Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 465: How to save Hui Yuan Ai’s conscience. Please vote for me.

The Young Detective Team has seen a lot of cases, and when I heard about these weird things, I also had some bad premonitions.

They didn't dare to grab the small ticket from Jiang Xia, but the small ticket was with Conan at this time.

Soon, the three children squeezed in next to Conan, and took out one of the neatly creased tickets, looking at the items on it: "12-pack of eggs, low-gluten flour, paper cups, chocolate colored needles, butter……"

After thinking about it, Ayumi breathed a sigh of relief: "These are the ingredients for making cupcakes. I used to buy them with my mother - people who are about to kill people will definitely not be in the mood to make desserts!"

"Yes, and this person seems to be sick." Mitsuhiko also looked at the other receipt in his hand and whispered, "Look, he also went to the drugstore and bought grams..." He read the unfamiliar words unskilledly The name of the drug, "Cronil."

"Crony?!" Conan's face changed slightly.

Jiang Xia glanced at Conan. I tasted the unfamiliar word "pin".

He had never heard of this kind of medicine, so he thought it might be some specialty of Kexue World...

Fortunately, at this time, without him having to ask any more questions, the three children had automatically started asking Conan: "What's wrong? What's wrong with this medicine?"

Jiang Xia pricked up his ears as if nothing had happened, ready to eavesdrop.

Conan didn't notice that there was one more subject for popular science.

He said solemnly: "This is a colorless or white crystal, which is generally used for skin disinfection and sterilization...

“More importantly, it has no special smell, and it is highly toxic and can easily kill small animals—but if eaten by humans, it will cause the eater to become paralyzed and lose strength.

"I have encountered before... well, brother Jiang Xia has encountered cases of using this kind of drug to poison cats and dogs, or mixing it into food and using it to kidnap others."

Jiang Xia nodded.

On the surface, I am helping Conan smooth things over, but in reality, I feel that useful knowledge has increased.

This Crony needs to be written down.

——Colorless and odorless poison, it is easy to sneak into food. After returning home, check its specific effects. If the side effects are not serious, get some to keep it, which can complement the anesthesia needle...

Conan already felt something was wrong when he heard Jiang Xia read the receipt containing the hatchet.

At this time, I saw that the shopper's list contained poison, and I suddenly felt that the matter was serious.

These items are connected together, allowing people to easily imagine a murder assembly line.

——Mix "croni" into desserts and coax people to eat them, making them incapacitated. After that, I put on my raincoat, cut the body into pieces with a hatchet, packed it into pieces and took it away...

Thinking of this, Conan looked grim. He turned to Jiang Xia and said, "We must find that person as soon as possible."

Jiang Xia nodded and looked at the long piece of paper in his hand: "There are several other receipts folded together... From these, we may be able to find clues about that person."

...When these children get together, the event is indeed extraordinary.

The remaining receipts are from different places and times, but they are all recent shopping records in this area.

There was only one that was special - unlike the other receipts, this one was not a purchase record left in the commercial district, but was received by the mysterious person when he bought a plastic umbrella at the convenience store of the Utopia Mihua Park branch.

The group first asked about the situation in the shops around the commercial building.

I couldn't get any useful information, so I took a ride to the convenience store again to check out the situation.

Before leaving, Jiang Xia added some dry ice to the shopping bag to prevent the shrimp and fish he just bought from spoiling - he still remembered Haiyuan Ai's instructions to him to buy groceries. He wanted information about the Young Detective Team and a delicious dinner.

The weather is neither cold nor hot now. In order to avoid spending too much time looking for murderous auras or ghosts and affecting the quality of fish and shrimps.

On the way, Jiang Xia called Hui Yuan Ai.

Huihara Ai quickly picked up.

She cleared her throat a little guiltily: "Well, how about the supermarket?"

"It's pretty good. The ingredients are very fresh." Jiang Xia was in a better mood than the ingredients. "By the way, when I went to the supermarket, I met several of your classmates, and then we discovered something wrong..."

He briefly talked about the strange receipt, and then said:

"We plan to investigate near Utopia Rice Flower Park and try to stop possible injuries. If you are free, why don't you come over and pick up the ingredients?"

Haiyuan Ai breathed a sigh of relief silently: "Okay, I'll be there soon."

As expected, those children encountered another incident.

At this time, of course it is safer with Jiang Xia here...

The pain in Haihara Ai's conscience subtly eased.

Near Utopia Rice Flower Park.

The two groups of people soon met near an intersection.

Haiyuan Ai took the cold shopping bag from Jiang Xia's hand, her eyes wandering slightly. She glanced at Conan, who was looking between her and Jiang Xia, thoughtfully, and then showed an expression of "I see", and three other people who were opposite Conan, who were focused on the receipt, completely unaware that they were being sold. The child who died...the fragile conscience began to ache again.

Haiyuan Ai tidied her coat in a concealing manner.

Then he looked at the three children, his eyes and tone softened a lot: "When you're done, do you want to go to my place and try some dessert? I baked some new cookies."

The three hungry children's eyes lit up when they heard about the delicious snacks.

But before he could nod his head excitedly, several consecutive "ding-ding-" sounds suddenly came from a few meters away.

It seemed like some small metal object had fallen to the ground.

Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at the source of the sound, then raised his head casually and looked diagonally upward.

— stands a nine-story apartment building next to it.

While the other children were focused on searching for the source of the sound, Jiang Xia put the ghosts who were trying to escape to seek out murderous intent back into their pockets, and followed them towards the place where the metal sound came from.

Just now, a group of them happened to be standing near the intersection.

After turning around the intersection and walking less than five meters further, you can see a faint reflection on the ground.

If you look closely, there is a metal "S" shaped hook lying there.

Genta Kojima's eyes fell on it, his eyes lit up, and he planned to pick it up.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt intuitively that something was wrong.

Looking carefully, I saw that Ayumi and Mitsuhiko next to me were not like before, happily jumping on clues when they encountered them. Instead, she was staring at him, blinking wildly.


Motai Kojima was stunned and looked down at his feet.

There was a figure cast on him from behind by the setting sun.

The elementary school student with a long reflex arc shivered slowly.

The next second, he withdrew his hand from reaching for the hook, stood up straight, and silently moved to the side to get out of the way, pretending that nothing happened just now.

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