Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 120 Viper Negotiation

Two days have passed since Varadonco was nominally liberated. Although there were some problems with foreign negotiations, they were covered up with other excuses by people who later woke up.

Yuko has no intention of negotiating with Varadonco for the time being. In Duhuoku's eyes, Varadonco has no need to unify. Although some people have proposed to force troops to conquer Varadonco, in the end She dismissed it.

Now Varadonco is truly at peace.

However, Weiying still did not wake up. Although Xinglian wanted to guard him, due to his identity, the hero who saved people had to continue talking to Jisha about Varadonko's takeover.

As for Yi Xun, he has been trying to contact other dishonest people for two days. Recently, through some people from Varadonco, he successfully harvested some information in Yuko - about the incident of the fall of Porhija.

Iletya also apologized to the other people in Varadonco for the reason why she was controlled, and finally took care of Wei Ying while recovering from her injuries.

In two days, coupled with her own amazing healing ability, her healers had judged Iletya's recovery and allowed her to move freely.

"Then, congratulations, Miss Iletya, you are free from now on."

"Thank you, but I still need to spend some time with this idiot next to me, so I'll excuse you."

"Of course, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll take my leave."

When the medical staff left, the young lady who was allowed to move freely changed her form in an instant. She walked to the inside of Wei Ying's bed and pulled the light blue curtains on both sides for him to facilitate the reception. Come down and do other things.

"I need to confirm how much you know about me so I can make my next move."

"This step of being mentally controlled was something I never expected. There was no way around it, and I had no choice."

As a red light wandered from the corner of the girl's eyes, the flowers on her shoulders bloomed as promised, and the fragrance lingered throughout the room, making people feel happy.

After confirming that no one was around, he touched Captain Ying's wrist with his slender left hand. Although it was weak, it still vibrated. A little red light brushed across Captain Ying's cheek along his fingertips, and a faint scar broke through the protection of the skin.

"Let's carry out memory infiltration next."

"Although it's a bit excessive to treat your companions like this, please don't blame me."

Half of the world in his sight collapsed like a mirror, replaced by Wei Ying's memory, going back to Wei Ying's past, and even - the memory of another world.

Due to the short time, Iletya skipped all the previous memories until the moment Varadonco saw her, and quickly looked at it again.

"It's not safe. Wei Ying didn't persist until the end. I still don't know how I have changed in their eyes. Damn it!"


It was during this short period of thinking that Wei Ying, whose memory had been penetrated, miraculously woke up. When he turned his head, he looked at Iletya next to him in surprise.

The two looked face to face for more than ten seconds before Iletya took two steps back, licked her lips, and put her left hand behind her back, holding a short knife and dagger tightly, fighting fiercely in her heart.

He woke up so suddenly. I don't know if he was guarding me. If that's the case, he probably already knows some of my secrets, so I must get rid of him to avoid future troubles!

But that moment was also when I gave up on infiltration. Although both sides of the memory communicated during the infiltration process, even with the hesitation time, he couldn't even see anything in my memory, so there was no need to get rid of him.

"Why are you here?!"

"Ah? Me? Let's see how you are doing. Are you feeling better? Oh, by the way! I'm very awake now!"

"Huh?! It' it? Thanks...thank you, I'm much better."

"Well, thanks to you, all of Varadonco got out of that mess and we're in a much better place now than we were before."

"Ha, that's great, but I'm still a little tired, so just let me sleep for a while, okay?"

"Well... of course, but I have to report to Xinglian and the others when you wake up, so I'll excuse you now and take care of yourself."

"Well, please."

Lying down carefully, Wei Ying slowly closed his eyes, his heart beating wildly. He felt something strange about this guy just when he met Iletya's eyes.

When he saw her left hand hidden behind her back, she even broke out in cold sweat. She could only pretend to be calm, and then found a step to get down.

The sound of footsteps slowly approached him. Wei Ying, who had just regained consciousness, knew that he was no match for Iletya and could only lower the opponent's vigilance step by step according to the opponent's intention.

The feeling between his eyebrows revealed that a foreign object was slowly approaching between his eyebrows, but at this time, he couldn't panic anymore and forced himself to stay calm.

"whispering sound......"

Iletya's hand raised in mid-air was erratic, rising and falling.

Executing Wei Ying here is tantamount to making enemies for yourself throughout Varadonco. This is definitely not a wise move; but if you don't get rid of this guy, other accidents may occur in the future...

After careful consideration, Iletya slowly removed the dagger in her hand, quietly took a deep breath, and quietly left the hospital, hiding herself once again.

Hearing the footsteps disappear, Wei Ying slowly straightened up, turned his head towards the window, and watched the figure that was gradually retreating touch his chest.

"She just wanted to kill me..."

"I can feel the obvious killing intent. This guy is very dangerous to me now..."

However, before he could finish his words, two stones hit the glass on the fifth floor of the hospital. The banging sound reached Wei Ying's ears. Iletya was standing on the rooftop of the opposite building looking at him!


Under Wei Ying's gaze, Iletya raised the index finger of her left hand, smiled evilly, indicating to him to stay rational, then turned around and left, disappearing at the corner of the street.

"A terrifying monster..."

"Is this guy really a human?"

Ring ring ring, a series of funny cell phone ring tones came from the corridor. A nurse in white appeared at the door of the room with liquid food. At the same time, she took out the cell phone in her pocket and handed it to Wei Ying.

"Give me?"

"Someone looking for you."

Because it involved important matters, the other end of the phone negotiated with the medical staff to let him leave, leaving Wei Ying alone in the room.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Senior Wei Ying, it's me!"


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