Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 118 Hope Is In The Air

As for the two people from Varadonko, they had just walked out of the room. Xinglian occasionally turned his head to peek at Jisha, only to see that he always had a gloomy face and at the same time quickened his pace to leave the military supply depot.

As the Noshmi system ceased operation, the outer layer of defense guarding the mental device also removed its most solid barrier.

But the loss of this old friend also hit Jisha's ally. The kind-hearted Xinglian couldn't think of anything to comfort him, so she could only ask softly:

"Are you okay? Jisha?"

"I'm fine, I'm just a little sad. Varadonco was once a beautiful and powerful city, but now it's in such a state of decline - even 'he' can't escape this kind of interference."

Ji Sha sighed, turned around and walked to the window, looking at the bright moon through the glass, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"We have no time to hesitate. If Varadonco is not liberated, we will have no peace!"

Xinglian sensed Jisha's strong will, and unconsciously became curious - why could Jisha remain so awake under the influence of the mental device?

"Ji Sha, although it's a bit sudden to say this, how did you wake up?"

"Sober... Speaking of which, I didn't tell you about my experience when I met you, so I'll keep it short."

Seeing Xinglian nodding, Jisha began to tell about his past.

"My name is Jisha, and I have been living in this disaster since I was born."

"As a killing machine, the master who created me has given me strength and an independent consciousness!"

"Ben and Nosh fans join forces to fight against the intruders on the third floor..."

“It wasn’t until some accidents happened later that I was forced to make procedural changes.”


The androids outside the laboratory frequently hit the protective door protecting the "Pure Land" with their bodies. A doctor in white wiped the sweat from his face and anxiously watched the progress of the transformation that was refreshed bit by bit on the screen.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

The smoke from the explosions of artillery fire drifted in along the cracks and gaps that appeared on the door. Not only the people outside, but also the doctor inside the laboratory felt that he had gone crazy.

"I can't, can't just let it go!"

"Paper, paper! Yes, and a pen!"

In order to barely maintain his sanity, he took out a short knife and dagger from his pocket and slashed it across his arm with a smile. Stimulated by the pain, he gradually took over the dominant position in his consciousness.

"That piece of shit!"

"I know I can't fight it, but others can!"

"I want to preserve these things that I have recorded, and..."

There was pain and pity hidden under the helpless smile. The doctor slowly turned his head to the left. There was a petite red-haired boy in the mechanical tank behind the completed experiment. However, it was not a semi-mechanized transformation. Pure robots, including hair, are made of mechanical fibers.

This technological transformation will give the robot a stronger consciousness and some magical powers to resist future armies.

"And you..."


"You have to live too."

There was a loud explosion inside his brain, and electromagnetic chaotic sounds filled his mind, almost eroding him completely.


The hand rises and the knife falls.

There were wounds on the flesh and blood on the waist, and the pure white coat was stained red with blood. The blood scattered on the ground reflected the doctor's face under the bright light. His facial expression began to twist and twitch, and the time left for him was gone. Running out.

If he hadn't noticed the abnormality of that thing and done some mental training in advance, he wouldn't have been able to carry it alone until now.

"I have to record it!"

"We have no chance..."

"But hope remains..."

"Ji Sha, and the others who arrived at this place."

"Hope this information can help you..."

The door of the laboratory was about to be shattered by the artillery fire. A bloody hand protruded from the wall and was exposed to the doctor's sight. Very decisively, he pressed another button to seal the door.

As the second prepared blockade door was lowered, the time to write the necessary information increased. In order to keep his self-awareness clear, his left hand held the blade of the knife against the side of his thigh and moved it weakly.

"About Misty Winter's spiritual device..."

"About Butterfly Magnetic Tower..."

"There is still hope..."

"That's it..."


The doctor who had accomplished all his goals smiled wildly and used up his last bit of strength. He turned around and sat down against the experimental table. He looked at the weapon in his left hand and laughed at his own incompetence.

After confirming again that the intelligence paper had been placed in the safe, the doctor finally refused to let others control his mind and pointed the tip of the weapon at his chest.

The Doctor, who represented Varadonco's final will... ended his life without words.

The mechanical tank on the side disappeared with a flash of white light.

Jisha was also buried deep under Varadonco, but a part of the memory implanted in his brain allowed him to understand the crisis that Varadonco was in, and he also took control of his own power.

"Fortunately, the device did not affect my consciousness. Perhaps because I am purely mechanical, it could not interfere with my behavior and could not predict me. After that, I hid until There were huge fluctuations up there, and I just came out.”

After Jisha finished telling his story, his eyes became a little more determined.

"I understand that the time is ripe for resistance, and I don't want to wait any longer."

"So this can be considered a kind of fate."

The gossip ended here. The two knew that the resistance plan could no longer be postponed, so they climbed to the top floor of the base and observed Varadonco's current situation from the ceiling.

Due to the previous two raids, Wudong's spiritual device is now surrounded by many troops, but because of Weiying and Xinglian, they are not in the best condition.

"It's better to make a surprise attack. Although this method is reckless, it is the most effective!"

"But it might be difficult to attack the center from our position."

"You don't have to worry about this, Miss Xinglian, I'll give you this."

"This is?"

Ji Sha handed a chip to Xing Lian, but due to Song Sheng's precedent, Xing Lian did not dare to use it and just looked at Ji Sha hesitantly.

"This is a chip left for us by Nosh fans. It was originally a high-tech product that was going to be mass-produced, but something happened suddenly and we can no longer control it so much."

"Does it have any effect?"

"Using it allows you to fly, so that the task of raiding the central device will be much easier."

"Wait a minute, are you sure you can teach me to fly with just this little thing?"

"Don't worry, Jisha won't lie to you."

Despite some hesitation in his heart, Xinglian still used the chip under Jisha's watch, and according to Jisha, after Xinglian used the chip, his body became extremely light.

Moreover, this is not the most fatal key. The most critical point is that Varadonco's air defense power does not rely on the army, but on facilities controlled by Noshmi.

Now, the paralysis of the "old friend" not only adds to the liberation, but also paves the way for their next actions.

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