Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 14 Rest

Because of Zhu Qiuting's changes, Shen Dao had no choice but to change his plan. He left a letter the next day to inform others to organize their equipment and check the status of supplies.

Walking out of the residence, the counter owner was not in the store. He slowly walked out of the room, habitually found a dark corner to hide, and took off the wristband on his right arm. The scars in his flesh and blood continued to erode and expand.

I have never stopped on the second floor, and I don’t know much about this place. There is no shortcut except for a little bit of steady work. The magic sword turned and disappeared in the shadow of the alley.

"Kuzhu, you came to visit me? Huh?" On the pumice stone in the sky, the white-haired man used the wind with one hand to push the cup on the stone table in front of Kuzhu.

He circled the fingers of his right hand to blow away the residual wind clinging to the cup. The tea in the cup was still turning like a whirlpool. Bitter Bamboo's left hand covered the surface of the cup and lightly passed over it, drinking down the calming tea in one gulp.

"What? Aren't you here to enjoy tea today?"

"Mingzhao, I've thought about it clearly."

"Oh? Have you thought about anything?"

Mingzhao pushed up the long sleeve of his left hand, raised his fingers and tapped lightly on the stone table. A stream of wind dust began to ripple from the center of the stone table. In an instant, the strong wind ruffled his long white hair. Mingzhao stood up, and a black chess piece fell from the cuff of his sleeve. in hand.

"I can't just watch, the magic sword should be punished. I hope to use your power."

"Oh, now that you think of me, why did you go so early?"

Mingzhao turned around, waved his sleeve with his right hand, and walked to the edge of the pumice stone. "You didn't care when I came to you twice before. Now beg me? Isn't it too late?"

Unexpectedly, his friend would reject him. Kuzhu clenched his fist angrily, but soon released it. Indeed, he was not qualified to say that he was the one resisting now.

"I understand you, but that doesn't mean I will agree. You haven't decided to resist yet, Kuzhu. Come to me when you really want to resist."


His heart skipped a beat, but Mingzhao still didn't look back. It wasn't until Kuzhu left lonely that he slowly returned to the stone bench, waved his hand to blow away the dust, then sat down and looked at the stone table thoughtfully.

This stone table is the management center of the second level of heaven and earth. Kuzhu is willing to hand over this place to his care not just because of their friendship.

Even if you have the will but no talent, you will not be able to handle such a device. With your right hand, hold the black chess piece with two fingers, aim at the center of the table and drop it steadily, and the blue chess game will appear immediately.

In the city on the second level, all the colors suddenly faded away. The residents gathered in the center of the city took up their creative brushes and started new artistic creations towards the city.

"Originally, this should have been a devastating blow."

Mingzhao smiled softly, and the entire second floor would be cleared of all the art that had been created every day. It was indeed a headache at first.

The art that you have worked so hard to create disappears overnight, and you cannot find the meaning of creation. The next day the world will fall into black and white again. When people are depressed, Kuzhu stands out among the crowd.

With a wave of his hand, he shouted sternly: "Our art is not over. Elimination is just another kind of recognition!" This shout attracted everyone's attention. Countless people's eyes focused on the young man, but he did not show it. Show no sign of timidity.

"It wants to push us to despair and destroy our ideals again and again, so let's show it to him! From the moment it is cleared the next day, we will do it together! Color the whole world again with its color!"

"We will never give in!"

The city of art was born.

"You still have so many clever ideas." Mingzhao couldn't help but sigh. At the moment when the boy shouted, he saw the light of hope, the light of hope that can truly dispel despair.

This is why Mingzhao follows Kuzhu.

Wei Ying woke up from his bedside. The window was still colorful. After tidying up the room, he checked the envelope left on the cabinet, confirmed what he had to do now, and hurried out.

There was no one on the street, so Wei Ying didn't care. He walked to the knife forging shop opposite. There was only the boss inside. He pulled out his sword and said, "Boss, sharpen the knife."

Without saying much, the boss took the weapon, looked at it carefully, then narrowed his eyes, chuckled and nodded slightly, "Of course, I can pick it up tomorrow."

Leave your name and come and claim it the next day. The boss watched Wei Ying write his name one stroke at a time and then took a breath. He carefully brought the knife into the inner room, and then took a look at the latest newspaper on the table... ...

Wei Ying went out, not thinking about where to go next. When he turned back, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a dark figure in the alley next to his residence.

"Is there anyone?"

The other party didn't notice Wei Ying and just disappeared quietly. Wei Ying's heart tightened and he chased after him with a frown on his face.

Stepping into the alleyway, the lights on the walls were sparkling, garbage was scattered all over the floor, there were signs of fighting, and there were noises coming from the inside of the corner.

The footsteps scraped against the ground and made a sound. Wei Ying was forced into the blind spot of the corner, with his hands ready to rush in, when suddenly a round spherical substance rolled out.

A beam of red light lights up, it's a bomb! Wei Ying reacted and immediately jumped back, followed by a dazzling white light.

A large area of ​​clothes on his back was burned, and the thick gray smoke blocked Wei Ying's sight. It was pitch black and he couldn't see anything clearly, but at least he could guess that the other party was not a good person.

Ignoring the scratches on his face, he rushed in suddenly. He felt his limbs hit the flesh. His right hand followed his arm to the gun in his hand. He pressed the opponent's wrist with four fingers. He pressed the necessary point with his thumb and twisted it suddenly. , the sound of cracking bones followed.

In addition, the two gangsters outside the dust looked at the thick smoke and did not dare to shoot for fear of hurting their companions. Their steps were frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

Two bullets were accurately fired, hitting the two of them in the head. In the thick smoke, Wei Ying threw the opponent's pistol into the distance, flicked back his elbow, pulled the opponent's right arm with both hands, turned over and rolled with low pressure, driving the opponent to the ground.

After the smoke cleared, Wei Ying stood up and looked at the three corpses unmoved. He put their pistols and ammunition inside his clothes, took the money they had on them and dragged them to the corner, piling some garbage on them. He took out the lighter with his right hand, turned around, and threw it behind him before leaving.

To be able to appear next to his residence and act so strangely, he definitely had bad intentions. Wei Ying looked around vigilantly. If it was an attack, it would be impossible to have such a small number of people.

He pretended to hum a song and walked back with his hands behind his back. Suddenly there was a movement behind him. As expected, he turned his head slightly and a long knife flew through the air.

"It's very strong. Did you expect it?"

"So be it."

"But it won't necessarily be the case next, right?"

"Who knows?"

Wei Ying turned over and saw five people with their faces covered. Three of them had knives in their hands, which could be used to practice their skills.

The five people approached Wei Ying slowly, with a look of pride on his face. Wei Ying gave a wry smile, and then rushed over like a cheetah. The sudden impact crushed the three people in a row. The two guys next to him wanted to suppress his hands, but before they could, they As soon as he started, Wei Ying grabbed one of his legs with both hands and pulled him.

The man below him held Wei Ying's body with both hands, but he hit his head suddenly. His head bled and he fainted immediately. He lowered his head and rolled to his feet. He picked up the long knife that was still clanging on the ground without hesitation. The ground was thrown towards the person who had just stood up.

A long knife was inserted into the center of the head, and the young man fell asleep with a knife stuck in his head.

Seeing another person standing up, Wei Ying rushed forward in three or two steps. His footsteps kicked up the dust nearby and hit the other person in the stomach. He flew to the side of the street and was run over by a high-speed car. His flesh and blood were bloody.

There was the sound of footsteps behind him. Wei Ying turned around and saw that the opponent's fist was already coming forward. While tilting his head back to the right, Wei Ying grabbed the opponent's arm with both hands. He concentrated all his strength and threw him over his shoulder to completely disarm him. .

The long knife fell from the outside of the shoulder, a red wound bleeding outward, and the people behind him picked up weapons to attack Wei Ying.

He gritted his teeth and hit the opponent's head with his right elbow. When the opponent's head was buzzing, he made a circle on his face. Seeing the blood flowing from the corner of the man's mouth, Wei Ying picked up the knife and pointed it at him. Poke it right at his heart, and then there was no movement.

Just in case, he stabbed all the corpses, then pulled them to the corner in the same way and lit a fire...

"The movements are very neat."

Iletya's voice came from behind. Perhaps, she had been here from the beginning.

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