Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 5 Weird Ritual

The reason why Shen Dao came back was just to check the condition of the mushrooms, but he never expected to hear the splashing sound of the water surface. When he chased after him, he found Wei Ying standing here blankly.

"Wei Ying, why are you here?"

"Come back and do some research. Those blue balls haven't come back yet."

Answering casually, holding the handle of the magic sword, expecting that the other party would not question him too much, Wei Ying asked about the magic sword, "What about you, why are you here?"

"I just came back to see if there are any missing resources. Let's go."


Shen Dao had not yet opened up his heart to Wei Ying and told the truth. Both of them were holding back their bad feelings. They didn't say much along the way and walked back to the village in silence.

"This white fog still hasn't dissipated."

I don't know what other people think of this kind of village. At least in Wei Ying's heart, there are always waves of fear. It's too gloomy here.

"I don't know. According to that guy Xing Hanjun, everyone in the village is blind. I also feel something is wrong."

Even so, the two people walked back to the room and waited for the other team members to bring back the news.

Not long after, Iletya opened the door and walked in, "I finally found you two, follow me."

"What's the matter? Are you so nervous?"

"Didn't you notice that everyone in the village is missing?"

Ever since Captain Eagle woke up in the morning, there had been no sound in the village. Everyone seemed to have evaporated on the spot. Suddenly, a bell rang in the dead village, coming from the darkness in the north.

Iletya glanced at the two of them and ran out first.

"Come on!"

"Follow up!"


Passing through the thick white fog, all the team members hid behind rocks and watched this scene.

Everyone in the village, young and old, all dressed in simple black clothes, with their eyes wrapped in white strips, lined up neatly in front of a white statue, and bowed when the old yellow bells on both sides rang.

Their foreheads touched the ground, and an unexpected scene happened. When they all stood up, the blood on their foreheads dyed the entire strip red. As the leading man took off the strip, everyone followed suit. .

They laughed and handed the red strips to a giant white pit one by one. The man took the torch from behind, lit it from the candle in front of the statue, held the torch high in front of everyone, and threw the torch Into the pit.

Blood-red flames shot straight into the sky from the depths, and the white mist in the countryside began to slowly dissipate. Only then did Wei Ying realize that the man's eyes were no longer pale, but a rainbow of colors.

If, according to what Suzume said, they were indulging in illusion, it would probably mean that these guys in front of them could see the world and its colors again.

I wonder how they feel when they really see the world. They no longer judge the coming people based on the sound, and no longer judge the location based on the sound.

Everyone looked at each other, tears rolling down their cheeks. The man coughed twice, smiled softly and called on everyone to kneel before the statue again.

Until the end, the people who were sent home passed by Shi Shi, but did not notice their presence, including the leading man, who was the last to leave, but also did not notice Wei Ying and the others.

Doubt appeared on everyone's faces almost at the same time, except for Shen Dao and Wei Ying.

"They can't see us?"

"It seems so?"

Xing Hanjun took the lead and walked to the statue. Looking at the statue of a girl with eight claws on its back that looked like a spider, he couldn't help but take a half step back.

The girl arched her body and hugged her petite body with her hands. The protruding stone in the corner of her eyes looked like human tears, and an inexplicable horror came to her heart.

"The white fog disappeared?" The gloomy white fog lingering near the village disappeared without a trace. Looking from a distance, the people in the village began their daily lives again, but this time they could see everything in front of them clearly.

Looking at what was happening here in disbelief, Qi Mengshang and another member ran back to the village after getting permission. Xing Hanjun, Wei Ying and others continued to wait here while doing some investigation of the pit and the statue.

When everyone reunited, the new information they received was that the village seemed to be no longer in the same world as them. Even if they wanted to intervene and stretched out their hands, they would go directly through the villagers' bodies, and their behavior was not stiff. .

Before he even had time to extract some useful information from the villagers, Shen Dao frowned and just shook his head when he looked at Captain Ying. He had never heard of such a situation, let alone experienced it.

The Divine Sword has been here more than once, and Wei Ying has thought about this possibility based on his subtle handling. However, due to the unknown strength and personal interests, Wei Ying is not ready to say it yet.


A weak voice came from behind, and they all turned around. A small girl was wearing loose black clothes, still covered with a white belt, "Is someone here?"

The atmosphere didn't dare to show up, everyone was worried, and the thumping sound hit their brains. The girl in front of them seemed to be able to communicate with them, and Shen Dao took a breath.

"Little sister, can you hear me?"


As the girl nodded, hope rekindled in everyone's hearts. Shen Dao nodded, "Then do you know how we can get out of here?"

However, Shen Dao knew better than anyone how to get out of here. He turned to look at the statue behind him. The secret lay behind the statue.

"I don't know, but I heard something from my family about how to get out of here."

"Then please introduce me, okay?"

"...Well, okay."

The girl approached the statue little by little based on her feeling, stretched out her pale hand and touched the face of the statue, "There has always been a legend in the village..."

"In another part of the world, there is a kind-hearted angel lady. The suffering of fate blurred her eyes, but it did not blind her kindness. In order to dispel the darkness that people saw, she made a promise."

"I gave up my status as a god and was willing to become a poisonous spider, to save every blind person from disaster and bring light back to the world."

No one has witnessed whether that legend is true. According to legend, all the people who went to pray disappeared instantly in the white mist. Now the entire village has retreated into an untouchable state, leaving only the girl.

When she was desperate, she heard the voices of discussion and groped her way from the village bit by bit. She stood here with only one purpose, which was to break this statue full of lies.

"I don't agree with this statement..."

"This statue filled with lies..."

"It is the cause and effect of all sorrow, and it deserves to be punished."

The pale hand moved away from the statue, and the girl took out an extremely sharp knife from her pocket, cut her wrist, and smiled laboriously, "There is another rumor that when an angel feels the blood, she will stay. shed tears of pain and sorrow, thereby incinerating itself.”

Understanding the girl's intention, Wei Ying was about to go up to stop her but was stopped by Wei Ying. He shook his head, "Even if we rescue her, she still needs to experience the pain of a thousand years of loneliness. This ending is what she hopes for. "

The next moment, Wei Ying saw a hint of contempt and ridicule, as well as a touch of relief from the corner of the girl's mouth.

The pain of loneliness didn't just start to haunt her today. Ever since she missed that worship service a long time ago, she seemed to be the only one in the world, with no light shining into this dark world, and she existed alone like this.

Until now, she finally did the last thing she hoped to do, die.

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