Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 122 Dark River

The two of them rushed towards the base. On the way, Wei Ying kept asking Ji Sha for some information.

"Why do I have to be the leader? Can't you just do it yourself?"

"I originally planned to let Miss Xinglian take this position, but she specifically emphasized that you have the greatest credit for this operation, so I will give it to you as the leader."

"how about you?"


Ji Sha chuckled and waved his hand casually to refuse. The wind blowing in the sky blew up his front bangs. A hint of disappointment flashed in his red eyes, but he quickly covered it up with a fake smile.

"The reason why you asked me to be the next leader must be more than just revenge. There are other reasons. And it's because this factor is too important that you want me to become the leader, right?"

"Humph, you are very smart. Yes, I do have something else to ask of you. But isn't the condition I gave you very tempting? Imagine if you want to have sex with no one to protect you. It’s impossible to talk about the third-level leader’s confrontation, right?”

"So, what do you want me to do?"

Although it was afternoon and the sun was shining brightly, Wei Ying was covered in cold sweat. This evil spirit wanted to drag everyone into a bottomless whirlpool.

However, with no chance of winning by going alone, Wei Ying had to make a deal with the devil this time.

"Varadonko has a device, the Noshmi Manipulation System, which has the ability to reverse all fighters, but it has a fatal flaw, which is where you need your help."

"The activation device requires a real person to operate it, so you want to lend my hand to activate the Nosh fan."

"Oh? It's really incredible. How did you find out?"

"It's not important. For the sake of my companions, I will take this position, but I also have conditions."

"But it doesn't matter."

"I need you to fulfill your promise first and bring my companions to Varadonco. This will be enough to prove your sincerity."

"Haha, it's really interesting. You obviously want something from me, don't you?"

"Then you might as well give it a try. Without my help, you can lead Varadonko to fight against the new leader."

Although it is necessary for Wei Ying and the others to move forward against the leader of the third floor, Ji Sha's unbearable anger can be fully exploited to quietly transfer the responsibilities that originally rested on Wei Ying's shoulders to Ji Sha. body, thereby increasing the bargaining chips for this negotiation.

"Okay, I think it's not that difficult. I promise you, but you have to bring the person back by yourself."

"...Well, okay."

When the two rows of gatekeepers saw the two generals, no one dared to come forward to talk to them. They all stood up with guns in hand, opening the way for the two generals. The gatekeepers waited until the two men walked a few meters in front of them and automatically opened the gate.

After boarding the elevator and pressing the button for the fifth floor, Wei Ying and Ji Sha had their own thoughts. They stopped talking to each other. They walked out of the elevator in silence and opened the door of Noshmi. Yi Xun is here too.

"So, you two, please allow me to introduce you. The person next to me is Varadonco's new leader - General Longmen."

"Mr. Wei Ying, have you agreed?"

Yi Xun came forward anxiously, thinking of what had just happened in the alleyway, and began to check Wei Ying's physical condition.

"Well, I discussed some things with Ji Sha and need to deal with them as soon as possible - Yi Xun, are those positions accurate?"

"Absolutely accurate!"

"That's good."

Xinglian, who was sitting far away on the chair, saw the two's intentions, secretly took out the communicator and contacted the relevant departments to prepare the vehicles needed for the trip, and then got up and prepared to set off.

"General, I will leave the affairs in the city to you for the time being. I will go and bring my friends back."

"Wait a minute, Xinglian, Varadonco's internal affairs still need to be handled by you. I have to go for this operation."

"No! Your injury hasn't healed yet. It will be very dangerous if you go!"

Looking at Xinglian's eager expression, Wei Ying forced a smile, and then pointed outside the window on the fifth floor, "Don't worry, leave it to us."



"It's incredible that they found me."

Iletya jumped down from the steps, her short black hair reflecting her crisp and agile movements. Then the girl put her hands on her hips and looked at Wei Ying with interest.

"You want to leave here, right? Let's go together?"

"I think so too."

At dusk and the sun set, the dim light shone on the backs of the two of them, and a vague afterimage hung at the corner of the street. In the cool breeze, Wei Ying looked at the base with a meaningful and contemptuous smile, lowered his head and turned away.

"Are you so relieved that he will leave? What if something goes wrong..."

"Yi Xun, of course I'm not at ease, so I need you to secretly protect Mr. Wei Ying. Varadonco's internal affairs do need someone to handle them. I'm sorry."

"Ha... I went too far. I'm sorry. I will do it. Take care."

"Take care of yourself."

As night fell, the cold wind blew through Wei Ying's sleeves from the water. His right hand was always on the scabbard tied to his waist. Iletya found the letterman guarding the shore and went over to negotiate first.

According to the plan, they would board the next ship bound for Youko and leave quietly while passing through the cargo transfer station.

At that time, they were still some distance away from the other team members, and they needed to avoid the guards in Porxiga and find the other members who were hiding.

After the task is completed, the ship will return after unloading the cargo. At that time, there will be other replacement personnel at the transfer station. Other personnel with Youke identity passports will provide them with support and replace the guards at the transfer station.

"Is there no one up here?"

"no one?"

After boarding the ship and walking into the control room, Wei Ying could see clearly that the ship was remotely controlled. Apart from the cargo, they were the only two people in the ship.

The river water was torn open by the charging ship, and the rivers on both sides rolled behind him. Surprisingly, there was a clear and clear sound of birdsong surrounding the sky. Wei Ying lay on the railing, looking at the slowly flowing scenery, helplessly. He let out a breath.

"When will I live like this?"

"I'm really looking forward to it."

"What were you expecting?"

Iletea came over at some point, and the girl lifted her hood. Although the girl's usual behavior seemed inappropriate, at this moment, her eyes flashed with clear and flawless sky blue, and she kept pinching her left hand. Clothes on the chest.

"When I regain my memory and return to my own world, I must have a good rest and enjoy my life."

"Huh? But we all came to this world because we died of despair, right? What will we enjoy when we return to the original world?"

Unbelievable that such words would come out of Iletya's mouth, Wei Ying turned around in surprise and stared into Iletea's eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Iletya doesn't want to go back to the original world?"

"I don't know - but after listening to Suzu's words, haven't you thought about it? Since we died of despair, is it necessary to think about the past?"

Iletya slowly walked to the bow of the ship, holding the railing with both hands, and turned back gracefully in the breeze, leaving a faint smile under the bright moonlight.

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