Coroner Ke Xue

Chapter 659 Forced to open business

Reform Curacao?

A female killer is said to be able to be reformed by being reformed?

In fact, Belmod still doesn't agree with it. This idea seems very naive at first glance.



Her eyes were like spring water.

So clear that a human figure can be reflected.

Belmod really couldn't bear to destroy this purity.

So she had no choice but to sigh helplessly and fondly:

"If you think Curaçao can be converted, then go ahead and try it,"


After all, Belmode still retains his sanity.

She is willing to protect the innocence of "children".

But she couldn't be naive along with it.

"I only give you one day."

"Only one day?"

"Is this too short?"

"It's not short." Belmode did not give in on this point: "Now is the critical moment for us to fight against the organization. We don't have time to waste away with Curacao."

"The cadres of the organization have all gone through 'loyalty training.'"

"If Curacao has no intention of surrendering, her attitude will not change even if it lasts half a year."

"And if there is any chance that Curacao could be converted."

"One day is enough."

Belmode sighed with deep understanding.

Miss Maori had completely "captured" her with just one look.

But in order to meet this angel lady.

She has been waiting silently in the darkness for 20 years.

Curacao, this female killer who is also famous for being ruthless and ruthless in the organization, will she be in the same darkness as her, but long for the light in her heart?

"I hope so."

Belmode was willing to give her such a chance.

"But you only get one chance."

"You only have one day."

"After today, if Curacao fails my 'test'."

"Then you should completely give up on this idea."

"Test?" Mao Lilan was a little concerned: "This 'test' refers to."

"Of course it refers to the test of her final attitude."

"Otherwise, how can we confirm whether Curaçao is really willing to betray the organization, or is he just giving in in front of us?"

"Only by passing the test can we rest assured about her."

"If she fails the test, then"

"Just like you did when you tested me before."

Belmode used himself as an example.

When Lin Xinyi instigated her rebellion, he deliberately dressed up as Gin and put on a big show in front of her.

"If I had failed the test."

"I'm afraid you won't be too friendly to me, right?"

As he said that, Belmod glanced at him with some resentment.

"Haha." Lin Xinyi smiled awkwardly.

And everyone silently approved the conditions she proposed:

One day to experience Curacao.


"How to do this?"

Conan has a big head:

The word influence.

It's too subjective, too emotional, and too illogical.

This is not an area that he, a famous detective, is good at at all.

And science geeks such as Haihara Ai, Lin Xinyi, and Dr. Ali can't solve such a "metaphysical" problem either.

You can't imitate Miyano Akemi's moves.

Let the bad guys have more "Simairu" and "Simairu", right?

So everyone unanimously looked at the only master present who had made many achievements in this field:

"Miss Maori\\Xiaolan"

"How did you do it before?"

Mao Lilan: "."


I do not know either.

All she had to do was blink her big, watery eyes.

Those murderers will kneel down and cry bitterly in the BGM.

There are no moves at all.

It all depends on sincerity.

"Yes, sincerely."

Mao Lilan's eyes lit up:

"We just need to use our sincerity to warm Miss Curacao."

Sounds like the right bullshit.

But everyone present, especially Belmode, was struck by the light in her eyes.

They all listened carefully to Mao Lilan's thoughts unconsciously:

"I think"

"The reason why Miss Curacao has become so gentle now may not be because her amnesia has changed her personality."

"Perhaps she was originally so gentle and kind, and she longed for warmth and light."

"So after losing the shackles of that dark memory"

"She finally revealed her true self."

As he said that, Mao Lilan couldn't help but look at Curaçao warmly:

Curacao was still playing with the children.

Seeing her with a gentle smile and patiently chatting with three primary school students, it is really hard to imagine that she would be a killer from the dark world.

"Her smile is not fake."

Mao Lilan's tone gradually became firmer:

"Miss Curacao likes it now."

"So... we don't need to do anything special."

"You just need to be like those children and get along with her sincerely."

"Yeah" everyone nodded silently.

They all seemed to understand something.

But I don’t seem to understand.

Like those children, get along with Curacao sincerely. How to get along with each other? ?


"Like those kids?"

Belmode grasped the key point:

Curacao. It seems like you particularly like children?

Maybe a cute child can become her "angel"?

After a while of silence.

Belmode glanced at Conan thoughtfully.


Forget it, this kid definitely can’t do it.

It's easy to bore people to death.

"Xiao Ai?"

Belmode turned his attention to Huihara Ai again:

"You try to smile?"

"Huh?" Haiyuan Ai still kept a cold face as usual.

Not only did he not smile, but he also raised his eyebrows arrogantly:

"I know what you are thinking, Belmod."

"But I'm not some childish brat."

"Act cute?"

"Sorry, I can't."

"Really?" Belmod smiled slightly.

Then he picked up Miss Haiyuan from the ground without any explanation.

"Let, let go of me. Hundan!"

Haiyuan Ai's short legs fluttered wildly in the air.

Like a rabbit being lifted into the air by its ears.

But she was very quiet again.

Because after Belmode lifted her off the ground, she quickly threw her into Lin Xinyi's arms:

"Shinichi, kiss her."

"Huh?" Lin Xinyi blushed: "How can this be possible?"

"What's wrong?"

"Just a kiss on the cheek."

Belmod raised his eyebrows:

"You've all become adults anyway."

"Can that be the same!"

The adult is Miyano Shiho.

Lin Xinyi never did anything out of the ordinary towards Haiyuan Ai.

"But she did it to you."

Belmode folded his arms and exposed it in public very rudely:

"as far as I know:"

"She often takes advantage of you while you are sleeping."

"S-Shut up!"

Hui Yuan Ai's face was so hot that she had a fever.

Even the earlobes were dyed a touch of attractive pink.

Although this made her very embarrassed.

But being hugged warmly by Lin Xinyi, and those shameful little secrets were suddenly mentioned. The corners of Haihara Ai's always stiff mouth unconsciously curled up.

"I don't have any"

The cold pride of the flower of the high mountains.

In an instant, it turned into a water lotus that could not bear the cool breeze.

No need to pretend at all.

The current Haihara Ai is already very cute.


Belmode nodded with satisfaction:

"That's good."

She took Hui Yuan Ai out of Lin Xinyi's arms again.

"Huh?" Hui Yuan Ai was slightly startled: "Aren't you going to kiss me anymore?"

"Ahem. No, I mean, let me go!"

"I'm not interested in playing with you!"

She huffed and spoke in an adult tone.

It turned out to be even cuter.

The little face is puffy and fleshy, like a small pink puffer fish.


Belmode carried her to Curaçao like a child.

"I'm sorry"

Belmod looked at Curaçao with a smile:

"Your pair of heterochromatic eyes seems to be very popular with children."

"So does this little girl."

"Secretly saying that I want to be hugged by my big sister."

"As a result, I'm too embarrassed to come and chat with you."

"Nonsense!" Haiyuan Ai continued to struggle like a restless little cat: "I don't!"

But this only made her look even more shy.

Shy and cute.

One look at it makes people want to have a daughter.

"I" Curaçao was unsurprisingly attracted.

She stared blankly at the little Miss Haiyuan in front of her, as if she were looking at a rare treasure that needed to be protected with her life:

"Can I hold her?"


Belmode sent Hui Yuan Ai out generously:

"This child has always wanted you to hold him."

"Don't look at her talking like an adult."

"Actually, she is still a very shy little devil."

"You——" Haiyuan Ai immediately rolled his eyes.

But when she looks like this

Even the eye roll is cute.

Curacao soon lost control:

"Then let me give her a hug."

She carefully took Hui Yuan Ai from Belmod's arms.

A small one, like a dumpling.

Huddled in her arms lovingly.

At this moment, she seemed to have an extra mission.

A mission to protect this child at all costs.

Curacao has never felt like this.

Even though she couldn't remember what happened before.

But she still instinctively felt happier than ever before.

"Xiao Ai, be good."

Belmod demonstrated again by stroking Hui Yuan Ai's big head.

Haiyuan lamented and wanted to curse.

But I saw Curacao’s eyes taking care of him carefully.

She was reluctant and sat down in his arms half-pushingly.

"How cute."

Curaçao also had the courage to imitate Belmod's example and gently touched Haihara Ai's head.

The tea is soft and has a milky aroma.

The head is big and round.

Very moist.

It feels really good in the hand.

It makes people unable to stop after one set.

Lin Xinyi, Belmode, and now Curacao have all reached a consensus on this point.

"Yeah" Ayumi didn't notice Miss Haihara's depressed eyes at all.

She just blinked her eyes enviously:

"I also want to be hugged by my big sister!"

"I want it too, I want it too!"

Yuantai also shouted innocently.

Who doesn’t like a gentle and beautiful big sister?

"Ahem." Mitsuhiko, a more mature-minded student, blushed and hesitantly followed, "I think so too."

In this way, under the leadership of Hui Yuan Ai.

Curacao is becoming more and more immersed in this leisurely daily life.

“Looks pretty good”

Belmod slowly stepped aside and watched from a distance with satisfaction:

"Maybe, Xiao Ai can really become her angel lady."


Mao Lilan also nodded expectantly:

"Let Xiao Ai and the children stay with her."


They really don't seem to be able to help.

Mao Lilan can't just sit in front of others and flash her big eyes for no reason, right?

"Let's help Dr. Ali find the letter he lost!"

This time the children came to Dr. Ali's house to help him find the letter.

Now these children, including Huihara Ai, have taken on the important task of influencing Curacao.

So Mao Lilan took the initiative to take over the chore of finding letters for Dr. A Li.

"I'm coming too."

Conan was immediately in sync with his sister Xiaolan.

"Count me in."

Belmode is also happy to do small things with her angel lady.

"I'm over here, looking at Curacao."

Lin Xinyi didn't dare to follow and help.

First, he was worried that Curaçao would suddenly regain his memory.

Secondly, now Conan, Mao Lilan, Haibara Ai, Dr. Agasa, and the "Death Gods" of the young detective team are all here.

There was only one "outsider" in Curaçao.

Lin Xinyi was very worried that if she didn't pay attention, she would be taken away by God.

In this way, Lin Xinyi was looking at Curaçao, watching Hui Yuan Ai being forced to open his business in depression.

Mao Lilan and others were busy looking for the letter.

"Say something, Xiaolan"

While Belmode was rummaging around with Mao Lilan, he chatted with her:

"Why are you here today?"

She is particularly concerned about Xiaolan and knows her schedule very well:

"I remember you told me before that you seemed to be going to buy that today."

"A limited edition accessory from 'Fusha Painting', right?"

"That's right." Mao Lilan nodded: "I was going to visit the newly opened store of 'Fusa Painting' with Yuanzi today, but..."

“Didn’t there be ‘extremist elements’ fighting in the street this morning?”

Knowing the inside story, she couldn't help but look subtle:

"The store's facade was damaged by bullets, so it had to postpone its opening."

"So I had nothing to do, so I came here with Conan and the others."

"Haha." Belmod smiled: "Then it's our fault."

"Let's do this next time you come to my house, I will give you some 'Fusha Painting' ornaments."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was a little surprised:

"Miss Chrissy, do you also like the 'Fusha Paint' accessories?"

"Of course."

“Their designs are indeed quite tasteful.”

Belmode issued a professional affirmation of international movie stars.

And they were really engaged in talking about makeup and jewelry here.

Dr. A Li, on the other hand, scratched his head in confusion:

"The name Fushae seems a bit familiar?"

"Have I seen this name before?"

"You should have seen it before." Conan yawned lazily: "It's a very famous fashion brand company, and their advertisements often appear on TV."

"I see."

Dr. A Li didn't think too much, and continued to rummage through the pile of clutter.

As a result, the invitation to the wedding of his friend's son that he had lost was not found.

But together with Conan, I found an old postcard with yellowed paper among a pile of clutter:

"A Li~"

"I will be going abroad with my parents soon. I should come to say goodbye to you today."

It is a letter written by a girl to Dr. Ali.

The font is very cute.

Signed by Kinoshita.

There is only the surname "Kinoshita".

The names at the back were blurred to the point of being unclear.

Take a look at the date:

"Forty years ago?"

Conan suddenly started gossiping:

"Dr. Agasa, who is this Kinoshita?"

"This is..." Dr. Ali pondered for a while.

Memories of the past slowly come to mind:

"This is."

His old face was a little red:

"It's someone I liked when I was a kid."

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