Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 47 Two Fists Against Four Hands

"Brother Mingzhao, are you so trusting of the leader? Are you really not afraid of any accidents?"

Lu Jiaer sat beside the stone table. Although he was holding hot tea in his hand, his heart could not be quiet. He felt a little blocked from time to time, probably because he was worried about their leader.

But Mingzhao is not the same. Now that Kuzhu is gone, without his command and help, I don't know how many stupid things he can do.

"I'm worried, of course I am."

"Then why don't you give Kuzhu some advice? I believe he will still listen to your words."

The tea was steaming, but Jiaer put the cup back on the stone table and looked at the chess piece that represented the bitter bamboo, intersecting with the other chess pieces.

"Since you can figure out the answer, why don't you tell Kuzhu and let him avoid this battle first."

"No, I didn't calculate the answer, but I deduced the answer. If it were an ordinary bitter bamboo, this battle would still be defeated even with Ye Shuang's power."

"you mean......"

The cowardly and timid Kuzhu has long become a thing of the past. Now he has the same temperament and self-confidence as before. Mingzhao found hope in him.

"I choose to believe in my brother. He will never lose now!"

"...I also believe in you and the general..."

Just this ordinary call caused a small fluctuation in Mingzhao's heart. His body trembled slightly, and some tea spilled out of the right hand holding the cup.

"No...Jia'er, I'm not worthy of your trust...It's because I didn't see Kuzhu's thoughts that we are surrounded by despair on the second floor."

"No, military advisor, how can I blame you for this kind of thing? I'm obviously at fault too."

"I have nothing to ask for anymore. I just hope to see the second floor return to its former glory. For this dream, I will devote everything I have, Jiaer."

"Me too, military advisor."

Mingzhao closed his eyes tiredly and slowly shook the cup in his hand, shaking the tea inside to the edge of the cup, but he always maintained a state of indifference.

A breeze blew by, and the chess pieces on the stone table moved quietly for half a minute, causing a spark from the friction.

"Watch your back, Magic Sword!"

The spear and the sword collided together, and a slight chill surged into Ye Shuang's body. She flicked Wei Ying away in surprise, took a step back and looked at her fingers. She didn't expect that she would be hurt when fighting with this guy.

"Why is it so strange? You must be the guy I saw in the Ice Wolf Cave a few days ago, right, Wei Ying?"

The Ice Wolf Giant Cave actually refers to that giant wolf. Ye Shuang, who had fought with it, deeply remembered the power of frost in his body. Now he feels this power again. I have to say Somewhat surprised.

"Why, I didn't get rid of you then, but now you dare to fight back against me?"

A ray of holy light came down, illuminating the armor on Ye Shuang's body, and the silver shone so brightly that it reflected, "Holy King, illuminate the direction for my path, and send those lost sinners to where they should go!"

Under the blazing sun, a wound appeared on Wei Ying's face for no apparent reason. Blood flew out from the wound with a hint of chill. It seemed that this blow was not only for himself, but also for the White Wolf received in his body. His soul was also hurt.

"Tsk, Wei Ying, you hide, I'll meet him."

Fu Xi took a leap forward, and a clown struck up with a sickle, but was caught by a long white dragon with his body. Fu Xi looked to the right, and the long dragon was made by Kuzhu.

"Oh, how can a mere clown stand up to a flying dragon?"

The missile flew out from behind Wei Ying. The little girl named Yi Xun was using the remote control in her hand to control the flight of the missile. Moreover, the missile floated very flexibly, avoiding the intersection like a fish swimming in the water, and circled behind Kuzhu.


There was an explosion. Under the protection of the holy light, Kuzhu was not harmed at all. Just as Mingzhao said, the real result of these two people joining forces may not necessarily be what it is.

However, the next moment, a pure flame with a hint of blue sparks at the end was thrown out from the sword by the magic sword. His left hand was slightly raised, and a ray of light flowed through the fingertips. An illusory giant hand protruded from the ground and almost caught Kuzhu. .

Ye Shuang jumped back and looked at the magic sword with a smile, "Why, don't you pretend anymore? Didn't you show your power only at the third level before? Why can't you wait now at the second level?"

"You're so verbose, I'm in a hurry to kill you!"

Wei Ying looked at the huge contrast between the divine sword and was a little stunned. Not only him, but almost everyone in the organization except Xinglian and Iletya were shocked by the move of the divine sword.

However, Wei Ying saw all of this. After all, there was something strange about it. Xing Lian's lack of expression change may have been due to anticipation of this possibility, and on the other hand, it may have something to do with her facial paralysis.

As for Iletya, Wei Ying felt that this person was a bit weird from the first time he came into contact with her, as if he was like a person living in the corridor, knowing everything in advance but pretending not to understand.

In the current situation, Fu Xi and Ye Shuang were entangled in a melee, Shen Dao and Fu Xi were fighting on the side, and the scale of the battle between these four people was definitely not something that ordinary people could participate in.

Iletya snorted coldly and pointed the gun in her hand at Kuzhu's head. With a cold look in her eyes, she pulled the trigger. A laser suddenly penetrated Kuzhu's shoulder, and blood splashed onto Shen Dao's face.

Ye Shuang saw that Kuzhu was injured, and just as she was about to go over to support, four Fuxi blocked her in front of her, and then four walls rose up to surround her, "Your opponent is here!"

"Bitter Bamboo!"


Kuzhu jumped up and rolled to hide in the grass. However, he was not trying to escape. The next second, another sun rose up between the sky and the earth. Being illuminated by this, everyone's body suddenly began to feel uncomfortable. However, except for that A...

"Holy King..."

"Send God's will and destroy them!"

An afterimage broke through Fu Xi's siege and rushed into the sky with dazzling light. It was located in the center of the two suns. A long golden dragon grew out of the spear, circling in the sky on the left column. Fu Xi jumped into the sky. Another long black dragon is outlined.

"This is a painting of heaven and earth. If you start a fight, your life will be ruined!"

As the two of them waved their weapons together, the two dragons rushed over with great momentum. The strong wind pressed Wei Ying in place and prevented him from moving. The other members behind him were also unable to move.

Qiongwen relied on the silk thread in his hand to fix the bodies of the team members, and Yaosheng put his hands together to build an air wall, barely stabilizing the internal aura.


Fu Xi took a breath and didn't know what to do when facing these two dragons, but the magic sword cast a trusting look.

"Next, in one go, pass the ball from the center of the two dragons. Can you do it, leader?!"


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