Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 106 Teasing

Seeing that Mr. Death was unapologetic, Suzume just sighed, shook her head, and sent him off the sixth floor with a wave of her hand.

Returning to the control room on the fifth floor, Mr. Death, who had long expected that such a day would come, took out a newspaper. He had started planning this matter a long time ago, but now that he was found out, he seemed a little calm.

That was a newspaper from a few years ago. It was a story after the magic sword passed through the fifth floor. He conspired with several business founders on the fifth floor to try to put the technology on this floor to the third and third floors where management was more relaxed. Four floors.

However, in the end, only the third-level Duhuo Kuong collected these technologies. The fourth-level leader "Xuehuxiyu" did not respond to his message. In the end, this matter was only signed on the third level and not on the fourth level. Let it go.

A series of tedious affairs have entangled Lingnu, causing her to have no time to take care of the affairs of the third floor recently. Except for the leader of the seventh floor who sent Ye Shuang to perform tasks on his behalf, none of the leaders above the sixth floor are free, and they are all working on it. Latest erosion work on the promenade.

The leader of Geshas who once held a great position has now disappeared, and in order to find her, the third person from the right also embarked on the road to conquer the Tower of Despair. In terms of the current erosion, the condition of the corridor is not optimistic.

"Miss third from the right, I hope everything goes well for you."


The God of War, third from the right, went all the way up, and regarded killing as the norm. Even the flying snakes on the eighth floor could only last four hours under his hands.

"In order to ensure that I can continue to fight, the ninth level must be quick and quick while ensuring that I am not harmed."

The air is filled with the smell of death and decay, and the foul-smelling green slime clings to the monster's tail. The third from the right is carrying a spear and stepping over corpses everywhere. A glimmer of consciousness occasionally flashes in his ruthless eyes, but the endless battle in this Tower of Despair seems a bit redundant.

Just before the third person on the right stepped onto the ninth floor, the sound of friction on the ground came from behind. Although it was extremely weak, it still could not escape the ears of the third person on the right.

"Who is there?"

I heard the voice of the third person from the right. The man was hiding at the door of the eighth floor. His upper body was covered by shadows, but his lower body still looked like a human being. His fair upper thighs were covered by very short blue shorts, and he was wearing black lace-up boots.


Dots of blue light flashed in the darkness, seemingly where the eyes were, and bone-white shards of glass floating around the man flew rapidly towards the third person from the right.


While turning sideways to dodge, the third person on the right raised his gun to deflect the approaching debris. As the fragments spun behind him, he turned the spear behind him. The moment the gun body blocked the attack, the third person on the right grabbed the end and raised the tip of the gun. The broken glass flew high into the air.

"who are you!?"

" it important?"

The girl turned around slightly, her long light blue hair and the end of her thick shirt that looked a little too small were exposed to the sight of the third person on the right. The white ultra-thin vest also exposed around her waist was also remembered by the third person on the right. .

"The next leader of the corridor...the third one from the right, right?"

"'s impossible to just remember the name...this guy probably knows my details."

"We will definitely meet again in the future, but not now, let's say goodbye~"

The light wind wrapped around the feet, two afterimages flashed past, the man disappeared at the steps of the eighth floor, and the debris floating in the air also disappeared.


"I know too little about this tower. Shas didn't tell me any information about this tower. The situation is not good for me."

“But I hate quitting halfway!”

"I know myself, I am strong, and I will not back down because of a moment of hesitation."

"My will is stronger than anything else. The so-called invincibility has never stood against me."

"keep going."




The sound of heavy footsteps on the stairs reached all the way to the ninth floor. This reckless behavior of exposing one's position may seem stupid, but it comes from the third person on the right's confidence in his own strength.

The world on the ninth floor is not filled with monsters and venomous snakes as imagined. Instead, there are only three humanoid shadows standing in the center of the ninth floor, watching the third one from the right without taking any action.

"Okay, very good. I'm a little tired from all the killing. It's better to increase the difficulty!"

Taking the lead, in the flash of lightning, the third person from the right appeared in front of one of them. When the other person reacted and raised his hand, he disarmed him. He mustered up the strength of his right hand to hit it in the face. An explosion sounded at the edge of the wall, followed by billowing smoke and dust. diffuse.


The long black sword passed by the front of the third person on the right's neck, and the sudden strong aura pushed the blade towards her throat. She leaned back until her body balanced and brushed the bottom of the sword. The third person on the right smiled indifferently, and in just a short moment, she Came behind that person.

"You are still too weak to arouse my interest."

Sensing the four threads moving rapidly in the air, the third person on the right gave up her avoidance and allowed the threads to pass through her body. Her body was fixed in the center of the room and became the target of the three people's fire.

"I hope you can give me a little shock."

The long sword passed through the air and fell with blazing flames. The powerful blow was received by the third person on the right in the most humiliating way - with two fingers.

"Is this little flame worthy of being called fire? Let me teach you."

Blue flames burst out from the corners of the girl's eyes, spreading along her body and threads to every corner of the ninth-floor room. This hell-like feast finally aroused the desire to fight in the heart of the third person on the right.

"That's enough, fall down."

Time froze at this moment, and the instantaneous power hidden in the body of the third person on the right exploded. A huge wave of blood appeared out of thin air and surged from the center to the surroundings. The three humanoid shadows dissipated just after being affected by this power. Without a trace.

"Oh, keep going!"

The blue flames that sealed the ninth floor disappeared. With a little joy of victory, the third from the right began to move towards the tenth floor. Although some unnecessary power was used on this floor, it should be harmless.

"Would you also choose this mindless approach when there is no need to waste your energy?"

Exactly like the scene just now, the third person on the right stopped and turned around to see the mysterious man standing in the black shadow staring at her.

"Are you investigating me?"

"Would you also choose this mindless approach when there is no need to waste your energy?"

The mysterious person still repeated her question. Out of worry, the third person on the right was unwilling to answer her. He was about to take a step back and go to the tenth floor to avoid wasting time here.

However, when she turned around, the mysterious man was standing at the stairs in front of the third person from the right, blocking her way.

Even though he stood under the light, his upper body was still obscured by darkness.

"Would you also choose this mindless approach when there is no need to waste your energy?"


The third person on the right turned back and glanced into the darkness behind. The mysterious man's real body was there, and the one in front of him was just an illusion.

"I hate it when people question me..."

The spear pierced the phantom's heart, and the third person on the right fired a shot without hesitation, ending the phantom's existence.

"You know, I don't like to show weakness."

"So that's your answer?"

"If you like it, that's up to you."

"Recording completed... I wish you... good luck~"

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