Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 7 An Angel, Fallen Once

When they came closer, the blue ball cowered in the center of the cage, its luminous point facing downwards, trying not to face the huge creature in front of it.

"Is it scared?"

Qi Mengshang turned his sword and pointed it directly at the blue ball. Before he could take action, the magic sword grabbed his arm and stopped him, "What do you want to do?"

"Execute it."

Shen Dao swung his sword to deflect Qi Mengshang's weapon, knocking her back a few meters before opening the cage and letting the blue ball fly out.

Almost at the same time, everyone watched as the blue ball changed little by little. After breaking open the cage, it transformed into a blue-winged butterfly and scattered scattered stars.

As the butterflies dissipated, the steps rumbled and sank, but the divine sword looked indifferent and called on everyone to stand on the steps.

At this critical moment, no one dared to act rashly, and they all followed the instructions of the magic sword.

The steps sank into the ground little by little, and the entire cave began to vibrate. The rumbling sound resounded through the ears. Just as they landed on another layer, a giant spider lay on the suspended coffin.

"Get ready for battle!"

Shen Dao jumped down first, jumped down to the left wall, waved the rock sword to challenge the spider, and the scratching sound of his footsteps on the ground alerted his opponent.

The lid of the coffin flipped up as the spider leaped, and countless black spiders crawled out of the coffin and attacked in a frenzy.

"Fire! Fire!"

Xing Hanjun lit the torch, rushed out of the crowd first, and threw sparks at the poisonous spiders that were attacking him. He grabbed the clothes on his right arm and quickly tore them into his hands, then accurately threw them into the spider group the moment he was lit by the torch.

For the spider, it was as if the end of the world had come. It had no courage to move forward and just retreated behind to watch the fierce battle between the giant spider and the magic sword.

His eyes wandered to the poisonous sting at the tip of the spider's deputy, and he jumped back to avoid the fatal blow. The magic knife slashed the spider's tentacles without hesitation, and purple blood spilled onto the ground, making a corrosive sound.

"I'm here to help!"

The long sword in his hand was thrown out by Wei Ying, and it penetrated through the spider's cyst and dug into the wall. Iletya laughed twice, raised the pistol and pointed it at the spider's blood-red eyes and pulled the trigger. The other team members worked together to use it. Bright light and flames drive away the weak spider swarms.

The coffin bound by the iron ropes slammed to the ground, and the dust suddenly rushed to the surroundings. A huge black shadow suddenly flashed past and flew to the ceiling of this space. Silk threads hung from the end, and red spider eyes kept dripping strong corrosion. of liquid.

A chain flew out from behind Wei Ying and flew straight towards the rock wall on the side of the spider. Before turning back, Qi Mengshang pulled out his sword and pulled the chain to attack under the cover of Xing Hanjun's pistol.

The sharp edge cut the claws and flew straight past. As the rope was fired back again, Qi Mengshang gracefully put the knife back into the sheath. The silk thread at the tail end of the spider broke instantly, and it rolled and fell from the sky, completely losing its ability to resist.

In the territory of the sixth floor, the girl in blue breathed hot air into her hands. Listening to the commotion on the first floor, she couldn't help but sigh, "Unexpectedly, they are more united than expected."

Behind him, a man with a somewhat broken face crossed his arms and asked somewhat sinisterly:

"Do you need me to take action?"

"It's not necessary. There is no possibility of the laws of this world being broken. One of them will definitely be buried here."

As the cup in the girl's hand fell to the ground, the sound of an explosion came from the first floor. The spider's body exploded into a pool of green venom rolling on the ground. The magic sword held the weapon and walked step by step to the coffin.

There was a gray-white corpse lying inside, also covered with a white cloth belt. He raised his sword in both hands and stabbed the corpse's heart. The blood splashed on the face of the magic sword, but he didn't care.

"According to this pattern, there should be three more floors."

Shen Dao twisted his shoulders slightly, then pulled out the weapon on the wall and threw it to Wei Ying, "Just now, thank you."

"Heh, you're welcome."

As a hidden door lowered from behind, everyone reached a consensus and moved forward. Wei Ying put his sword in its sheath and did the final finishing touches.

Before leaving, he deliberately walked to the coffin to observe. A strange scene happened. The corpse slowly grew eight claws, and the white strips on the eyes gradually turned blood red.

An intuition came to his heart. The white strip in front of him must be important, but his arms were shaking. No one could pay for the impulse...

Resisting the fear in his heart, he grabbed the white strip from the body and stuffed it into his pocket, and quickly left decisively. After entering the cave, he looked back and saw that nothing strange happened. He smiled softly.

Wei Ying was the last one to walk into the room. There was a blue rose on the central step, and its fragrance filled the entire room through the darkness.

The door leading to the next room was opened, and the team members looked around, "Is there nothing in this room?"

"I am not sure as well."

Shen Dao shook his head. In their sight, the blue rose in the center did not exist. There was also no fragrant fragrance in the room, only a hint of blood.

Shen Dao walked to the passage. He had done the same thing several times before. He had been here too, and it was no different from before. "Let's keep walking."

The team members nodded and walked over. Wei Ying hesitated, opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

"Wei Ying, what's wrong?"

Before leaving, Iletya noticed something was wrong with Wei Ying and was worried that something would go wrong. She said softly, "Don't worry, just follow me. It'll be fine."

"Well, you go first, and I'll do some more research."

"Is there something wrong?"


"Then hurry up, time waits for no one."

Iletya ran to the next passage, leaving Wei Ying alone in the room. He reached out to touch the rose, but passed through it again.

Why? Can't touch it? The rose in front of him was in the same situation as the village. Wei Ying stretched out his left hand and stayed in the air to cover the rose again, and touched his pocket with his right hand.

Sure enough, the red strip was held in Wei Ying's hand. An unknown thought swept through his brain and wrapped the red strip around his eyes. A burning sensation hit his face, and his eye sockets seemed to be embedded with fingers, and he twisted them hard. The flesh and blood inside.

He reached out to touch the rose again. This time, he successfully held the rose in his hand, put it in his pocket, and quickly removed the strip. At the same time, Iletya's voice came again.

"Have you dealt with it? Hurry up."

"Well, here we come."

Wei Ying didn't ask too much about what he had found. Everyone was hiding in the dark cave. The magic sword did not move forward. In the cave in front of him lived a spider man with eight claws, kneeling in the cave. in front of a stove.

"what to do?"

"Do you want to do it?"

"See the right moment and take action together."

Shen Dao and the person behind him nodded to each other and made gestures to confirm the attack method. Iletya loaded the pistol and said, "Then, get ready!"

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