Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 136 Clear The Fog

There were two invasions of the super-tech base in a short period of time, which seriously aroused Du Huoku's suspicion.

At this moment, she was restless and furious as she watched the bad news being delivered.

"Guard, tell Yun Haisheng to come see me within three hours!"

"Chief, do you really want to do this?"

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"General Jellyfish's loyalty is obvious to everyone. Even you know that he would never do this. Why would he harm the general?"

As if a switch of memory had been pried, and as if an electric current was stimulating his whole body, Du Huoku suddenly turned his head and stared at the soldier.

After about ten seconds, the atmosphere relaxed slightly, and she slowly asked:

"Then what do you think it could be if it wasn't a jellyfish?"

In response to the leader's gaze, he did not escape or flinch. Instead, he answered extremely calmly and objectively:

"Although I don't have the ability of General Jellyfish to fight one against a thousand, I have the same loyalty and will as the General. I believed that people like the General could lead us to victory, but I never thought that I would be defeated by you. in the hands."


"Forgive me, leader, but in my opinion, the person who put Youke in this situation is you yourself!"

The two people in the splendid palace looked at each other, neither giving in. How could she, as a first-level leader, have expected this development, and the guards around her dared to speak beyond the level.

But what he said was the truth after all. The indisputable facts were right in front of him, leaving no reason for Huo Ku to refute, even though she was the leader.

"How dare you say that..."

Even though Huo Ku showed her anger, the guard remained unmoved. Instead, he waited for Du Huo Ku to become silent because of his guilty conscience, and then took a step forward.

"Of course I dare to say that."

"Because you've been lost for too long!"

"Although this is also my responsibility, I could have pointed this out earlier!"

"Chief! You were also anxious about Yuko's future. In those dark nights, you also cried because of Yuko's future!"

"I have heard those remarks against you, and I have witnessed its changes little by little, starting from the moment Suzume-sama brought you..."


"Give up on the pursuit of your ideals and focus on more protective technological research!"


"Dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to the people of Yuko!"


The Zhenmei sound box sitting next to the table was smashed to the ground by her, and the broken parts stumbled and rolled to the side of the glorious beams. The only "innocence" that the girl retained and was pursued by the girl was shattered by the moment of anger. .

"That's enough, no need to say any more."

He was not frightened by the leader's anger, but was unusually calm. The guard closed his eyes calmly, standing up like a devout believer, waiting for the gift that belongs to the "Lord", even though this gift is death... .

I once regretted my own incompetence. I witnessed the helplessness and collapse of the leader but was unable to do anything.

No one knew her pain. That was before General Jellyfish appeared, and it was also Yuko's darkest night.

The complete failure of the Xueyi leader's resistance completely pulled the third layer into a bottomless abyss with no hope and light.

The dilapidated and desolate city, the ruined business, and the endless soulless people are all waiting for her to save...

As a young girl who was pushed to the edge of a cliff and had no experience in the world, her only way to heal herself was to sing a few elegant melodies before falling asleep...

And this "innocence" disappeared with a moment of loss of control, leaving only "reality".

Perhaps her fragile heart was shattered by reality. The girl softened her body like a balloon with a hole in it, and looked up to the sky feebly. Real problems caught up with her again, and she wanted to re-examine Yuko's situation and her relationship with Yuko. Jellyfish relationship.

"I see......"

"I'll cheer up—call the jellyfish back."

"I just don't want to see Yuke's condition deteriorate. This overstepping of command is not my subordinate's intention. I hope you can forgive me."

"Yes, I understand."

The voice was a little haggard, and it was obvious that he had become calm and calm after countless struggles.

"Call the jellyfish back, I've calmed down."

As the suffering of reality climbed onto the girl's back again, the innocence and simplicity completely disappeared. This was the sacrifice made by the leader, as well as an unshirkable responsibility and an inescapable fate.

The general walked into the glorious palace under the summons. This was not expected. His heart was still disturbed by the last punishment.

I heard about the emergencies at the two major experimental bases and basically understood the problems. However, on the red carpet of thinking that I would be punished, I could not help but worry about the future of the people.

"Chief, Jellyfish has been summoned here."

"Well, I invite you back this time. Do you know what's going on?"

"You expect me to give a satisfactory answer to the serious damage phenomenon involving two major technological centers..."



"I want you to come back this time, Jellyfish..."

When the real king and his ministers met, Du Huoku walked down from the throne, stepped over the steps step by step, walked to Jellyfish with a little guilt in his heart, and helped the top general up.

When their eyes met, Jellyfish realized that the leader's eyes were unusually firm. He changed from his usual decadence and cowardice and stood bravely in front of him.

"I hope you can resume your position as general, assist me again, and help the entire Yuko overcome this difficulty."

"Chief, what happened?"

Attached to the jellyfish's hand, Du Huoku took a step forward, representing the vanguard of Youke's will, transforming all the grievances and pain buried in his heart into the current strength.

"I apologize to you for what happened in the past. There was another person involved in the infiltration incident in the technological powerhouse. I know that this false accusation may be a bit too much for you. Therefore, as the leader of Youko, I sincerely apologize to you."

"Chief! Jellyfish once followed you in the chaos, and it was precisely because he witnessed your determination to fight for Yuko that you devoted yourself to change!"

In response to the meaning of crossing the fire, Jellyfish held his hand tighter.

"The king and his ministers are of one mind, so why not break it?"

"Even from today on, Yuko will be caught in the flames of war, Jellyfish, I don't want to anymore, and I will never run away."

"Jellyfish, always trust the leader."

"Go to my room and get what belongs to you..."

Du Huokuu slowly turned around and threw a bunch of keys into Jellyfish's hands. Facing the brilliant picture on the wall behind the throne and witnessing the three-tailed phoenix soaring in the sky, the girl made up her mind.

"From today onwards, Varadonco's privileges will be protected..."

"Full lifting."

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