Chapter 96 Crab (Thank you brother Shigu for your reward!)

Zhao Yang gritted his teeth! He assisted the drunk Su Ying and walked to the hotel.

Ye Feng knows that there must be gunfire in a certain room tonight, someone who has been suppressed for many years, may have to shoot all the bullets tonight! But this is a story of licking a dog and a scumbag.

The scum girl licked the dog and spent money for licking the dog.

He played tricks on the scumbag and spent money from the scumbag.

Hmm, he is a scumbag, this is a food chain, he is a man at the top of the food chain! Maybe someone asks: “Su Ying is so beautiful and so proactive, why don’t you go to her”

The answer is very simple: “Wu Xiaoer, isn’t she fragrant, she just broke five the day before yesterday, yes, and it is said tonight, hehe hehe!”

The next morning! Wu Xiaoer has been: brushing your teeth, has been: brushing your teeth, has been: brushing your teeth Ye Feng said impatiently: “By the way, you have been brushing your teeth for ten minutes.”

Wu Xiaoer said angrily: “Why do I brush my teeth, don’t you know?”

Ye Feng thinks about the crazy experience last night, can only smile sadly, and then pretend not to hear anything.

Brush your teeth! Wu Xiaoer is eating gum again! Chew and chew! Chew and chew! Chew and chew! Ye Feng just yawned when she got up in the morning.

Wu Xiaoer quickly spit out the Xuanmai in his mouth and let it into Ye Feng’s mouth.

Ye Feng was angry at the time, and hurriedly spit out the gum, cursing: “Are you disgusting?”

Wu Xiaoer glared at Ye Feng sternly, “You are not allowed to spit it out, I don’t think you are dirty, why do you think my gum is dirty”

Uh, think about it! Ye Feng had to continue chewing gum.

Seeing that Ye Feng did not spit out the gum, Wu Xiaoer finally calmed down and said to Ye Feng: “Husband, cooking is a woman’s bounden duty. I will cook from today.”

Ye Feng laughed and said: “Okay!”

Wu Xiaoer cautiously said: “I have never cooked any food before. If the food is not delicious, you can’t laugh at me.”

Ye Feng made up his mind and vowed to say: “Absolutely not, even if your cooking is unpalatable, I will definitely praise you!”

Hearing this, Wu Xiaoer smiled with satisfaction.

So! Wu Xiaoer started cooking.

Ye Feng wanted to help, but Wu Xiaoer was pushed out of the kitchen and had to sit in the living room and watch TV.


While watching TV, the mobile phone text message rang suddenly.

[Xiaguo Commercial Bank: Deposit your account with the end number of 694 to 1, and the whole yuan!] Ye Feng read it a few times! It is sure that it is 1 million! F*ck! Who is so good to transfer 1 million to him? Wu Xiaoer’s money was spent on travel in the day.

Although Wu Xiaoer is very rich, she is a man, and she still feels quite responsive to spending a woman’s money.

I didn’t expect someone to doze off and give a pillow, transfer a million! Thank you! Thank you! “Ding”

WeChat rang again! It was a message from A Hao: “Teacher Ye, this is a member of the Anti-Extremist Women’s Rights League. Thank you for your contribution. Although you have been blocked, we will always remember you! ”

Read the text message.

Ye Feng’s heart is warm.

Who said that people take the tea to cool, this is not the person who is gone, the heart is still there: Well, the emotional value has now accumulated to 970,000, and another 30,000 can be exchanged for a super treasure chest.

The day he opened the super treasure chest was when he started to be a demon! “Husband!”

“It’s eating!”

Wu Xiaoer happily called Ye Feng to eat.

Soon the table was full of vegetables, although it was not good-looking, it was probably not very delicious.

But Ye Feng has made up his mind

No matter how unpalatable the food is, he will definitely say it is delicious and encourage Wu Xiaoer to cook more! Just as Ye Feng made up his mind, Wu Xiaoer brought another plate of Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs! Wu Xiaoer pointed to the hairy crabs and said: “My husband eats crabs, I specialize Made it for you!”

Ye Feng nodded, and reached out to pinch the crab with chopsticks.

Suddenly a weird scene appeared! A shocking scene appeared! A bizarre scene happened! An embarrassing scene happened! The crab on the plate turned out to be a corpse! Ye Feng’s chopsticks hadn’t caught the crab, the crab was already Stretching out the tongs, he took the initiative to clamp Ye Feng’s chopsticks! Ye Feng and the crab: eyes to eyes! Chopsticks to tongs! Crab: “Why, I want to eat me”

Ye Feng: “This is all following the laws of nature”

Crab: “You humans all eat cooked food. I’m still alive. You are not following the laws of nature.”

Ye Feng looked at Wu Xiaoer: “Are you familiar with this crab?”

Wu Xiaoer’s face was flushed. She remembered that she had steamed for a long time. Why did she not know her well? Now when asked by Ye Feng, she was embarrassed and said timidly: “I’m not familiar.”

Ye Feng was angry at the time: “You are not familiar with it, why don’t you steam it?”

Wu Xiaoer: “”

Finally! After experiencing the crab farce, they still finished their meal.

Fortunately, although other dishes are not very tasty, they are at least up to the standard of swallowing, which is already very good for newcomers like Wu Xiaoer.

After eating! Ye Feng took the initiative to wash the pot.

Wu Xiaoer simply cleaned up the house, and then went to study the recipe with enthusiasm.

‘Wu Xiao’er, who was studying the recipe, suddenly thought that her younger brother Wu Zushan was a person who would never give up until he reached his goal.

Since yesterday’s seduction failed, what else will I think of later? Xijing City-Linglan Road-Room 308 of Xingyue Hotel!”.


A strong man kicked the door open with one foot! Wuzu Mountain, goatee, and several strong men rushed into the room.

Looking at the two people entangled in the bed, Wu Zushan said excitedly: “Ye Feng, why do you give Laozi up!”

“It’s in vain that my sister is so good to you, you are actually: stealing fishy outside, and I was caught.”

“I already have the photo. Get up now and go with me to see my sister.”

“Take the initiative to admit your mistake and break up with my sister, otherwise I will let you know why the flower is so popular!”

Wu Zushan didn’t even see who was on the bed, so he shouted excitedly! “Who!”

“who is it”

“You are”

Wuzu Mountain of Nuo: “”

f*ck! Who is this Ye Feng? Wuzu Shan first looked dumbfounded, and immediately yelled at his goatee: “What’s the matter?”

“Didn’t it mean that Ye Feng helped Su Ying into the hotel?”

“How did you change?”

“You tell me!”

“Why did it change?”

Facing Wuzu Mountain’s questioning, Goatee looked frightened and drenched in cold sweat: “Master, I’m sorry!”

“It’s too dark at night, and the monitor can’t see it clearly.”

“The people underneath are clumsy and think that this man is Ye Feng.”

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry!”

Looking at the sincere and fearful goatee, Wu Zushan couldn’t help becoming more irritable, and ordered: “Su Ying, call her up, call her up, and ask what happened yesterday.”

: I ask for flowers and evaluation votes, I wish you all a happy look!

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