Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 77 Zero Signal

"Wei Ying, are you there? I have something I want to talk to you about."

The voice of Shen Dao suddenly sounded outside the door. Looking at the information on the communicator, Shen Dao, who was in a dilemma, quietly walked to the door and saw the person outside through the peephole. It was indeed Shen Dao.

"Is there a problem?"

"I have something for you."


"You open the door first."

Wei Ying carefully put his hand on the door handle. As soon as he turned it a little, Shen Dao opened the door and walked in. He found the bed and sat down. "What's wrong? Why are you opening the door so late? What happened?"

"That's why I'm asking you, why did you come to my place so late without resting?"

Shen Dao looked troubled and sighed softly, "To be honest, I don't think highly of Song Sheng. No matter from any aspect, this guy is not worthy of my trust."

"Then you still want to contact him?!"

"Hey, keep your voice down. I didn't expect Song Sheng to change so much. All in all, we have to leave here quickly. It's tomorrow. Do you understand?"

"So urgent?"

"Staying here for one more day will be a disaster. The technology this guy masters is far beyond my imagination."

Then, Shen Dao beckoned Wei Ying to come closer, leaned into his ear and whispered:

"Tonight, you call everyone else over. In your room, we will discuss how to deal with him. Remember, don't leak the secret!"

Suddenly, Wei Ying felt as if there was something extra in his hand. The magic sword patted his shoulder and continued:

"In order to prevent something special from happening, the last time I cooperated with him, I prepared substitutes for the resistance agent and ME chip, but the quantity prepared was only enough for the two of us."

"I can only trust you, so I leave it to you."

Wei Ying and Shen Dao looked at each other, and they were constantly struggling in their hearts whether to believe in Shen Dao or not.

"ok, I get it."

The medicine was inserted into the blood vessel, all doses were filled, and a replacement chip was implanted. The magic sword felt relieved and stood up to leave.

"Remember, don't reveal anything I tell you today."

However, as soon as he opened the door, a smiling face greeted him. It was none other than Song Sheng.

"What, Mr. Shen Dao, do you want to leave now? Isn't that a bit rude?"

He clapped his hands, and a group of mechanical soldiers sprang out around him, holding weapons in their hands. They wanted to rush in, but they were stopped by his command.

"Mr. Divine Sword, I was kind enough to entertain you, but you sincerely want to harm me. Isn't it a bit too much?"

Unexpectedly, the magic sword just laughed, then drew out the sword he carried with him and fought back with a bit of anger:

"Entertainment? You just planted a virus into the ME chip and called it entertainment!"

"Such a crude method, I'm afraid you didn't intend to get along with me in the first place!"

After the plot was exposed, Song Sheng sneered, without caring about the two people's feelings, he waved his hand and motioned to the people behind him to arrest the two.

Although the ME chip has a virus, it does have the effect of improving abilities. The magic sword was raised and illuminated the entire room. The door and the wall were shattered into slag in the electric light and flint.

"Go on, take them both down!"

Shen Dao winked at Wei Ying behind him. It was difficult for him to deal with so many people, so it was best to evacuate first.

"What about the others?"

Suddenly, Wei Ying saw several of his kidnapped companions through the crowd. It seemed that Song Sheng had already taken action.

"Let's go quickly!"


Jumping down from the second floor window sill, Wei Ying looked behind him. The magic sword had not followed, and only the room on the second floor was still flashing with purple light.

"Magic Sword, hurry up and leave!"

"Boy, this happened suddenly, you go first, hurry up!"

"You're crazy!"

"Believe me, I'll be fine. You go first, don't you hear me! Head to the ruined city in the west and wait for my arrival there!"

"Okay! I understand, take care of yourself!"

The pursuers came running from the street on the right. Wei Ying couldn't say any more words and swallowed them all as motivation to escape.

After turning three streets in a row, the pursuers only increased. The pressure on Wei Ying gradually accumulated, and his steps began to become weak. What he had to face were machines that could work without eating or drinking, but he was a mortal. fetal.

"Mr. Wei Ying, come here!"

Xinglian's voice came from in front of him. He looked up and saw that Xinglian was standing anxiously at the intersection waiting for him. She had knocked down all the people guarding the door. This rekindled the fire of hope in Wei Ying's heart. .

"Please follow me!"

"no problem!"

As Wei Ying approached Xinglian, the robots stopped and just watched Wei Ying leave little by little, finally escaping from the black city.

Weiying, who had not yet recovered, was taken all the way to a nearby small village by Xinglian, and the two of them plunged into the farmland and hid.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay. By the way, why are you here?"

"I hate relatively closed environments, so I was wandering on the streets in the black market. I accidentally noticed the rapid footsteps and hid in a hurry. After I realized the problem, I rushed to the street entrance and cleaned up what I saw. The enemy who arrived has been waiting for you. Where should we go next?"

"The ruined city is located in the easternmost part of the city. The magic sword is waiting there, and I will also help you find a replacement for the ME chip."

"What's wrong with this thing?"

"That bastard Song Sheng implanted a virus into the chip, although we can indeed gain power through this thing."

"That's not necessary. I have already stolen the real ME chip from Song Sheng and replaced it."

With unexpected luck, Wei Ying relaxed his body and lay down in the field. The warm breeze gently caressed his cheek, slowly healing his tired body and scarred mind.

Too tired, really too tired, almost no rest, the nerves in the whole body are tense all the time, he is obviously just a young man in his early twenties.

Xinglian looked at Wei Ying lying on the ground, put the gun behind him, walked to his side, pushed his chest with both hands, and asked softly:

"Mr. Wei Ying, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Mr. Weiying, please cheer up, Xinglian is still here!"

"We haven't given up yet."

"Xinglian will help!"

Inspired by Xinglian, Wei Ying smiled bitterly unconsciously, laughing at himself for starting to feel discouraged so early. He shook his head and stood up straight.

Caressing Xinglian's head with one hand, Wei Ying rekindled his fighting spirit and looked at Xinglian's eyes with sparks of hope.

"Yes, you're right."

"We haven't given up yet, and although we are exhausted, I will never let you down."

"Please follow me, Xinglian, our next destination is the ruined city!"

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