Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 56 Abandonment

For safety reasons, several people moved to the dilapidated forging shop, a few people hid in the cellar, and the four of them stayed a little away from Wei Ying.

"Now, is it time to confess? What's going on with your ability?"

The dust in the cellar floated into Wei Ying's eyes. He stared at the magic sword in silence, his eyes gradually filled with suspicion and ferocity, "Did you arrange this?"

"The organization heard the explosion in the city. After discussion between the four of us and the organization, we came out specifically to find you."

During the conversation with Wei Ying, Shen Dao's tone became lower and lower, and even appeared a little proud from time to time. Perhaps some of what Shen Dao said was true.

Sensing a slight change in the way the four people looked at him, Wei Ying quietly moved his right hand to his waist, "You three, agree with what the magic sword said, don't you?"



Wei Ying turned back to look at Xing Lian. She remained silent. It was this moment of silence that broke the lie of the magic sword. Wei Ying had an answer in his heart. Before Xing Lian could reply, he turned back and pretended to smile.

"I'm sorry to make you worry, then..."

Wei Ying suddenly pulled out his sword, stood on the ground with the sword in one hand, and suddenly shouted with great temperament: "Let's talk!"

The moment Wei Ying shouted, he quickly scanned everyone's expressions. Shen Dao was a little worried, but more excited and greedy.

Qi Mengshang was a little hesitant, but at the same time there was a trace of determination in his eyes.

But Iletya had a sickly smile, and her red eyes revealed madness.

Only Xinglian's reaction was considered normal. His whole body trembled and he put his hand to the side of the gun.

"Of course, let's talk about it?"

"But, Divine Sword, do you really want to talk?"

As Wei Ying who had done business with the Divine Sword, he naturally wanted to see the Divine Sword's reaction. He looked indifferent, so Wei Ying had nothing to be afraid of. After all, the five people now were in a small team.

"Okay, let's start with my abilities."

"Since you just saw me fighting Zero One, let me make it clear that the power of the battle at that time did not belong to me. It was lent to me by a blue-haired girl. Who is that person? I think one of you should I’ve seen it too.”

Wei Ying turned to look at Shen Dao and Iletya. These two guys did not pretend to be guilty. They also gave a positive answer to this question and admitted the matter.

However, it soon aroused the suspicion of Qi Mengshang and Xinglian. After all, the two of them didn't know very well. Wei Ying hoped to use this sentence to draw the flames of war between the two people to the divine sword.

"So, Divine Sword, tell me, who is that person?"

"Don't try to pretend you don't know!"

Iletya on the side also cast a glance at the Divine Sword. After all, when Suzume and the Divine Sword met, this guy saw the clues.

Knowing that he could no longer hide anything from everyone, Shen Dao was silent for a moment, and then said: "That person is the leader of the sixth floor of the corridor, and at the same time, he is one of the managers of the entire corridor."

"And I, Shen Dao, was once one of the managers of the corridor."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked. Are there people in the corridor who are pursuing the answer with them?

"Don't rush to talk, wait until I finish."

"At the moment I was born in the corridor, I was different from most of you. I had memories of my previous life, but they were very vague, and none of you remember the memories of your previous life, right?"

Wei Ying tried to remember the past, but found that the earliest memory was that he was suddenly teleported to this world, and it was not just him, but the other three as well.

"I was born in Changlang, and Ling Nu is my sister. I should have regarded this place as my hometown and guarded it forever. This was also the decision I made before, but one day, I got a piece of news... "

"The bell girl told me the truth. She is not my sister, and I do not belong here. My real hometown, like you, is another world behind this corridor, and I am a child there."

"Combined with that vague memory, I now have a hellish hatred for this corridor, so I embarked on this road leading to the final answer, but unfortunately, with my own personal strength, I couldn't achieve it at all. It’s impossible to achieve my goal, let alone see the truth that belongs to me.”

"I was pushed back into the river by the lord of the eighth floor, Xi Wu. I followed the river all the way back to the first floor. In that cave, I met people from other worlds. Like you, they are all lost in this world. A wayfinder in this world.”

"So, I joined hands with them to fight all the way back to the eighth floor. In the end, I was also injured by Xiwu, and we repeated this action again."

"What I said this time is the truth. The purple scar on my right hand is a sign of the soul trauma caused by the scythe in Xiwu's hand. This is enough to prove the authenticity of what I said."

Everyone remained silent after Shen Dao finished speaking, but there was always an intuition that pushed Wei Ying to turn his attention to Iletya. The guy didn't hesitate at all, and his expression was uncontrollably excited, as if he wanted to know. What’s more, she made Wei Ying feel a chill in his back.

Qi Mengshang took a step forward and asked, "So, you know who the leaders from the first to the eighth floor are, right?"

"Of course, because I was once one of the managers of the corridor. I know who the leaders of the ninth and tenth floors are."

"There is obviously an easier way, why don't you tell us?"

"Because the first group of people I led died tragically like this."

Shen Dao noticed that Qi Mengshang paused and shook his head, "There is one more thing I haven't confessed to you. I will tell you about Ling Nu's power on the third level, but now we have more important things."

Sensing that the four people were turning to his side, Wei Ying realized that the next thing should be related to him.

"We received news that Ruocheng was kidnapped."

"What? When?"

"He escaped from the organization after you left the forest, and we got the news later in the city."

"Then let's..."

"Don't worry, Weiying, we have a better choice now..."

As Shen Dao slowly walked up to Wei Ying, he leaned into his ear and told what the four of them had discussed.

After hearing this, Wei Ying took a step back suddenly and looked at Shen Dao in disbelief. The air froze at this moment. The four of them were silent. Only Shen Dao looked at Wei Ying with a half-smile, waiting for his answer.

"So, what do you mean?"


"That's right! Let's go back to the organization and plan the next thing."

The four people gathered around Wei Ying, and Shen Dao put his shoulder on his shoulder and laughed with him. Wei Ying just responded casually, but his heart was filled with ripples, and his heart was beating non-stop. He recalled what Shen Dao had just done to him. Said plan.

"We decided... to abandon Ruocheng."

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