Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 2 The Cost Of Joining The Team

He mustered up the courage to walk towards the cave, taking every step with his heart beating. A thumping sound came into the cave, and he took a long breath. It seemed that there was no living thing inside.

After walking for about a few minutes, his throat felt dry. When he was about to pick up the kettle, there was a faint vibration on the wall. He suddenly drew his sword and looked around but saw no one.

He put his ear against the wall and could hear the noise coming from the cave. Perhaps Iletya's team was inside. The sound of swords chopping on the wall passed along the stone and reached Wei Ying's ears. , it's definitely not a good idea to go in now.

He waited at the entrance of the cave and investigated the surrounding walls. The stone here was much harder and the entrance was wider. He glanced inside, and a dazzling white light shone over him. "Who is there?" ?”

Hearing the unfamiliar voice, he could only try to respond: "Iletya's friend."

"Friends?" The other party was obviously suspicious and shouted into the cave, "Tea! Do you have friends?"

The other party raised his flashlight to shine on the ceiling of the cave, and pointed the gun in his right hand at Wei Ying's head. A trace of anger flashed in his red pupils, "If you dare to cheat, I will kill you!"

When the person with an appointment came out, there was a yellow-haired man beside him. His unkempt long hair covered his right eye, "Iletya, don't you explain?"

"Huh?" Iletya looked at Wei Ying and deliberately made a surprised gesture, "You're here, Xing Hanjun, put down the gun."

When he finished speaking, Hanjun put away the gun, "What, do you know each other?"

"We are the same people who came to this world, right?" The yellow-haired man stepped forward. The dark purple scar on his right arm shocked Wei Ying, and he nodded.

"That's no problem, let him in."

Seeing the yellow-haired man walk into the cave first, Han Jun walked over, his right eye slightly red under his long red hair, "Shen Dao has always had this character, please don't worry about it."

"Oh, it's okay."

After a little discussion with Iletya, the four of them walked into the cave. This small team, including Captain Eagle, had a total of thirteen people, and the equipment was complete, including ammunition and cold weapons.

They are all people who arrived in this world first. According to Xing Hanjun, Shen Dao should be the first person to appear in this world, and many supplies were found by Shen Dao and them together.

"The four current team members are still searching for information outside." Iletya came over, her deep eyes kept searching for something in Wei Ying's eyes, "When you came here, Wei Ying, did anything appear around you?"

Seeing that the eyes of the remaining seven people in the team were focused on him, Shen Dao deliberately stood at the back of the crowd and pointed at his stomach and mouth, hinting at the true meaning of what Iletya said.

"There is some food and fire sources where I appeared." The scene was tense for a while, and Shen Dao appeared in front of everyone. "Then I will go with you. These things will be considered as the cost of joining the group."

Wei Ying saw that the expressions of several people softened a little, then nodded, and went out with Shen Dao.

"Sister Yi Lei, do you really want that guy to join our team?"

"One more person means more effort. We don't know what trouble will happen here. It's better to be cautious."

After leaving the cave, the magic sword pushed Wei Ying into the jungle and gestured to him, "Don't make any sound!"

The blue mushroom suddenly glowed, and countless blue balls rushed through the cave they had passed through before, like a blue train buzzing past.

Listening to the huge sound of the waves, the blue mushroom seemed a little withered, and then the magic sword pulled the god away. "We call this kind of thing 'Netherworld Fruit', don't be hit by it."

As Wei Ying led the way back, there was a constant sound of boiling water popping. The two of them came to the water pit and stopped when they reached the cableway bridge.

White mist filled the cave entrance, and the river under the bridge continued to boil. However, Shen Dao looked matter-of-factly and pointed to the cave entrance on the other side, "Is that where you came from?"

"Yes, what's the problem?"

"Nothing, get ready to leave."

"Wait, are you sure you want to leave now?"

The vaporized water mist wetted the iron rope. Wouldn't it be impossible to move to the other side under such circumstances?

Shen Dao glanced at Wei Ying indifferently, and the flash of murderous intent made him tremble in his heart, "I advise you to get used to it as soon as possible, otherwise, you will not be able to stay in this team."

He pulled out his weapon. There were purple cracks in the sword made of black rock. The color was consistent with the deep marks on his arm. A water droplet dripped from the young man's forehead, and the sword was pressed against the side of his neck.

"Are you going, or am I going?"

"......I go."

The Divine Sword turned the sword behind his back, stretched out his left hand, and said reluctantly: "Then, please come back to me with the results, and I will wait for you here."

His eyes, which were blocked by his hair, stared at Wei Ying's every move through the obstruction, including the faint movement on the river.

As long as there is something slightly wrong, you must leave immediately. Shen Dao knows that this place is dangerous, and this is the only place that the entire team has not explored.

When he felt that his smooth hand was almost detached from the ropeway, Wei Ying put on his other hand and firmly grasped the iron rope in front of him, and passed the iron rope with his whole body suspended in the air.

But the most difficult part was how to transport the food and tools bit by bit. Wei Ying wiped the sweat from his forehead, tied the easiest-to-carry torch to his body, and stuffed some food to prepare for the return trip.

The pressure was out of proportion to before, and there were bursts of pain in my arms, but if I fell here, I would definitely die without any bones.

Shen Dao stuck the weapon with his hand and looked at the movements of Wei Ying's hand. He couldn't help but frown. The connection between the hands was very smooth. If his foundation was slightly worse, he would fall off the iron rope.

"I originally thought about not accepting more people," he shook his head, "Let's make an exception this time."

When he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Wei Ying placed the items on the ground. He was sweating profusely and needed to go back again. However, as soon as he pulled the iron rope, the magic knife behind him pulled him back to the side, and used merciless force again. Cover your mouth.

The two people hid in the darkness, and Wei Ying realized that the boiling water had calmed down, and the nursery rhymes appeared again.

A wooden boat passed leisurely on the river without any driving force. A red-haired girl with a strange smile mask waved the sickle in her hand in the water, closed her eyes and let the river boat float in a straight line.

The nursery rhymes she hummed had a sound of despair, and as this sound penetrated into her spirit, Wei Ying felt that his body was starting to become weak.

Wherever the girl passed, blue flowers gradually grew, and a desperate situation came into view.

When she happened to pass under the iron rope, the swing of the iron rope caused a wooden board to fall into the river. The startled girl suddenly raised her head, noticed the abnormal shaking of the iron rope, jumped up, and landed steadily in the cave where Wei Ying was previously.

Her eyes met the name on the wall, and her body began to tremble slowly, "Here we go again..." Then she waved her left hand, and blue will-o'-the-wisps gradually floated out of the river, and the entire crack in the abyss was filled with will-o'-the-wisps.

As the girl's left hand fell again, the cave collapsed with an explosion, and everything that needed to be brought back was buried under the wasteland.

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