Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 100 Wake Up

Lying on the white hospital bed was a smart and lovely girl. The thin white cloth covering her body showed that her soul had drifted to a new country.

The girl's father arrived late, and his pupils shrank suddenly when he saw the hospital bed, obviously unwilling to accept this fact.

"what happened......"

"What's going on?! Doctor!"

Although he tried his best to rush back, it was still a step too late. Her lovely daughter was brutally murdered on the street the night before yesterday. The tragic father and daughter parted in a hurry without even seeing each other for the last time.

At this moment, even this general who wore military uniform and dared to charge on the front line of the war was grieving for his own incompetence due to the pain of losing his loved ones, and let tears fall from his eyes.

"This family member of the deceased, I understand your feelings, but please stay calm and do not disturb other patients."

The nurse wearing a white mask walked slowly and softly to the general, tugged on the corner of his clothes, and motioned for him to come to a corner to talk.

Suddenly, all the scenes were blocked by a black shadow, and it could only be vaguely seen that the two people were still discussing, but what they said and all the follow-up were silent.

The dim and dim lights were dim, and a wave of radio waves shot out from the device in the center of the city and gradually spread outward.

For some reason, Xinglian miraculously came to life despite being covered in bruises. The wounds were simply bandaged by the bionic man and no longer hurt. However, her head was still a little dizzy due to the impact of the explosion.

She slowly turned her head and found that she was in a green nutrient solution jar. The scene outside looked like a laboratory.

No one has appeared in the laboratory yet. In the opposite direction of Xinglian, another jar of green nutrient solution contains Wei Ying who is still sleeping.

"Mr. Wei Ying..."

Xinglian spoke subconsciously and suddenly realized that she was still in the liquid tank. However, what she worried about did not happen. The nutrient solution did not have a real impact on her.

"Can I speak?"

However, just when the girl hesitated, suddenly, the door creaked. This noisy sound instantly attracted Xinglian's attention.

In an emergency, she quickly closed her eyes and allowed her body to remain in its natural state.

"It's really strange. Why does this guy's consciousness just refuse to accept the 'update'?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that this guy's brain was actually damaged before the battle?"

The two experimenters walked in shoulder to shoulder. It looked like they had drunk some wine. They sat down to rest drunkenly and started discussing indifferently.

"But think about it, the only people who can't accept the change in consciousness are those without consciousness."

"Huh? What you said seems to make sense."

"Right, so, in my opinion, this woman should have no brain, so that makes sense."

A trace of silence rose in the girl's heart, as if the people without brains were the two sitting in the laboratory.

The voice suddenly became low, and the two of them turned to look at Xinglian, feeling the inexplicable gaze. As the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet, uneasiness slowly rose in Xinglian's heart.

"You said, what will be waiting for a person who cannot evolve her consciousness?"

"What else can there be? Have you never seen the miserable look of that guy underground?"

The extremely sinister laughter echoed in the laboratory, making Xinglian's skin crawl, but it was also followed by full of doubts.

That rascal?

Which guy?

Is there anyone else in Varadonco's underground?

Just as the girl was thinking, two screams came from the laboratory. The machine door was roughly dismantled by a tall red-haired man, and he threw it against the wall.

The man crushed all the corpses on the ground, leaving blood residue flying everywhere in the laboratory. His red eyes showed the anger and hatred hidden in his heart.

As if he noticed something strange, he stood on tiptoes and sniffed the surrounding smells with his nose, confirming the smell of living creatures, and followed his inner intuition and turned his head towards the nutrient solution tank.

He put his ear against the nutrient solution tank and listened to the faint vibration of the water inside. Then he quickly jumped away as if he had been stimulated by something, revealing his two fangs and looking ferociously at the Star Lotus inside.

"you are still alive!"

It wasn't in a questioning tone. Xinglian sensed the problem as soon as she heard it. She moved her body to the right one step ahead and avoided the boy who bumped into him.

The nutrient solution tank was smashed, and Xinglian once again breathed the fresh air without irritating gases, opened her hands and opened her mind to feel the new life.

This movement of regaining a new life caught the man's attention. His furious mood gradually stabilized, and he put away the weapon, looking at the girl with eyes full of suspicion.

"You're alive...but you're still conscious."

"Huh? Who are you? Attacking me randomly?"

"My guess is that you should have woken up just now, so you should have heard what those two guys said, right - I am the guy they said - Jisha."


The moment the girl hesitated, Ji Sha had already walked up to Wei Ying, looked at the pitiful young man, and pressed the button to recall his consciousness.

"You are not from the third level. I have never seen you."


"Then please leave as soon as possible. It's very unsafe here and it won't do you any good to stay here."

"No, I will never leave until I achieve my goal!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a red current hit Xinglian directly. Although she blocked it with an iron plate on her side, the remaining impact force made her unsteady.

"You probably didn't understand what I was saying. I'm telling you - you guys, get out of here."

"What about my friend!?"

"Your friend... I will find a way to save him. You can leave now. After I liberate Varadonco, your companions will also wake up."

"Liberate... Varadonco? Are you talking about the central device?!"

"It seems you know something about it."

"We wanted to destroy the device, but unfortunately the plan failed."

"Oh? Then things become more subtle. Although it is a bit abrupt to speak like this, please allow me to ask - why did you destroy that device?"

"My friend was put into a coma because of that device, so..."

"So you came here to carry out this whimsical action. Little girl, you are really brave. You must know that this is Varadonco...Forget it, there is no point in telling you this."


"In short, leave quickly. The mission of liberating Varadonco should still be completed by our own people."

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