Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 40 Night Battle With Wolves

"If I hadn't been bored these past years, I wouldn't want to pay attention to you, a junior!"

"Now, in one sentence, I will bow or not!"

Wei Ying looked at the rock, walked forward slowly, and found the stone emitting purple light from the center. He looked back at the old man in disbelief, "How did you do that?"

"Everything must be done in an orderly manner. The first two stones are preparations for the third stone, fool."

Wei Ying swallowed and turned around to look at the old man, who was half a head lower than him. The respect in his heart was suddenly a little damaged. He really didn't understand what was going on with this little old man.

Seeing Wei Ying's reluctant look, the old man suddenly felt uncomfortable and shook his head pretending to be regretful.

"That's all, I guess you're a stubborn kid, so I'm just going to teach you and not let you become a disciple, okay?"


"Remember, my name is Fan Min, you can just call me Brother Fan."

"How old are you and still pretending to be young?"

"You brat, what do you care about?"

Fanmin picked up a stone from the ground and flicked it into the sky. The stone flew across the sky and fell to the ground, creating a deep pit. He then flicked the stone in his hand towards a medium-sized tree and penetrated its trunk.

"Now, you should practice running against this tree first. In one day, you can run around the entire forest for me."


Watching the old man throw a ball of rope over, Wei Ying realized that the old man was not joking at all. He then wrapped the rope around the tree trunk, put it on his shoulder, and set off gritted his teeth.

The vibration just now obviously attracted other people. Just after Wei Ying left, Ye Shuang fell from the sky like a meteor, destroying the entire stone platform instantly.

After the smoke dissipated, Ye Shuang relaxed his shoulders and looked around to find the source of the power that caused the stone to break. However, it was surprisingly quiet here, but Ye Shuang didn't think that the other party could escape under her nose, so he summoned the Holy Spear.

"My Holy King, help me cut off the haze!"

A sky-opening giant sword emitted dazzling golden light and struck in front of Ye Shuang. As the holy sword descended, the rising high temperature destroyed the nearby plants together, leaving bare stone layers on the ground.

Afraid to show up? Then raze everything here to the ground, and the enemy will naturally appear!

"You're really crazy!"


The spear and a wooden stick passed by, and Ye Shuang jumped into the air and kicked it, but the old man turned into a cloud of mist and took a few steps back, holding the crutch in his hand upright on the ground with both hands.

"You want to destroy all the creatures here? Aren't you afraid of retribution?"

After seeing the person clearly, Ye Shuang was stunned, ah? Old man? Not Fu Xi?

"you are?"

"You didn't even know who I was, so you destroyed my home? Oh my god, why are you so unlucky today?"

Originally thinking of the extent of this burst of power, it was probably Fu Xi, and Ye Shuang just chased him here. Unexpectedly, it was actually done by a little old man. This time he was really wearing a hat and going out in a strong wind - offended (translated).

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I..."

"What are you? You've ruined my family and you still want to run away?"

"This, this, this..."

His brain shut down immediately. He never expected such a scene. Ye Shuang looked at the wrinkles on the old man's head and couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Alas! Fortunately, I have the power to recover."

Fan Min waved his hand and restored all the creatures around him. He turned his back and walked towards the water, "Little girl, if you are so careless next time, I will not forgive you!"

"Yes, yes, you sir have a lot."

Ye Shuang watched the old man escape into the water. The spear held in his right hand gradually began to tremble slightly. She slowly took two steps back and disappeared into the forest.

"Who is that guy? Why haven't I heard of him?"

"I must find Kuzhu and ask for clarification afterwards."

Disappearing in a flash, the old man in the river looked at Ye Shuang's disappearing figure and sighed, then continued to escape into the water to rest.

On the other side, Wei Ying was still moving in the direction prescribed by the old man. His whole body was almost paralyzed by fatigue, and he lay on the ground to rest like a dog.

Along the way, he always felt like something was moving with him, but when he really looked, he couldn't find anything. This vague feeling of being there and not, making Wei Ying feel agitated.

Walking to the edge of the forest, it finally started, and the feeling of being stared at disappeared. Next, Wei Ying had to carry the tree and walk around the edge of the forest. If he didn't speed up, it would be difficult to get there. Complete this task at noon the next day.

Muster up the energy to tighten the rope together with the tree trunk and shoulders, gather strength with his right foot, look at the road in front of him, exhale tightly, "Let's go!"

The sun in the sky dropped from the center to the mountainside, and the remaining red sun exuded the last remaining heat. His clothes were soaked with sweat. Wei Ying had run more than half of the distance, and now he really didn't want to move at all.

But if this attitude continued, he would have to march at night. Wei Ying took a short rest, stuffed the fruits he picked along the way into his mouth, took out a portable kettle filled with water, and drank it.

However, the next moment, a wolf howled first, and then the long howls of countless evil wolves surged around. They subconsciously hid on the top of the tree, and soon the nearby grass became sparse and rustling.

A pair of eyes stared at him fiercely from deep in the grass, and a low roar reached Wei Ying's ears. He clicked his tongue, took out the prepared stone from his pocket with his right hand, and ejected it towards the location of the wolf.

Seeing the wolf hit by the stone howl, Wei Ying left with satisfaction.

"This is just an episode in training, we are going to have sex tonight."

After climbing through the forest three or four times and even getting lost, the wolf could still find Wei Ying with its breath and gathered under the tree to wait.

"I can't run away no matter what I do now. Really, I'm still thinking of fighting in a roundabout way."

Throwing the wooden sword in his hand towards the nearest wolf, Wei Ying jumped down from the top of the tree, hit a wolf, rolled twice to avoid the opponent's attack, and grabbed a wolf with both hands. head, twist it hard and kill it.

Pushing a wolf aside in the direction in which it was coming, Wei Ying raised his leg in the right direction and kicked the wolf in front of him away. Standing among the wolf corpses with his back against the big tree, Wei Ying swept over every enemy with domineering force.

"Come on? Continue?"

Unexpectedly, a miserable wolf cry came from the sky, and the wolves actually retreated, retreating into the nearby grass, waiting for the leader of the pack to appear and lead them to fight.

A white wolf with a scar on its face walked towards Weiying with a hint of coldness. Its body was half as big as the other wolves. I couldn't believe what kind of training this guy had gone through.

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