Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 787 You stand on the bridge and look at the scenery

After rotating one hundred and eighty degrees, the original left and right were reversed. The "direction from which the sound of digging came" that Konichi Mochida heard immediately changed.

——It became the construction site next door to Watanuki's house, where Subaru Okiya and the boy detective team happened to play baseball during the day.

Okiya Subaru looked at the enthusiastic passers-by who stayed there and pressed his forehead.

The "script" Uzzo told him before did not include anything related to Mochida Konichi. It is not known whether it was because it was not a necessary clue or because Uzzo did not pay attention to this passerby who happened to pass by.

——Uzo is a talented young cadre after all. Such a person must be very busy at work. For a president of Watanuki Yiichi's status, he didn't have the time or the need to keep an eye on him all the time. Okiya Subaru thought, maybe after Uzo compiled his case script and promoted the incident, he didn't pay more attention to it. Only later, I found that the progress of the case was slower than expected, so I sent my younger brother over to teach and guide the progress of the task.

"..." Wait, let's put it this way, if Uzo knew the situation, he wouldn't be angry with this passerby.

——A month has passed since Sanae Koda died and was buried. If the witness in front of him had remembered the details of lighting cigarettes that night earlier, according to Koda Masao's persistence, he must have dug out the body at the construction site long ago.

Even if the witness says nothing, Koda Masao will not just stare at Watanuki Yiichi's yard. As long as he adheres to his reasoning that "Yiichi Watanuki can't drive, so the body is not far away" and digs around, he might be able to find it.

...After all, this ordinary passerby in front of him turned out to be the reason why Uzo's script failed to end on time.

Thinking of this, Okiya Subaru looked at Jiang Xia vaguely. Decided to wait until this incident is over and pay more attention to the situation of enthusiastic passers-by.

——If something suddenly happens to Mochida Konichi after this, and Jiang Xia happens to arrive to solve the case, then the connection between Jiang Xia and Usa may have to be reconsidered. For example, Jiang Xia revealed this detail to the busy Wu Zuo, and then Wu Zuo casually crushed the stumbling block in his previous script, and then handed the new case to Jiang Xia to solve, and so on... Although the previous series of investigations made Okiya Subaru prefers that Jiang Xia and Usa have nothing to do with each other...but what if?

A prudent scholar should not jump to conclusions before ruling out all coincidences.

Okiya Subaru silently pushed up his glasses.

In the past, he always found academics very boring. Later, when I became a peripheral member of the organization, I realized that I was indeed more suitable for academic research...

When Subaru Okiya worked hard to promote the process of solving the case.

A pair of eyes were staring at him silently from behind reflective glasses.

Subaru Okiya is obviously not the only one who loves to think and make associations.

——The events surrounding Conan's contact, especially when Subaru Okiya helped them find a place to play baseball and found this place, and later on when they talked about Cosmos... I always felt that this was not a simple coincidence.

However, when there are still unfinished cases, Conan will often focus on the cases first.

Jiang Xia also learned the fine traditions of this detective.

Jiang Xia's eyes swept around, quickly crossed the alley entrance, and landed on the manhole cover in the middle of the alley.

He walked closer, knelt down and knocked, then lit the flashlight and carefully observed the edge.

After a moment, he looked thoughtful and grabbed a lucky errand boy: "Go find Officer Sato."

In the courtyard separated by a wall.

Wan Guanyi looked at the last piece of intact turf with mixed emotions.

This time, Koda Masao brought the police to dig up his house's land with great fanfare, but failed to dig out the body. This will obviously greatly reduce Koda Masao's credibility with the police.

In addition, this troublesome man will also be imprisoned for a period of time for robbing a jewelry store.

...But now it seems that for some reason, the manager of the jewelry store that was robbed seems to be on Masao Koda's side. It is not difficult to find the gem now. If Masao Koda surrendered immediately after the robbery, if she also forgives him... I am afraid he won't be locked up for long at all.

Watanuki Yiichi actually did not bury the body in his yard.

Previously, the reason why he did not let the police and Masao Koda dig up his yard was because once it was proven that there was no body in the yard, Masao Koda would inevitably turn his attention elsewhere. Although this madman is stubborn and annoying, there is one thing he does reason about. That's right.

Watanuki Yiichi couldn't drive, had no friends he could trust, and didn't dare take a taxi with the box containing the body as if nothing had happened, so the body is still buried nearby.

...If Koda Masao continues to rummage around after being released from prison, he will undoubtedly be in great danger.

When Masao Koda is arrested this time, he must find a way to move the body. Where should I move it...

Watanuki Yiichi was thinking when he suddenly saw a child crossing the cordon and running into his yard.

——It was a familiar little boy with glasses whom I had just met once in the morning, with the famous young detective.

Thinking of this, Mian Guanyi was startled and suddenly had a bad premonition.

The next second, he saw the child reaching out and tugging the female police officer leading the team: "Officer Sato, Brother Jiang Xia seems to have found the body!"


Before Sato Miwako rushed over.

Several policemen who noticed the movement in the alley and were familiar with Jiang Xia had already walked over.

——They had long seen Jiang Xia staying here. They suspected that this detective who worked overtime had finally entered the state, so they came over expectantly to see what clues Jiang Xia had found.

"Can you find out when the manhole cover was last repaired?"

Seeing them coming, Jiang Xia pointed at the edge of the manhole cover: "You can extract the traces here. It seems to have been opened recently. In addition, if you don't mind it, you can go down and have a look inside - this manhole cover is just right. At the side door of Mr. Watanuki's house, there are walls on both sides, which can prevent outsiders from peeking in. If he does not want to keep the body at his own home, but plans to transport it nearby, this will be a good passage .”

Speaking of "nearby", Jiang Xia thought for a while, walked to the iron wall of the construction site, jumped up and grabbed the top of the wall, and looked into the site.

Soon, his eyes stopped on a manhole cover at the construction site and the lone cosmos tree not far away.

Jiang Xia looked at those things, nodded secretly, let go and fell back to the ground.

With all the clues found, we can finally start fast forwarding...

When he landed, a large number of people left Watanuki's yard and poured over here.

The leader turned out to be Watanuki Yiichi. This slightly gloomy old man suddenly became extremely flexible.

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