Chapter 49 Waste utilization! (Seeking flowers/evaluation/reward!)




The scene was silent!

Hundreds of fans all looked at Ye Feng.

It’s not that 500,000 yuan is particularly high, but the problem is that 500,000 yuan is a bit too much to buy a mask.

Under the attention of everyone, Ye Feng gently hugged Wu Xiao’er in his arms, and said in a big way: “My girlfriend wants to be a micro-business. Throw 500,000 yuan for her to have fun.”

As soon as this is said!

The jaws of the fans were almost falling off.

“Half million just for fun?”

“My mother, the real local tyrant.”

“This local tyrant is so handsome and has a nice voice.”

“Love, love, is it too late for me to be a junior?”

“I will break up with my poor boyfriend when I go back. I must find such a handsome boyfriend…”

The female fans talked a lot.

Tang Qian was also very excited. She wanted to sell ten admission tickets for 500,000, but she did not expect one to sell for 500,000. She was really lucky!

Ye Feng said lightly: “However, I have a request.”

Tang Qian suppressed the excitement in her heart, and said enthusiastically: “Sir, you are really a model of a man, no matter what your requirements are, we will meet them!”


In full view!

Ye Feng took Wu Xiaoer’s hand, and the two walked to the stage together.

Walking to the stage, Ye Feng said to Tang Qian: “I have something in my phone, I want to let it out.”

Although Tang Qian was excited, she hadn’t been surprised by the surprise, and said with caution: “What are you going to put?”

Ye Feng said lightly: “Sweet photos with my girlfriend, share them with everyone!”

Tang Qian chuckled softly: “Sir, give me the USB flash drive, I’ll put it.”

Ye Feng shook his head and said forcefully: “No, it must be me, otherwise I won’t buy it.”

Tang Qian thought!

The wool that came to the mouth, not white or white, said in a casual way: “Okay!”

One minute later, the computer in the background was brought to the front, and Ye Feng first played the video taken by his friend Ahao in the 4s shop.

At this moment!

Hundreds of eyes on the scene, while staring at the big screen.

They are all looking forward to the luxurious life of Ye Feng and Wu Xiaoer on the screen.


When the screen appeared, they were all stunned!

A middle-aged man came to the 4s shop with a mobile phone and pointed at the photos of Liu Lina and Zhou Wan: “Do you know these two people?”

“What do you mean, you asked me to sell customer information?” The salesperson warned, and added righteously: “We have regulations and will never disclose any customer privacy!”

The middle-aged man stuffed the salesperson 500 yuan!

The salesperson smiled directly, put the money in his pocket, and immediately knew everything, saying, “Aren’t these two micro-businessmen?”

“This is our open secret!”

“In order to defraud money and get more people into the industry, the micro-business upstream came to us to take photos of buying cars.”

“We just need to get out of the car and let them take a photo together. A photo is two hundred yuan. This money thief is very profitable.”

Middle-aged male voice: “How long has this kind of thing lasted?”

The salesperson scratched his head: “I have been in this store for three years, and it was there before I came. I don’t know how long it will take!” Let’s read the book

The conversation is over!

The middle-aged male voice pointed the camera at the name of the 4s shop and took a picture: Donglaizhixing 4s shop!

this moment!

With the end of the video, the scene burst directly!

The female fans at the scene supported Tang Qian because Tang Qian portrayed them a bright future.


This beautiful future is like a picture scroll, torn to pieces by Ye Feng!


“All liars!”

“Just say why the mask I bought can’t be sold, but others can buy a house and a car?”

“Yes, I also thought that the friends in my circle of friends were not good, but I didn’t expect that WeChat business couldn’t make money at all.”

“Fake, everything is fake, this is just a beautiful dream!”

“I just bought a mask of 30,000 yuan yesterday. I return it. I want to sell it…”

Tang Qian’s fans yelled at the stage!

There are even excited fans who want to rush to find Tang Qian to return the goods.

Tang Qian’s face was pale and dumbfounded!

Just when she thought she could harvest 500,000 wool, Ye Feng gave her a slap in the face and drove her to hell!

Looking at the excited fans, Tang Qian calmed down, picked up the microphone, and shouted: “Quiet, quiet, everyone!”

“I never deceived everyone!”

“Liu Lina, Zhou Wan, Feng Tingting and they all took out the car keys just now.”

“If it’s just taking photos, can the 4s store let them take away the keys?”

Speaking of this, Tang Qian pointed at Ye Feng angrily: “This person is here to make trouble, definitely with ulterior motives!”


Hundreds of glances all fell on Ye Feng.

The hearts of the hundreds of assassins listeners were hesitated, contradictory, and at a loss.

They hate Tang Qian who weaves their dreams to deceive them, and they hate Ye Feng who pierces their dreams, and hope that the dreams are true!

Looking at these gazes, Ye Feng sneered: “I used to think that as long as you become a waste, no one can use you.”

“It seems that I am still wrong!”

“At least Tang Qian, mentor, knows how to use waste.”

“For example, in conjunction with inferior mask manufacturers, they will sell them to you at a high price.”

“If you can’t sell the mask, it must be because your friend’s purchasing power is not enough, or the way you sell it is wrong.”

“Otherwise, why can other micro merchants make money to buy a house and a car?!”

“Mask, also invest!”

“What should I do if I lose my money?”

“Of course I was looking for a boyfriend and borrowing money from my family.”

“What should I do if I lose all the borrowed money? There will be a confidant sister who will provide you with loan channels so that you can continue to purchase goods.”

“The last three products without products hit your hands, what should you do if you owe hundreds of thousands?”

“My confidant sister will arrange you to be princesses in KTV and beauties in nightclubs.”

“You can think about it, where are you now?”

Ye Feng said that.

Tang Qian’s face changed drastically, and she sternly said: “You said that the mask I sold is a three-no product. There is no evidence, otherwise I will sue you for slander!”

ps: Last update, good night, little cuties, good dreams!

Like women: This man is too showy! Please collect it: () Woman: This man is too nasty! .

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