Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 10 The Duty Of A Doctor

On the sixth floor of the Time and Space Corridor, Ling Nu gently opened a file, "Zhu Qiu Ting was born in a poor family and was born blind. She was also oppressed in school. After her parents died in a car accident, she committed suicide by jumping off the building."

She shook her head and put the files together. Two battles had almost allowed him to break through the seventh level. It was natural to break through the first level. The advancement of the magic sword's technology could also be seen from the holographic video.

But what attracts Ling Nu even more is Wei Ying who has found the key to breaking the situation. "Hope will drive you to come to the door step by step, but the rules of the Corridor of Creatures will erode your unity and strength bit by bit. Wei Ying, I don't know you, Can you finally see through the secret of this living corridor?"

She gently opened the door, and at night, a phantom butterfly flew gently over in the deep blue garden, lingered on Suzuki's finger for a moment, and then flew away again.

The man with a broken face was waiting for Suzume at the exit of the garden, "Miss Suzume."


"Let's go to the second floor to add fuel to the fire and let those who try to destroy this world die in sorrow."

A sneer penetrated the flesh and blood. The man covered his broken face with one hand. His right eye had long since disappeared. A white vortex burst out from behind his hair with a suffocating light. "How is it?"

Suzume looked at the man's appearance and said, "Mr. Death..."

She shook her head slightly, "I won't go, of course..."

He gently raised his hand, folded off a purple morning glory behind him, and stuck it in Mr. Death's pocket, "I know you can't do it either."

She walked past Mr. Death, leaving behind a touch of fragrance and sobriety, "Please wait a moment, Miss Suzume, can I ask a question?"


"Is it because you were a war doctor during your lifetime that you have been reluctant to get involved in these matters?"

Everyone who is willing to stay in the Corridor of Creatures will get their own answer from Suzu Girl.

And the leaders of each level have a deep understanding of their own tragic past.

Everyone's body can be compared to a container. Once the container that stores filth exceeds its capacity, it will collapse. The degree of collapse determines the level of several corridor guards. Mr. Death is on the fifth level, but he has already reached it. The bottleneck period of the fifth level will soon become the guardian of the sixth level.

Although Suzuomei is the guardian of the corridor, it is an accident. There is no sign of filth in her body, and her mood is always in a gentle and calm state.

And also because of her petite body she looks like a good girl.

"Perhaps there is a reason for this, but not entirely."

He held up the bell on his chest with his palm, and the clear sound lingered under the night sky, and his nerves seemed to be cleansed. "A doctor's duty is to save lives and heal the wounded, isn't it? Infighting is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Mr. Death was stunned, then smiled heartily, "Okay, okay, thank you for your hard work."

"It's you who have done the hard work, why should I say it's so hard?"

She waved her hand and disappeared into the darkness of the night, transforming into a butterfly and flying to the sky to add some blue beauty.

Two balls of dust buried a deep hole, and it took a lot of effort to dig a hole for Xing Hanjun. Wei Ying did not want to see this scene, so he left the team to rest by lying about being unwell.

Touching the kettle at his waist, he unscrewed the lid and within a few seconds, a cold wind swept over him. He glanced at his companions, and as if time had frozen, Wei Ying put his hand behind his back to hold the sword. He knew that an enemy was coming.

"What? My arrival makes you fearful?"

Suzume's soft voice came from behind. Wei Ying did not look back. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and still held the weapon tightly in his hand. Before knowing the intention of the other party, he must not let down his guard. This is one of the basic rules of survival.

"What are you doing here?"

"Wouldn't it be better to put the knife down first?"

"Then tell me clearly first, what are you doing here?"

"I have a friend here who hopes you can accept her request for help."

"If I can't guarantee my own life, how can I possibly help others and agree to their requests?"

"Just hearing it this way, you will naturally disagree. However, let me make a decision after I finish reading the requester's name."

"Say it."

"Zhu Qiu Ting."

The leader of the first floor hopes that he can help her? Can't answer, absolutely can't answer. Wei Ying took a step back and gritted his teeth, "I won't agree!"

"But, you have already killed Qiu Ting, don't you plan to help her at all?"

A slightly embarrassed look appeared on Lingnu's face, "You did this all by yourself, Wei Ying."

"Dead? Why?"

"I've probably said it before, but I don't mind emphasizing it again. The Corridor of Life relies on despair. Everyone here is indulged in an illusion. And Zhu Qiu Ting, you broke her illusion. , to give her hope of living is to kill her."


"Yes, dead!"

"how come!"

Unable to believe this truth, Wei Ying's hands began to tremble, but Ling Nu added: "The Corridor of Life is a special state of existence for the soul after death. The renewal here relies on each layer of guardians. Human flesh and blood is used as supply and support, and despair is a necessary thing for the construction of the corridor."

Lingnu shook her head. It was better for Weiying to accept this answer now than to accept it later and collapse. She pointed to the letter in her hand, "So, what about this?"

"......I help."

"Well, that's right, but since Qiu Ting and I used to be friends, I won't embarrass you. Just think I owe you a favor. I will show up to help you when necessary."

"So, what's the matter?"

"Place the red heart in the envelope inside the box on the clock tower on the third floor to restart the mechanical city on the third floor."

"Did she write this?"

"The guardian of the third level, Du Huoku, once had a relationship with Qiu Ting. I think the red heart in this letter may be very important?"

"Okay, I will definitely do what I promised!"

"Then I will also give you a gift in return. I can guarantee that your life will not be in danger before you fulfill your promise."

The dissipation of the bell girl made Wei Ying collapse on the spot. This ability to freeze time would affect two people in the space at the same time. His head was dizzy, and Wei Ying forced himself to breathe quickly to adjust his condition.

With the protection of Ling Nu, an expert, Wei Ying also made some mental calculations about what must be done in this situation - to investigate the information of all team members, because after listening to Ling Nu's words, he always felt that it was impossible to leave this world. The process was several times more difficult than imagined.

He turned his back, glanced back at everyone's faces, and hid in a dark corner to observe, "Since Xing Hanjun left, including me, there are still ten people. Well, let's check them one by one."

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