Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 61 Infiltration

The sky was covered with clouds, and it was a moment of chaos on the streets. Scattered lights illuminated the dim streets. A small team shuttled back and forth through the dark alleys, finding each other's vantage points and hiding.

"Weiying, there are three defense systems in the base, corresponding to the defenses in three directions. We, more than 20 people, cannot rush in directly. We need to destroy at least one of the defense systems."

"Well, you guys stay here and I'll be back as soon as I go."

However, this time, three members of the Magic Sword Team took the initiative to stand up. Yang Chun, Zhang Xunuo, and Luo Kete all walked to Wei Ying, "We volunteered to carry out this mission and give the leader a satisfactory answer. We also hope that The chief approves.”

"No, this move is of great importance, and what's more, what can it do to you..."

Before Wei Ying could finish speaking, Shen Dao covered his mouth, shook his head, and said to the three people, "I think it's okay."

Feeling that the power of the magic sword was a little relaxed, Wei Ying put his hand away, met his thoughtful gaze, and sighed inwardly, "Okay, I can't stop you, but please make sure to ensure your own safety. .”

"Set off!"

Seeing the three of them turning around a street corner, Wei Ying quietly turned around and looked at Yi Xun, who was in the same four-man team as them. He was just staying alone in a corner of the army, holding a wrench in his hand to modify the army. equipment.

"These four people are acting at this time, so we still have to be on guard."

Wei Ying looked at Iletea. Ever since he joined the team, his actions were beyond his imagination. He closed his eyes and thought deeply. If Iletea was allowed to monitor those three people, the result might be Good or bad.

But whether Iletya is loyal to the team cannot be reflected from her actions at all. If she exposes the organization's location and information, then what they will have to endure is disaster.

"What, Wei Ying, are you having any difficulty?"

Wei Ying slowly opened his eyes, and happened to meet the eyes of Iletya who came closer. Seeing the scarlet in her eyes, Wei Ying subconsciously took a step back, "What do you want to do?"

"I think you look troubled, right? I think..."

Iletya looked around, waved to Wei Ying, walked slowly to his side, and whispered:

"For those three people, I can help you monitor them."

Feeling that his soul was being peered into, Wei Ying distanced himself from Iletya, and the eyes he looked at her also changed slightly, becoming more suspicious and suspicious.

"And I can assure you that all systems in the base will be paralyzed, so I'll set off!"

Without Wei Ying's consent, Iletya jumped down and followed the path taken by the three people.

"This guy!"

Shen Dao, who was standing by, naturally saw what was discussed between the two. He leaned against the wall in boredom, waiting for the good news from Iletya.

Letting Iletya go was not a big problem. Wei Ying turned his attention to Yi Xun and walked over slowly, "Are your injuries okay? I found some substitutes."

The girl didn't seem to notice Wei Ying at first, but then her body suddenly trembled, and she moved back with some fear, "Okay... not bad."

"About Ruocheng, I'm sorry that you were hurt."

"No, no need, Ruocheng is also my partner."

Seeing Yi Xun slowly take a step towards him, Wei Ying knew that he could talk to her, "Do you like these machines very much?"

"Well, it's like a natural. I know a lot about machinery."

"That's why you dare to conclude that if it succeeds, it will be saved?"

"It doesn't count as being saved. It's just changing the program in the machine so that he can't be controlled by others."

Starting from the first floor, Yi Xun also knew something about Wei Ying. Compared with other personnel, they all disliked her more or less. Even the three guys in the four-person team treated her with a little ridicule and contempt. Attitude.

"Can I help with these mechanical modifications?"

"Ah, this..."

Yi Xun looked at the mechanical equipment in front of her, feeling uneasy because she was responsible for maintaining the machinery of the military. The three people in the team arranged a special task for her - to reduce the durability and function of these equipment, thereby weakening the magic sword. The fighting power of four people.

But now, looking at Wei Ying in front of him, Yi Xun was a little hesitant, holding the wrench in both hands and taking a step forward, his heart pounding, "Okay... okay!"

Wei Ying took Yi Xun's wrench and repaired the armaments bit by bit under her command. He even had a basic understanding of the machinery. His original concerns about Yi Xun were also eliminated little by little in the process.

"Repairing machinery is not an easy task. You have worked really hard these days."

"No, you're welcome."

"But don't stand alone. I've learned this too. If you want to practice next time, call me."

"Yeah, I know!"

Regarding the tasks assigned to Yi Xun by the three people, she gave up in anger. After all, respect is the prerequisite for friendly cooperation. Since the team did not think highly of her, they could just go with the flow and not show off.

After some time, Yi Xun distributed all the updated equipment to each member, secretly keeping a pistol for protection.

Over at the base, Yang Chun, Luo Kete, and Zhang Xunuo were working together to attack several guards and use their identities to swipe their way into the base.

"Where to go next?"

"Let's look for a nearby laboratory first. The capabilities possessed by Wei Ying and the others are really beyond the standard. We have to find a force that can compete with them to prevent their raids or betrayal in the future!"

"What about paralyzing the defense system?"

"The three of us are just ordinary people. We have three systems. It is our ability to destroy one of them."


"Then act quickly."

However, they did not realize that Iletya was following them, also put on guard clothes, and walked towards the underground warehouse in the east. If there was a defense system, it would most likely be placed in a place that was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As soon as they entered the underground warehouse, no one was guarding them. Iletya smiled and said, "I'll leave you a surprise!"

She placed three small bombs in a relatively hidden corner, then clapped her hands and prepared to leave.

There are three defense systems in the base, one of which is in the secret door of the underground warehouse, and the other is in the information warehouse in the western region, which is heavily guarded by Hu Qige's troops.

And the last one is now in the holographic device in front of Kuzhu.

"I don't think there is anything in this laboratory, Yang Chun."

"How do I know? Just look for it."

"Stop looking. Most of the things here have been evacuated. Let's find another place."

"Kurt, are you so sure?"

"Don't worry, my calculations are correct. Let's go to the western area. I think we will find something useful there and hack the defense system by the way."

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Xunuo walked at the front to explore the path, listening to the sounds around him with his sensitive ears, trying to find a perfect path.

"Okay, come with me."

Yang Chun put his hands on his hips and smiled scornfully, "Sure enough, Xu Nuo Ke is much better than Yi Xun."

"Yeah, I think so too."

"Okay, let's go."

After Lockett waited for the two people to leave, he deliberately stood at the door of the laboratory and waited for a few seconds. He bumped into Iletya who was rushing back. However, when he met her eyes, his heart also skipped a beat.

"Did Wei Ying ask you to spy on us?"

"Hey? How did you get discovered~"

And Lockett understood that Iletya said that on purpose. She could have continued to hide and not be able to find her.

"You placed a locator on Yang Chun, and I discovered it."

"Oh? So you destroyed it?"

"No, my intuition tells me that this thing will keep us safe, so there is nothing wrong with letting you locate it."

"Your intuition is correct, Lockett, so tell me, you are here waiting for me to show up on purpose. What do you want to talk to me about?"

"I want to make a deal with you. I hope you can be responsible for ensuring my safety."

"As the saying goes, you give a peach in return, so what are you going to get in return?"

"I can share all the information collected within the base, including technology, with you."

"Okay~please cooperate~"

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