Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 65 Impeccable

The footsteps moved the wind and dust, and the red ink flowed from the tip of the brush and transformed into a long spear. A hundred-scaled dragon was coiled around the gun body to show the majesty of the leader. The bitter bamboo raised the dragon spear high, "If you fight, then fight to the death! Until death!"

"Well, Chief Weiying, what nonsense are you talking to him about? Brothers, let's go! Take down this dirty, smelly hypocrite!"

Fu Xi's soldiers have been living on the second floor for more than ten years. Now that it's time to turn over, how can they be frightened by Ku Zhu's tiger and leopard roar?

"You evil worm, watch me use you to make meritorious service to the organization!"

"It's obviously you who are dirty!"

The soldier jumped up, grabbed the knife and slashed hard. The steel blade collided with the spear head. The sparks rubbed against each other and there was actually a flame burning at the friction point. However, the flame was not born due to friction, but the secret method of Kuzhu.

"Gaoyang, the sun is crossing the Tianhe River!"

Kuzhu raised his gun with both hands, and when he flicked away his opponent with force, he swung the gun and swept past him. The flames were attracted to the man until he was burned to death.

"Since we are destined to have this battle, we have already looked down on life and death. Brothers, come on!"

The atmosphere was extremely high-pitched, Wei Ying and Shen Dao looked at each other and nodded.

"Destroyed, fallen like a god!"

The naturally yellow hair was lifted up by the high-intensity aura. Two sword qi flowed from the blade of the magic sword, splitting the airflow and flying straight to Kuzhu's head.

"Kuzhu, you can't beat me, let alone us!"

"Then I will never surrender!"

The air blade bounced off the wall, causing the ground to shake. Everyone's brains were confused as the world in their eyes turned upside down.

"You'd better leave early so you can avoid any physical pain!"

Just as the divine sword predicted, the sword energy bounced off the wall and struck Kuzhu's spine from behind. A booming sound came out at the right time, and blood flowed uncontrollably from the wound.

But there was no fear on Kuzhu's face, and he was still a little happy and joyful. Thinking of those brothers, he still had the courage to stand here and the desire to continue fighting.

"Only at this moment can I truly imagine that my brothers are still by my side and fighting with me..."

"So! Please give up this idea!"

A beam of red laser broke through the iron door lock of the base and razed half of the base to the ground in just an instant. In the face of the powerful force, everyone stopped what they were doing and only listened to the rampant laughter approaching.

"Hahaha, will is a spirit that can make people stronger. The power it brings can allow people to achieve true breakthroughs."

"who is it!?"

"You yelled at me so much, but you have to sacrifice your life as compensation."

The spear that destroyed half of the entire base flew back from mid-air, cut through a person's middle and flew back to that person's hand.

"Now, let me see, who else wants to fight me?"

"Right...third from the right?!"

Not only the magic sword, but everyone present stayed in place almost at the same time, looking at the girl third from the right in disbelief. Although she was petite, she had the ability to destroy heaven and earth.

"Why, did I disturb your elegance?"

She walked slowly to the crowd, looked at Kuzhu beside her, wiped the blood from his neck with her fingers, handed it to her and sniffed, "Your blood is pretty good, Kuzhu."

Feeling provoked, Shen Dao roared at the third person on the right, venting his inner anger, "What on earth are you doing here!?"

"Shen Sword, don't you still know what I'm doing here?"

"Are you here to stop me again?"

"No, no, no, it can't be said to be a stop. We Corridor people are all very reasonable. This is called - correction!"

"Is it the corridor's decision that you will appear here?"

"Haha, those guys in the corridor probably haven't realized that I disappeared. After all, my whereabouts have always been quite mysterious, and they really can't find me without any skills."

Looking at You San's proud smiling face, Shen Dao cursed in his heart. Although this guy is relatively cheap, his strength is indeed one to one.

"Of course, don't blame me for being a bully. I'll let you all go up together. If you can hurt me before Suzuome finds out, I'll let you pass the second level. How about that?"

Kuzhu stood silent for a moment behind the third person on the right. Indeed, the probability that the Divine Sword and the others could injure the third person on the right combined was extremely lower than their probability of defeating him.

But is this really what you want?

Looking at the base that collapsed like ruins, a feeling of sadness came to my heart. The place where I once swore an oath with my brothers is now like this.

The raised dust covered the entire base, and broken steel plates were scattered in various places. Instead of losing its former glory, it actually showed its incompetence and failure.

The third person on the right rubbed her hands together, with an excited expression on her face. She suddenly opened her wings and wanted to prey on her opponent like an eagle. However, at the moment when she was about to fly out, her shoulder was pulled by Kuzhu, and she stopped what she was doing.

"What, Kuzhu, what do you think?"

"Senior third from the right, I hope... I can handle this matter by myself!"

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

With a playful smile on his face, as if it was expected, the third person on the right is waiting for Kuzhu's answer.

The upper lip and the lower lip collided, swallowing silently for a second, and Kuzhu's eyes gradually became firm. This was the miracle that the third person on the right hoped for.

"I want to use the will of my brothers to completely defeat my destined enemy, the Divine Sword!"

"Okay, I'm sure!"

However, just when the third person on the right was looking high and high, a bell rang from the entrance of the base. It seemed that another manager had arrived.

"Oh? You agree? What if I don't agree?"

The third person on the right chuckled, glanced outside the door, and replied without any shame: "Heh, Suzuki, I think you can't beat me, right?"

"The managers of the corridor are not all known for their strength."

"But power isn't at all?"

"Do you really want to fight me?"

"It's just that our concepts are different."

To make it easier to understand, the third person on the right believes that Ku Zhu’s will can help him defeat the magic sword. He can also deal with other people in the corridor, and this is the second floor. Ku Zhu’s action does not break the rules.

But Lingnu didn't think so, although there were some differences. "As the leader of the second level, Kuzhu can continue to lead people to resist the erosion of despair. I don't want him to die in this battle. Do you understand?"

The third person from the right smiled. Compared to Suzu's longer-term way of thinking, she preferred to settle grudges on the spot.

"Kuzhu, I support you, go ahead and give me a different answer. As for Ling Nu, I will help you block it!"

"Leave it to you, senior third from the right!"

Lingnu was worried and clicked her tongue, "Why do these headaches always happen to me?"

She turned her head and met Wei Ying's eyes, "I promised you that I will ensure that you go to the third floor safely, but I also want you to do one thing for me - make sure Kuzhu is safe."

"Come on, Suzume, let's have a showdown!"

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