treated with respect and respect, was actually less than 3 years old this year.

"What is the purpose of our organization?"

Noah used a computer-synthesized voice that could not hear any fluctuation at all, and hesitated incomprehensibly.

Ireland clenched her fists nervously.

Okiya Subaru also secretly pricked up his ears with great concern.

At this time, he was also shocked to realize that he might have come into contact with an underground organization that was even more mysterious than the "winery".

A behemoth of the deep sea hidden in the darkness.

What is the purpose of the existence of such a behemoth?

Will they be a more evil, terrifying and ambitious enemy?

At this time, Noah gave the answer:

"The purpose of our organization is actually very simple, nothing more than"

"Just fighting crime."

Ireland, Subaru Okiya: "???"

They both thought the other was joking.

"I'm not joking."

“That’s what our organization strives for.”

Noah stated in a mechanical tone:

"And the meaning of our existence is to make this world a better place."

It doesn't lie.

This is the highest creed engraved in its source code when Hiroki created it.

However, both Ireland and Subaru Okiya instinctively did not believe it:

Fighting crime?

Make the world a better place?

Why is this so high-profile?

"Mr. Noah, do you work for the official intelligence service?"

"FBI, CIA, or MI6?"

"Or is it just the Japanese police?"

Ireland has to suspect that the organization mentioned by Mr. Noah does not actually exist at all.

Hiding behind the other party may be the regular intelligence department of some country.

Otherwise, how could an unofficial underground organization have such a lofty ideal goal?

"No, you guessed wrong."

"We are not a national intelligence service."


Really? I do not believe.

"You don't have to believe it, Mr. Ireland."

"Anyway, what we need your help is to help us eradicate organizations and fight crime."

Noah's Ark also expressed his attitude simply and directly:

believe it or not.

In a word, do you want to cooperate?

"Cooperation." After regarding Noah as a spokesperson from the official intelligence service, Ireland immediately understood the other party's intention:

"Do you want to instigate me to be an undercover agent and help you deal with the organization?"

"You can say that."

Noah's Ark answered in the affirmative.

"Well" Ireland couldn't help but hesitated: "Do you need me to betray the organization?"

He was raised as a bad guy by Kenzo Masama since he was a child. He never thought in his life that he could be recruited by the government and have the chance to be a good person.

So even though Gin took revenge on him for killing his father and pushed him to this point, he never dared to make up his mind to betray the organization——

Mr. Ireland will not admit that a large part of this is due to his cowardice.

And now the powerful energy shown by Noah has unknowingly summoned up the courage to organize a frontal organization and look directly at Gin.

With the support of such a big shot, he already dared to betray the organization.

But I still feel a little guilty.

Not to mention, after so many years of brainwashing and education, Ireland does still have some loyalty to the organization that is difficult to give up.

"This is not a betrayal."

“It’s about choosing to do the right thing.”

"Don't talk empty words at this time." Ireland curled her lips helplessly: "I'm not a good person to begin with, why do I talk about 'doing the right thing'?"

"No, you misunderstood."

Noah gave a surprising answer:

"When I say 'the right thing', I'm not talking about any moral axiom."

"It's referring to what your teacher, Mr. Kenzo Masayama, also thinks is right."

"Speaking of which"

It paused slightly, and then said something that pierced the softness of Ireland's heart:

"Mr. Ireland, do you still remember the things your teacher talked to you alone on his 70th birthday?"

These were actually the last words that Kenzo Masama left for Lin Xinyi before his death.

Although Lin Xinyi didn't know what he talked about with Ireland on his 70th birthday.

But judging from the situation at that time, Kenzo Mayama was so filled with hatred for the organization that he wanted to find Ireland to avenge him.

He and Ireland must have had nothing good to say about the organization in private.


Sure enough, Ireland was stunned when he heard this:

"Those things Mr. Fanshan told me."

"How did you know?!"

This is a secret that belongs only to their "father and son".

How could the other party be so powerful?

"Could it be that my teacher was alive during his lifetime?"

"Have we already cooperated with you?"

Ireland can only make such wild guesses.

"Well, we have had some contact." Noah's Ark responded noncommittally.

"This" Ireland was silent for a while:

His thoughts couldn't help but fly back to the past, to the 70th birthday of his teacher Kenzo Masayama.

In fact, they didn't talk about any secrets that day.

It's just that Kenzo Masama has become accustomed to being a popular entrepreneur in front of others over the years, but secretly he has gradually become unwilling to just be a white glove that helps organizations manage assets.

He secretly had a disloyal heart for a long time, but he never dared to really betray the organization.

Seeing that his life was wasting away under the control of the organization, Masayama Kenzo finally couldn't help but drink and talk about some "treasonous" content with his closest student Ireland after his 70th birthday party.

At that time, Kenzo Masama asked him:

If one day the organization becomes an enemy, he will choose to side with the organization or his teacher.

Ireland's response at the time was:

"Of course I'll be on the teacher's side."

"Mr. Ganshan is the man I regard as my father."

Recalling every bit of the past, the only beautiful memories in his life.

Ireland's heart couldn't help but be slightly touched.

And the hatred that he had suppressed for a long time finally burst out uncontrollably.

"I see."

"Mr. Noah."

Ireland finally made the brave decision:

"I am willing to be this undercover!!"

He finally chose a more promising career.

"Good, you made the right choice."

While Mr. Ireland's courage was at its peak, Noah's Ark did not forget to give another reassurance in time:

"And don't worry—"

"We will do our best to ensure your safety."

"If you perform well in your undercover work, we can also consider recruiting you to become our official member."

"Thank you." Ireland nodded.

He was officially recruited now.

When I think of surrendering to the enemy, the sky and the earth are widened in an instant.

Thinking that he suddenly had the support of such a powerful force behind him, not only could he completely get rid of this precarious and dangerous situation, but he could also openly avenge his adoptive father against Gin.

Ireland just felt a sense of joy:

Gin, I didn’t expect it.

I am also an undercover agent! !

It comes with a scroll of atonement and comes ashore clean, and it is staffed by civil servants!

Ireland, which still regards Noah's Ark as the spokesperson of some official intelligence service, can't help but think so.

"Then what should I do next?"

Ireland had just switched jobs and couldn't wait to perform.

After all, he is now a traitor to the organization.

The sooner the organization can be finished, the sooner he can get out of danger.

"Mr. Noah, do you need me to provide you with any information?"


The new boss’s response made people feel more secure than he expected:

"We know all the information you have."


As expected, this mysterious new organization that refused to disclose its identity had more than one undercover agent in the "winery"!

The other party may have already laid a big net in the organization.

And Gin is still undecided about this.

Fortunately, I surrendered in advance. Otherwise, I might have foolishly followed the organization and died!

Thinking of this, Ireland only feels that this undercover job has a brighter future:

"Mr. Noah, what do I need to do?"

"Is there any information that you need my help to find out?"

"Not yet."

Noah's answer is even more reassuring:

"All you need to do is go back to the organization and lurk."

"Then wait for my instructions."

"But, before that"

Its voice paused slightly.

This made Ireland instinctively nervous again:

"Any questions?"

"Yes." A voice that seemed to be able to understand everything came from the phone:

"Before that, you have to solve the trouble around you first."

"Trouble around me."

Ireland was slightly startled.

This time he noticed that he had just been so shocked by Mr. Noah's mystery that he forgot that there was a pair of ears beside him.

"You mean this squinty eyes?"

Ireland looked at Subaru Okiya with a cold face.

He no longer thought about why Mr. Noah on the other end of the phone could even know who was sitting next to him.

Anyway, Mr. Noah and the organization behind him now give people the impression that they are omniscient and omniscient.

"I'm so sorry"

"I made you hear so many things you shouldn't have heard."

Ireland looked at Subaru Okiya with some sympathy, his face seemed to have been paralyzed by fear:

"Mr. Noah, do you need me to kill him?"


"And please exercise restraint, Mr. Ireland."

"If you attack him, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back today."

"Huh?" Ireland was stunned.

He also suspected that he had misheard Mr. Noah's instructions.

But then, Mr. Noah said something that made both him and Okiya Subaru change their expressions:

"Mr. Shuichi Akai."

"It's time for us to talk."

"?!" Ireland was stunned for a moment, then his face changed with horror: "You, you"

"Are you Shuichi Akai?!"

Okiya Subaru was silent for a while.

Then, under Ireland's shocked gaze, he calmly took off his glasses.

I saw that pair of honest and kind squinting eyes suddenly became bright and sharp:

"Yes, I am Akai Shuichi."

"you you."

Ireland was shocked to discover at this time:

The handcuffs he had put on this guy had been quietly untied by him at some point.

And as an experienced top killer, he was completely unaware of this man's little moves throughout the whole process.

"It's really, really you."

"Akai Shuichi!"

Ireland was astonished to the extreme.

"Long time no see, Ireland."

Akai Shuichi looked as calm as ever.

But in fact, his mood at the moment is no calmer than Ireland:

How did Noah know he was here?

How do you know that Subaru Okiya is Shuichi Akai?

So far, the other party has successively demonstrated an extraordinary understanding of the black organization and the Japanese police.

Now even their FBI's confidential information has become almost transparent.

Could it be

"We also have your undercover agents in the FBI?"

Akai Shuichi's expression turned grim.

The energy displayed by Noah was so powerful that it was difficult for him to maintain calm.

"We naturally have our sources of intelligence."

Noah avoided Akai Shuichi's temptation with ambiguity.

It just said to itself:

"Mr. Akai, we are on the same side now."

"You, the FBI, want to take down the organization, and so do we."

“If that’s the case, then why can’t we also cooperate in a mutually beneficial way?”

Akai Shuichi's eyes narrowed.

He extracted the most direct meaning from the other party's high-sounding rhetoric:

"You mean, you want me to let Ireland go?"

"Well" Ireland then realized that his life was still vaguely in Shuichi Akai's hands.

In fact, he is not out of danger yet.

And now the only person who can save him from Akai Shuichi is Mr. Noah.

"But why should I cooperate?"

Akai Shuichi thought for a moment and soon showed a cold and confrontational attitude.

"Mr. Akai." Noah's Ark replied slowly: "You should also know that an Ireland who voluntarily becomes an undercover agent is far more valuable than an Ireland who is locked up in an FBI interrogation room and tortured."

Taking him back for questioning can only reveal the information he has on hand.

He was sent back to work as an undercover agent, but he was able to continuously provide new information.

Akai Shuichi naturally understands the pros and cons.

"But Ireland is working undercover for 'you'."

"Instead of being an undercover agent for our FBI."

"I don't even know who you are."

"What good will it do to us at the FBI if we put Ireland back?"

Akai Shuichi asked coldly.

Unexpectedly, Noah answered generously:

"Mr. Ireland, he can also be your FBI undercover agent."

"As long as he is fighting against the organization, we don't mind him sharing the information at hand with others."

"In fact, if Mr. Ireland wanted to let him work for your FBI, we would not interfere."

"This" Akai Shuichi was slightly startled:


He had subconsciously assumed that Ireland was on Noah's side by default.

But Ireland and Noah actually just met.

They only reached a verbal agreement, and there was no loyalty at all to each other.

If that's the case, then Noah can instigate rebellion against Ireland with just one phone call, so why can't the FBI?

Compared to the mysterious organization behind Noah that even refused to reveal its name.

For Ireland, their FBI brand should be more attractive and make him feel more at ease.

The FBI can also send an offer to Ireland and persuade Ireland to completely switch to their side.


Thinking about it, Akai Shuichi couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Letting Ireland go back to work as an undercover agent seems to be a harmless thing.


"I reject."

Akai Shuichi still expressed his vigilance with a cold face:

"Even the undercover agents who have instigated rebellion are not willing to give up, just to promote the overall goal of eradicating the organization?"

"Mr. Noah, you are too generous and selfless."

He still can't trust the other party.

This is normal.

The FBI and their own brothers never forget to be wary of each other, not to mention a mysterious organization that they don't understand at all.

Just because everyone is the enemy of the "winery" does not mean that everyone can really trust each other as comrades.

What's more, does the other party really just want to fight crime and eradicate organizations?

These are also Noah’s one-sided words and cannot be easily believed.

"Mr. Akai. Alas."

Noah sighed softly in his mechanical voice:

"Please don't do something so unwise."

"Are you threatening me?"

Akai Shuichi secretly tensed his body.

Ireland also held her breath nervously.

They may be in different situations and have different moods, but they are all curious about one thing at the moment.

What is Noah planning to do to threaten the FBI?

Where does he have the confidence to force Akai Shuichi to let him go? What does he rely on?

Could it be

Noah has already arranged manpower around here?

If this is the case, then Akai Shuichi is somewhat looking forward to it.

Because compared to a mysterious man hiding on the phone, he is more willing to face an enemy that exists in the real world.

This would also give him more opportunities to get in touch with this mysterious organization that suddenly appeared.

"If you want to threaten my life."

"Then you are wrong, Mr. Noah."

Akai Shuichi was not afraid at all.

Not only was he not afraid, but he also looked forward to capturing one or two of the opponent's cadres in a possible battle.

"Oh? Mr. Akai, you are so calm."

"Is it because of those FBI agents coming here?"

Noah's Ark was poured with a basin of cold water:

"Sorry, I've noticed their presence a long time ago."

"Well let me see"

It instantly located the mobile phone numbers of the FBI agents it had monitored for a long time:

"Your colleague, Miss Judy, and Mr. Kamel, they have just arrived at Rice Flower Avenue."

"It will take some time to catch up with us."

"." Akai Shuichi's expression froze.

Ireland, which had just surrendered, could not help but behave more honestly.

The intelligence ability displayed by Mr. Noah is too powerful.

Even the famous FBI seems to have been infiltrated into a sieve by them.

"what do you want to do?"

Akai Shuichi asked solemnly:

"Kill me here before my companions arrive?"

"Please don't think too much."

"I will not resort to such low-level violence."

There was a calmness in the mechanical male voice:

"I have a better way to convince you to cooperate, Mr. Akai."

"A better way?"

Akai Shuichi became more vigilant.

"Yes, this can be considered a 'transaction'."

Just listen to Noah's Ark reply calmly:

"You FBI cooperate to let Mr. Ireland leave."

"I can promise not to disclose certain information I have."

'you? "Akai Shuichi's heart sank:

Could it be that the other party has some handle on the FBI and threatens to expose some scandal about the FBI?



What's there to be afraid of?

The FBI and CIA have done a lot of scandalous things, but have they been exposed less over the years?

The total amount of black history can be published in a book, how can they still be afraid of losing face?

Not directly and proudly promoting "we lie, we steal, and we even have a class to teach these". It is already a way to save face.

"But what I want to expose is not the FBI's scandal."

"But your immediate boss at the FBI."

"Huh?" Akai Shuichi was shocked at this time.

The FBI's immediate boss.

Could it be that all the undercover agents of the forces behind Noah have been placed in the U.S. Department of Justice?

"Your imagination is too limited."

"I told you, he is your immediate boss at the FBI."

Akai Shuichi: "??!"

His imagination was indeed limited.

The Ministry of Justice is further up.

There will be no one up there.

However, there are actually people.

It's just that he didn't dare to think about it.

But Lin Xinyi dared to think.

Not only does he dare to think, but he can also "predict the unknown".

And he has always been very curious whether these things would happen the same way in this "past" world.

Therefore, Lin Xinyi hid it from everyone a long time ago and privately asked Noah's Ark to use its network intrusion technology beyond the times to try to help investigate.

As a result of this investigation, Noah's Ark really discovered a lot of interesting things.

"Mr. Akai, let me ask you a question:"

“Who is the current president of your orzo?”


Akai Shuichi already felt something was wrong:

A few goblins were fighting, but why did Tathagata Buddha even move out?

"What does this have to do with that adult?"

"Of course it does matter-"

Noah's Ark shook out the dark stuff it held.

A piece of black material that is enough to make both the FBI and CIA tremble:

"I have an affair video of Mr. Clinton and his female White House assistant."

"There are also records of celebrities such as him and Epstein taking the so-called 'Loli Line' many times."

"Would you be interested in taking a look, Mr. Akai?"

Akai Shuichi: "."


They were both completely confused.

Damn it?

Damn it

Damn it!

You have undercover agents in the White House?

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