Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 1913 1913 [Shark me]

After thinking about it for a long time, Maya Hashimoto realized that her mentality was a little wrong, and quickly corrected it: "Well, although I, I probably can't say it. But knowing Uzo's purpose is better than hanging around like now. …So what does he want to do by doing all this?”

Maya Hashimoto was caught in an endless loop of questions.

Next to him, several ordinary people also experienced similar collapse.

——When something like this happened, even though they had a normal relationship with a few temporary workers, the troupe members were still filled with indignation.

They surrounded Bupo Police and asked: "So many police officers came, but the result is as if they didn't come! How many people have to die to catch that bastard? Do we need all of us to die before the case can be closed?!"

Different from the embarrassment she felt when she was questioned last time, this time Fuwa Narumi lit a cigarette with a calm expression.

She laughed: "I already know who the murderer is."


No one expected that she would be the first to solve the case.

Maya Hashimoto couldn't help but glance over here: "..." With Jiang Xia present, someone could actually solve the case before him?

Something was wrong, and experience told him that with that thing involved, any small abnormalities that occurred around him might not be accidental.

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw the unstoppable policeman start her reasoning.

The female police officer pointed in the direction of Room 315 from a distance: "My subordinates have already conducted a preliminary inspection of the scene. All the doors and windows were locked when the crime occurred, and it was still on the third floor. The snow above and below the window was not damaged. ——To put it bluntly, this place was a completely secret room just now.”

Maya Hashimoto had a bad premonition: "..." This voice didn't sound right.

Fuwa Narumi didn't hear the cry in his heart, and continued calmly: "There were only two people in the secret room, one dead and one alive. The dead one obviously died of homicide, but the living one happened to... 'Woke up and said he was attacked by a 'red-bearded Santa Claus'..."

Maya Hashimoto's bad premonition quickly amplified: "..." Wait, wait! Could this woman be thinking...

"So the truth is already obvious." Fuwa Narumi turned to look at him and pointed a cigarette butt at him from a distance, "You are the murderer."


As if a thunderbolt fell on his head, Maya Hashimoto's mind went blank for a moment.

He suddenly realized that everything he had been thinking about was meaningless - he thought that what Uzo had given him was a survivor's script of escaping from death, but now it seemed that it was simply a miserable death script. He was about to be identified as the "murderer". On the way to the police station to cooperate with the investigation, he was shot eight times in the back and committed suicide!

As expected, the so-called "elite policewoman" in front of her is not a genius who can solve crimes faster than Jiang Xia. She is just a poor controlled accomplice.

When things came to this point, Maya Hashimoto originally thought that she would become desperate and furious and fight to the death.

But in fact, he found that he was actually very calm.

Even compared to the anxiety of "Why didn't Uzo kill me?" just now, at this time, he had a prophet-like calmness that had seen through everything.

...In the end, there was no escape.

If you want to fight against that thing, your own strength is still too meager.

Maya Hashimoto sat on her seat, with her hands in front of her body. With everyone's eyes on her, she numbly began to review her suicide note, wondering if any of the recipients had forgotten to write it.

After Fupo Narumi identified the murderer, she looked at him twice and was a little surprised: "..." This man actually didn't defend himself at all? Just accept your fate?

... Something's not right, something feels weird.

Conan had also heard the news and came over. He touched his chin and looked at Maya Hashimoto with complicated thoughts: "..." In his mind, this guy was originally considered the most suspicious person in the near future, but now, Maya Hashimoto has changed like this. Became a murderer?

And he was arrested for such a stupid reason as "locking himself in a secret room with the deceased"?

Speaking of which...

Conan looked at Maya Hashimoto's expression carefully, and gradually became suspicious: "..." Why is this man suddenly not nervous anymore? Instead, he seemed to be thinking about some dark plan in his mind... Could it be that the situation of being wrongly accused of being a murderer was actually completely under his control?

Conan decided to observe secretly.

Maya Hashimoto is on strike, while the mini-detective is standing still and watching. But fortunately, someone still remembers the process.

"I don't think Mr. Hashimoto is the murderer." At the critical moment, the detective extended a helping hand to the organization members. Jiang Xia said, "This is a hotel, and that room can be opened and locked with a magnetic card - as long as someone else gets that key. Ka, the red room No. 315 is no longer a secret room, and the candidate for the murderer is naturally no longer Mr. Hashimoto himself."

With that said, Jiang Xia looked at Maya Hashimoto: "Who has the key card in your room?"

When Maya Hashimoto heard his voice, her dead eyes came alive: "..." Huh? Yes, isn’t there Jiang Xia?

This is not the first time that the police have randomly identified the murderer. Which suspect has not been wrongly accused once or twice? In the end, you still have to rely on authority to solve the case.

The desire to survive was rekindled, Maya Hashimoto rummaged through her pockets, and she felt happy: "The room card is missing!"

In the corner of the room, Conan stared at him with sharp eyes: "..." So, this person knew that Jiang Xia would not stand by and watch an unjust case, so he wanted to use Jiang Xia's help to clear his name?

Just now he looked like he had seen through everything, but now he is anxious to act...ah, a cunning villain.

Conan: "..." But more important than his behavior is Maya Hashimoto's motivation. "Experience the feeling of being treated as a suspect" is definitely not his real pursuit. So what is his purpose?

Do you want to use this method to gain Jiang Xia's trust and approach this famous detective tactfully?


The policemen knew nothing about the elementary school detective's brainstorm and were still concentrating on the case.

Miwako Sato thought of her previous experience and tried to straighten out the process of the case: "In other words, what happened was that the murderer sneaked into the room first, knocked out Mr. Hashimoto, and snatched the key card from him.

"Then he stood by the window and made the phone call to Jiang Xia, asking him to stand in the yard and look towards the third floor.

"As soon as he led us upstairs, he left immediately and then locked the door with the key card. He left a body and a knocked-out person in the room."

Fuwa Narumi smiled: "Is this the extent of your Tokyo police?"

Sato Miwako: "?" She just scolded people, why did she even scold her colleagues... Then again, why did she suddenly laugh at her?

As if he heard the question in her heart, Fubo Narumi turned around and looked over: "When did you see the murderer standing by the window of Room 315?"

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