Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 35 Trial Before The War

An envelope traveled thousands of miles and came from afar. After passing through layers of interrogations, it was finally handed over to Kuzhu's hands.

"Ah this?"

Looking at the scrawled handwriting on the letter, Ku Zhu couldn't believe that it was written by a human being. Not only was it scribbling, it also looked like Hong Yi was filling the paper.

"Did someone really write it?"

After spending a lot of effort, Kuzhu was able to translate the content of the letter. Basically, it was Yingqi General Ye Luo, who would secretly support him. The secret order for support was to whistle three times in a row, and he would appear by then.

"Are the people at the top so bad at writing?"

"Let's just think of it as the last killer move and remember it."

Kuzhu put the letter in the drawer, took out his paintbrush and continued to create. Now is the time when his literary ideas are flowing. If he doesn't work hard, won't he waste himself?

On the other side, above the key stone of the anti-surveillance video, Mingzhao looked at the chess pieces on the table and wondered what to do, "Attacking by force, or outsmarting?"

The members of the underground organizations have all received professional training, and each has its own set of training systems. Facing the army in the city, they may not be at a disadvantage, and the probability of outsmarting them is not high.

"Jia Er, what do you want to do?"

Next to a sewer opening in the street, a red dot suddenly lit up. Jia Er reached out to hold the communicator by his ear, while his other hand was already on his sword.

"I think outwitness is worse than a forceful attack. Our advantage lies in numbers and equipment. Military advisor, why don't you let me take the lead?"

" probably a way."

"Anyway, nearby residents have been secretly transferred to other areas, and large-scale battles are also possible."


Unknowingly, Mingzhao heard Jia'er's nonsense, and his head became hot, "Okay, let's do it!"


In fact, if you really talk about it, Jia'er is one of the generals personally chosen by Ku Zhu after all. How could he be so reckless? It was just a crushing situation in terms of strength, which made him unwilling to waste time to deal with it.

In this underground organization, the only ones who can really fight against him are the three brothers, and there are really not many others to fear.

Step by step, they moved underground. At first, Jiaer dropped a few people to investigate the situation, while he stayed above to maintain communication with Mingzhao.

"Speaking of which, Military Advisor Mingzhao, do you know where the other wanted criminals are?"

"Of course I know. You don't have to worry about that. A mouse is a mouse and cannot become an eagle that can harm a cat."

"If you say that, I'll feel relieved."

Mingzhao looked at the few chess pieces nestled in the corners of the chess game, smiled disdainfully, and turned to continue observing the situation on Jiaer's side.

"How's it going down there?"

"General, there's nothing wrong down here."


I always felt that it was not that simple. Jiaer ordered his men to investigate the situation nearby. Under the illumination of a few beams of light, it seemed that there was really no problem underground.

However, Jiaer still noticed something was wrong. There were several large pieces of leather floating in the slightly black sewage. Following the direction of the water flow, they seemed to be integrated with the environment.

"You two should be more careful, do you hear me?"

"Got it, General!"

Along the edge of the river in the middle, the soldiers explored the path and looked at the huge mass of leather on the water, feeling a sense of fear in their hearts.

"Why, are you afraid of just such a thing?"

"That's easy to say. If you have the ability, go and try it!"

"Just try it, what's so scary about it?"

However, who would have thought that when the soldier approached the ball of leather, the ball of leather began to float towards the soldier as expected. The other people set up their weapons and pointed them at the ball of leather, always ready to meet the enemy.

Jia'er stood above and just took out his sword, but he didn't have any ideas in his head, but these things were probably enemies. Before he could order the soldiers to shoot, a black shadow flashed past, and a tingling sensation came in. Inside the eyes.


"General Jiaer has worked really hard, so I'll take you back!"

Hearing the sound of the wind, Jia'er pressed down his right hand and deflected the opponent's punch. He barely opened his eyes and recognized who the opponent was.

"Zhao Chen! You kid!"

"Really, I thought it would be solved properly this time?"

"I want your life!"

The people hiding in the water heard the sound, made gestures under the water, and jumped out of the water from three directions at the same time, dragging all the enemies under the water. Bubbles continued to bubble out of the water.

Zhaochen flicked his cloak and rolled up a few bullets, which penetrated the bodies of several nearby soldiers. They fisted each other. Zhaochen smiled playfully and moved his face closer to Jiaer, "Why, are you going to fight with me like this?"

"You bunch of rioters, I don't think it will take more than a day or two to kill you!"

"Then come and try it!"

The sword was unsheathed, and a sword wind flowed out from the blade, grazing the side of Zhaochen's face and leaving a slash mark. Jiaer smiled contemptuously, "Speaking of it, I really admire you for showing up without any preparation. ?"

"Strange? Now that you've said that, can't you be suspicious?"


"Haha, how could I not be prepared?"

Zhaochen raised an evil smile on his lips, snapped his fingers, and a whirlwind suddenly blew around him, "Brothers, prepare to take action!"

Countless hidden weapons flew in the air, and the soldiers around Zhaochen fell down one after another. However, he was not panicked at all. After all, he had already said that he was just taking the lead and exploring the way.

"Since you have started to cheat, there is no need for me to hide it."

"Do you have an ambush too?!"

Suddenly the sound of Mingzhao came from the sky.

"Jia Er, stay back."

Although the matter of how to fight Mingzhao was indeed mentioned in the plan in Zhaochen's pocket, I still felt a little worried when I heard this guy's voice.

Slowly falling from the sky, Mingzhao raised his sleeves, suspended in the air and looked down at everyone in the alleyway. Jiaer took out a leaf to cover his left eye, looked back at Zhaochen and smiled, "Bye~"

"No, get out of the way!"

Wind fields gathered from all directions, and a strong pressure dropped vertically from the sky, suppressing Zhaochen's body and preventing him from moving.

"Second brother, help me!"

Several threads flew from the sewer, passed through the hole and wrapped around Zhaochen's limbs, forcing him into the sewer entrance. The other brothers also escaped with Qiongwen's remote support.

"It's basically confirmed that this is here," Mingzhao waved to Jia Er beside him, pointed at the entire area and said, "Blast this area together and force them to show up. Act quickly!"


Jiaer quickly arranged his men to take action, placed a large amount of explosives at a fixed location, and took out a red button. "Strategic Advisor, everything has been arranged. When will we start?"


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