Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 68: Created By Heaven And Earth

The two sides looked at each other for a few seconds, and finally Saas nodded stiffly and admitted his defeat. The battle between the third from the right and Saas came to an end at this moment.

"Then, according to the agreement with the third right, I will no longer interfere in your affairs. I'm sorry, Wei Ying."

Suzume took a step back and closed her eyes silently, which was a sign that she would not interfere.

In order to ensure the continuous operation of the corridor, Suzunu came to the two leaders when everyone was distracted. She raised her hand and injected two injections of medicine into their bodies to ensure that their bodies could recover quickly to prevent a group of people from being attacked by the magic sword. Think about it.

"Senior, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

The majestic arrogance burned in Kuzhu's body again, and the spear traveled through the sky with lightning speed, piercing the shoulder of one of the thirteen people, Li Su'an.

Fortunately, the divine sword saw the right moment and approached Kuzhu, and the spear, which was controlled by will, was taken back into Kuzhu's hand.

"Kuzhu, don't be too complacent. After all, the third person on the right needs to face Shas, and the person you have to face is me who is definitely stronger than you."

Two ice picks came from the side, and Kuzhu had no choice but to forcefully twist his spear and let the flames at the tail of the spear help him neutralize this threat. At this moment, the sword edge penetrated the flames and reached Kuzhu's throat. Just the flow of air opened a red wound.

"As I said, as long as you admit defeat and hand over the key to the third floor, you can avoid these physical pains!"

"Cowardice is like a fire that burns my spirit. It took root in my heart, and my brothers extinguished it with blood and water. The sacrifices they made - they did not make me surrender to you here! "

The point of the gun turned away from the magic sword, and the two men glared at each other, like a lion and a lone wolf meeting, and they were bound to compete.

However, Kuzhu was the only one left alone after all. His eyes swept across all the enemies in front of him, and he tensed up in his heart, ready to rise up and resist.

"Xinglian, Qi Mengshang, come to help!"

After a battle, Wei Ying knew that Kuzhu's strength was gradually recovering or breaking through. The magic sword alone might not be able to suppress Kuzhu.

"No need!"

However, just as Xinglian was about to step forward, he was stopped in place by an angry shout from the divine sword. His eyes turned red, and the tip of the sword wiped his arm, staining it with blood red and purple.

"I still have a long way to go, and I will never stop here!"

Shen Dao grabbed the sword with both hands, and an evil smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The smile contained seven parts of weirdness, two parts of arrogance, and one part of contempt.

As for Shen Dao, he has wasted too long on the second level. The injury on his right hand is still pecking away at his soul. The person who conspired with him on the third level is still waiting for him to pick up the goods. , this battle needs to be decided quickly.

"I don't know what hope you are pursuing, and I also don't know what path you are talking about."

Bitter Bamboo twisted a paintbrush around with three fingers and threw out rhombus-shaped crystals of seven colors that wrapped around his arm, blooming with unprecedented light.

"But as a monarch, I have the heavy responsibility to protect the people; similarly, as a brother, I have the loyalty to avenge my brother."

The spear in his hand bloomed with brilliance, and he kicked out a cloud of wind and dust with his right foot. The bitter bamboo rose into the sky and flew to the top of the sky like an eagle. Then he clenched the golden light with his right hand and drew a blood mark on his chest.

The darkness in the sky was gradually dispersed, and a round of sunlight rose behind Kuzhu. Not only the group of people at the base, but also all the residents on the second floor opened the curtains that closed the windows and slowly turned their gazes to the sky.

"I will use my blood as ink and my body as the base. At the last moment here, I will draw the last drawing of heaven and earth that belongs to me in this life!"

As the brush in Kuzhu's hand waved, bunches of colors began to decorate the world on the second level, and the sun gradually rose, symbolizing the rekindled hope of the second level rising over the hills. Then people shouted, Kuzhu's heart also It gradually warmed up.

"The sky paints the earth!"

The sun rose to the highest altitude on the second level, carrying Kuzhu's hope and scattering all the blood in his body to the ground.

I don't know who made the first call, singing the name of "Lights in the Night", followed immediately by a second person, and a third person...

"I am not alone in this battle, my people, they stand with me on the same starting point and goal!"

Hysterical shouts soared into the sky, and tears floated out of the corners of Kuzhu's eyes. This raw material that was not part of creation has now been added to the paintings of heaven and earth.

"The momentum has changed... something's wrong, he's stronger!"

Seeing that the scene had changed for a moment, Shen Dao looked hard and drew his sword to carve the word "wheel" on the ground in front of him.

"The evil wheel has fallen into the mortal world!"

Suddenly, three giant purple gears appeared behind the magic sword. Torn winds swept through the surrounding areas, and the entire base was in chaos.

"Wei Ying, you retreat to other areas, hurry up!"

Shen Dao turned around and shouted, muttering in his heart:

Well, keeping these people is of great use. Anyway, we will have supplies when we meet Song Sheng on the third floor. Now just think of me as unlucky!

"Can I still be defeated by you?"

The mechanical gears moved with the leap of the divine sword, and three phantoms rushed towards Kuzhu's body. The divine sword raised the sword, and the high-speed rotating gears cut Kuzhu's left arm, and blood flowed from several wounds.

A burst of inner energy was forced out of the body, Kuzhu spit out a mouthful of blood, and wounds of various sizes appeared constantly on his body.

"I can't fall yet, and I will never fall here!"

In order to ensure the normal performance of Tian Hui Di Zao, Ku Zhu took a long breath and looked at the magic sword with eyes full of hatred and anger, but also a little relieved.

"This cowardice will no longer block my sky like a haze, and I will eventually see the dawn!"

"Magic Sword!"

The three mechanical gears flew towards Kuzhu's heart. At the critical moment, a ray of light descended and pressed down the three gears unilaterally, covering the last vacant position of the painting on the ground.


Thousands of colors rose from the ground and flexibly wandered around the divine sword like silk threads. They merged into one, and the merged rainbow strip ignored the obstruction of the gears and strangled the throat of the divine sword.

"Avenge my brother!"

"Magic Sword!"

"Just please—go to hell!"

The strips were trying to tear apart the divine sword's throat like a knife. Everyone's eyes were focused on this moment. The answer seemed to be determined...


A figure suddenly appeared at the entrance of the base. The flowers on the man's shoulders were in bloom.

Iletya smiled evilly:

"Kuzhu lost."

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