Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1376 1376 [Uzo on the back of the screen]

The room was in a mess, as if it had just been hit by a hurricane: the trash can was turned upside down on the ground, all the contents fell out, the flower pots were smashed, and the soil was turned up. The closet door was open, all the clothes inside had been taken out of pockets and thrown on the floor, the drawers were open, and even the down pillow on the bed had been slashed several times with a knife.

"How could this happen?" Suzuki Shiro pulled his hair in confusion. He did not often experience murder cases. He saw Kidd more often than he saw murder cases. It took him a few seconds to come back to his senses and thought, "On the ship. Involved in a murderer?"

In comparison, Conan seems much more skilled.

He rushed in and looked at the body: "The time of death was almost thirty minutes ago. It looks like he died from a gunshot wound to the right eye... This is a homicide. Call the police first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a heavy weight on his head, and Jiang Xia suddenly touched his head as if approvingly.

Conan turned his head and looked over inexplicably. Looking at each other for a moment, he suddenly remembered what he had almost revealed to Mao Lilan, and belatedly showed an innocent smile belonging to a child: "Haha, brother Jiang Xia, am I right?"

Jiang Xia nodded happily.

Then he stood up and said, "I'm going to get my phone."

In the distance, the monitoring signal is connected to the other end.

Vodka was still holding his coffee, staring sleepily at this scene.

The murder case no longer piques his interest. After all, wherever Uzo is, the murder case will spread. He has long been used to this.

But Vodka still felt a little emotional: such a tight schedule had to find every possible opportunity to find a case, and the crime took place on the Suzuki family's boat...

Previously, he thought that Uzo was friendly to the Suzuki family.

However, it turns out that even so, Uzo still used other people's yachts as a stage and turned the expensive yacht into a vicious boat, causing the price to plummet. Fortunately, the Suzuki Consortium doesn't care about the money at all.

Vodka: "..." In addition, under Uzo's training, the elementary school student with glasses looks more and more like a serious detective. When encountering a corpse with a horrific appearance, he is more reliable than adults who have not had much contact with murder cases.

Think again about how Uzo insisted on giving Vodka the title of "Mr. Yamada Detective Assistant" and then forced him to solve crimes and become a detective...

In Vodka's mind, in the top-secret file on Uzo, the line "likes to train detectives" was highlighted.

And this always makes people can't help but think of some not-so-nice words, such as "fattening to be slaughtered" and other behaviors.

He was simulating in his mind how to defeat Uzo next time.

Just as he was thinking about it, Uzo suddenly became bigger in the surveillance screen.

Vodka was startled, turned around and saw that Jiang Xia had returned to his room to get his cell phone.

But now it seems that this guy is obviously not just here to get his mobile phone - Jiang Xia is getting closer and closer to the camera on the base of the vase... Finally, his eyes are looking directly at the screen and he is in front of the camera.

...From a vodka point of view, it's like Uzo is stuck to the screen and will break the screen and crawl out in the next second.

"..." Vodka sat upright silently, and his whole body tensed up unconsciously. He comforted himself in his mind: the problem was not big, there were so many people on board, and the ship itself belonged to the Suzuki Consortium, there was no evidence to prove that he had installed surveillance! Uzo probably just saw that there was a camera there, so he took a closer look out of curiosity...

The next moment, Jiang Xia suddenly smiled gloomily on the screen. Then his low voice followed the pickup next to him and reached Vodka's headphones: "Did you enjoy watching it? Vodka."

Vodka: "?!!"

……impossible! How did he know he was spying! !

……etc! No wonder that when Uzo was changing clothes just now, the bag he dropped happened to be blocking the camera... This guy already knew there was a camera in the room! !

The next moment, the camera suddenly shook. It seemed like the camera had been pulled out abruptly. The picture becomes unstable.

After a while, all the monitors on the ship seemed to have lost power, and the split screens went black. It quickly lost its effect.


I don’t know why, but Vodka breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the monitor was powered off, and a strange thought popped into his mind: At least this way, Uzo wouldn’t crawl out of the computer... even though he didn’t originally. meeting.

Maybe it was because his expression fluctuated too drastically, or maybe he made too much movement when he suddenly sat upright.

Next to him, Gin looked over with awareness and frowned: "What's wrong?"

Vodka came back to his senses and tried to complain: "Brother, he discovered our arrangement! He also cut off the power supply to all the cameras without authorization. We can't monitor the situation on the ship now!"

Ginjiu sneered coldly: "Trash, is this how you monitor yourself?"

Vodka: "..."

...Is this Ann's problem?

...This is obviously a problem of Wuzuo's random dismantling of surveillance cameras! Especially since he knew that this was a surveillance system installed by the organization, but he still dismantled it!

But as a person who respects his superiors, Vodka did not say these words in the end. He just lowered his head and made a reflection: "I'm really sorry. I'll pay attention next time."

Faced with this unexpected situation, Gin was not as concerned as Vodka thought. He actually knows the technical level of vodka, and he is also quite good at monitoring vodka. I didn't expect Uzo to be able to find out like this.

Gin: "..." It seems that even in daily environments, Uzo still maintains enough vigilance, which is in sharp contrast to those useless members who were accidentally photographed and recorded evidence by others, and then begged the organization not to silence them. .

If the new blood of the organization can maintain this level, it would be a wonderful thing. It's a pity that geniuses often have poor obedience, such as blocking the camera installed by the organization without authorization.

Tokyo, Metropolitan Police Department.

Miwako Sato gnawed on snacks and flipped through the files that were quickly processed. She was a little confused: "Why do I feel a lot more relaxed recently? There seem to be fewer murders."

The Mu Mu Police Department was packing their things and getting ready to go home. When he heard her words, he joked casually: "Did Jiang Xia and the others go away?"

Miwako Sato suddenly remembered something, and her fingers froze while flipping through the file: "It's true, I remember the news said that he recently went to Osaka to capture Kidd."


The two looked at each other for a moment and laughed awkwardly: "It's probably just a coincidence."

As soon as he finished speaking, the mobile phone of the Mumu Police Department suddenly rang.

He took it out and looked at the caller ID, and suddenly saw two big characters - Jiang Xia.

"..." Megure Police Department silently answered the call, "Have you encountered another murder case? No, you have returned to Tokyo?"

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