Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 516 The shadowy Edogawa Conan

Just as he was thinking about it, there was a roar and a burst of fierce fire in the ditch seven or eight meters away.

-The red car exploded.

Against the burning background, the driver of the small green car stared blankly over there.

After a while, he suddenly collapsed to the ground, beating the ground and crying bitterly:

"How could you have encountered this kind of thing when you went out properly... I didn't see his car at all. I wish I had looked around more... Wuwuwu... He, he is dead, this is going to happen Is it my responsibility?"

As he spoke, in the flames of the explosion, a shikigami finally emerged from the body of the red car driver. It floated up leisurely, gradually drifted closer, and finally landed on the lap of the driver of the green car.

Jiang Xia: "..."

His fingers twitched instinctively, trying to get the stick.

But when he remembered that there was Toru Amuro standing next to him, he could only change his actions regretfully, raised his hand and patted the driver of the green car on the shoulder, and said with relief: "Fortunately, there are surveillance cameras above us, let's wait until the traffic police come to determine the responsibility - if It was just an accident, and the sentence should not be more serious than murder."

The little green car driver was busy crying: "..."

...Is it his imagination?

...Why do I always feel that the second half of this young man’s words has a certain meaning?

But when he raised his head and glanced at Jiang Xia's calm and slightly encouraging gaze, Che Gu Zhengsi felt that he was guilty of being a thief and thinking too much.

So he struggled for a moment and continued to cover his face and cry bitterly.

Next to him, Toru Amuro didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Xia's words.

——Even if it was an accident, human lives were lost here after all. This situation, for the parties involved in the car accident, is equivalent to causing the death of a person with their own hands.

Ordinary citizens have never seen this kind of posture, so they panic and feel that they have killed someone.

Jiang Xia must have noticed this thoughtfully, so he deliberately compared "traffic accidents causing death" with "homicide" and told the green car driver the difference between the two... Jiang Xia's keen insight seems to be used not only in solving crimes It is often used in the service industry. No wonder the clients from the detective agency, as well as the bosses and clients of various working places, all speak highly of him...

Amuro Toru's thoughts briefly wandered a little, and then quickly recovered.

——Speaking of which, is this really just an accident?

He glanced at Jiang Xia, who was still comforting the driver, and a suspicion slowly rose in his heart.

...To be honest, he has never seen a death caused purely by accident near Jiangxia. So now, he always vaguely feels that there may be something hidden in this car accident.

...Fortunately, there is surveillance here. When the time comes, we can call it out and take a look, and we should be able to know whether it was an accident or a murder.

Toru Amuro thought while looking at the driver who was kneeling and crying. After observing suspiciously for a moment, he finally said nothing.

He turned his head and looked at the distance of the road, waiting for the traffic police and ambulance to arrive.

Soon, a small dot appeared at the end of the road in the field of vision.

A vehicle is getting closer and closer.

...The ambulance and police car came so quickly?

...No, there was only one car coming, and it should be a passerby passing by.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro glanced at the intersection and planned to move the Mazda that had just stopped to the side to avoid blocking the traffic.

When he walked from the place where he was hiding from the explosion to his car.

The car coming from a distance came closer and stopped.

In the car, a middle-aged man stuck his head out, looked at the river, and asked Amuro Toru warily: "Why is there smoke in the river? What happened?"

When Toru Amuro heard this, he looked over and was startled.

The driver who poked his head had a slender face, a mustache, and a hint of confusion in his ordinary appearance.

At the first glance, Toru Amuro's brain, which was like an information bank, accurately jumped out to a name.

--Maori Kogoro.

Although I haven't seen it directly, recently, when my subordinates were investigating Edogawa Conan's information, they also collected information on this foster family, so Amuro Toru has seen photos of the Mori family.

And now, Mouri Kogoro is the driver, and there seems to be someone sitting in the back seat of his car...

Toru Amuro suddenly thought of something, turned his eyes, and looked over with complicated emotions.

I saw that the rear window happened to be lowered.

Then, two familiar people poked their heads out from inside - Mao Lilan and Conan saw Jiang Xia in the distance at a glance. They waved to Jiang Xia in surprise and joy: "What a coincidence, you are going out too?"

Toru Amuro: "..."

Why is there this kid wearing glasses everywhere!

...Think about it carefully, the same happened a few times before - every time, before and after my car had a flat tire, I would always meet Conan.

This time, there was no unlucky vehicle with a flat tire...

But one car exploded directly.


Amuro Toru was silent for a moment, and suddenly thought, maybe it wasn't Jiang Xia who should be taken out in a closed door, but this Edogawa Conan who always cleverly encountered them?

...For a moment, he even suspected that he had been arranged by this weird child.

But thinking about it calmly, today, the time and direction he took Jiang Xia to leave the city were random - more precisely, it was decided by throwing dice.

...There is no way Conan manipulated his dice.

In addition, when he was in the city, he arranged for his subordinates to follow and monitor him. At that time, he did not find any suspicious people following his car. there really such a coincidence in the world?

Conan was greeting Jiang Xia when suddenly there was a chill behind him.

He followed his intuition and looked over cautiously, and saw Toru Amuro staring at him on the side of the road, lost in thought.

Conan: "..."

Why is it this suspicious boss again?

Isn't the frequency of his appearing next to Jiang Xia too high recently...

I encountered a car accident on the road, and there was an acquaintance on the roadside.

Mouri Kogoro did not continue to drive forward.

As a former detective and active detective, he instinctively pushed the door open and got out of the car, asking Tohru Amuro for details.

The two adults quickly went aside to communicate.

Conan and Mao Lilan also jumped out of the car and ran to Jiang Xia's side.

They vaguely heard the exchange between Kogoro Mouri and Toru Amuro, glanced at the smoking car in the river, and slowly extracted the keyword "car accident".

After being stunned for a moment, the two of them turned to look at Jiang Xia. Their reaction was even greater than that of Jiang Xia who was supposed to be hanging up.

Car accidents, explosions, bodies in cars...

In my impression, Jiang Xia seems to have a strong psychological shadow on this kind of scene. Every time he encounters similar elements, his speed in solving crimes will slow down visibly, and sometimes he will remain motionless and distracted.

But now, standing on the side of the road, he seemed to be in pretty good shape.

Mao Lilan and Conan were a little confused, but they didn't dare to ask directly.

——Maybe Jiang Xia has actually figured it out recently and is receiving psychological treatment secretly behind everyone's back, so her condition has improved. And today I successfully ignored the "car accident" as a factor that caused PTSD.

If asked by them, Jiang Xia once again recalled his previous mental journey when he hung up, wouldn't that be very bad...

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