Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 87 Just Be Patient

Just need to be patient

"A bunch of losers! Bastards!"

Like a heavy rain pouring down the embankment, Song Sheng was furious at this group of so-called "artificial intelligence", throwing whatever was at hand, and using whatever hit the skin more painfully.

The raised index finger kept making gestures in mid-air, pressing furiously from one forehead to the other.

"You're riding a horse! I'm so angry!"

His upper and lower teeth were clenched together, and his brows seemed to be on fire. At this time, Song Sheng seemed to people to be a real devil from hell, clawing at them and tearing at their self-esteem.

"A city!"

"People from the same city!"

He raised his hands, opened his chest and faced the sky, his expression twisted into a ball, and he laughed strangely and morbidly.

"It's okay to be fooled around by a little girl!"

"They also drove away the things you need to protect in front of your eyes."

"It's really embarrassing to say it out. Don't you feel ashamed yourself?"

Most of the mentally fragile people collapsed on the ground on the spot, curled up and endured Song Sheng's scolding, and might even become depressed and face the final fate of being abandoned.

Perhaps because they were unwilling to endure Song Sheng's bullying anymore, someone actually stepped forward and contradicted Song Sheng.

"Song Sheng, you have gone too far..."

"Am I going too far?"

Song Sheng stepped forward and pushed away the others who were blocking him. This rude behavior instantly angered some of the people who wanted to resist him, but due to the class differences between statuses, they dared not speak out in anger at most.

And the over-the-top speech like just now was beyond everyone's expectations, including Song Sheng of course.

But considering his position and identity, and in order to ensure that he could continue to command these people, Song Sheng walked to the man angrily, raised his right hand and quickly lowered it, a crisp sound was heard like thunder.

The young man with bristling green and red hair forcefully received the palm with his face, causing Song Sheng to frown.

"Han Chaochen, as an outstanding newcomer, I was originally very optimistic about you, but now...are you trying to stop me, your master?"

Although the left side of his face was red, the young man was not timid. Instead, he put on an air of indifference and indifference, and gently held Song Sheng's hand away with his left hand.

"My subordinates have no intention of resisting you. I just hope that everyone and you can reduce unnecessary conflicts so that I can better complete my work."

Song Sheng, who was never sloppy in his words and actions, and who had always had a favorable opinion of Han Chaochen from the bottom of his heart, realized his gaffe, pulled his hand back, and dusted off some dust on his shoulders.

"Since you are a capable person, I will still give you such a face, but in view of your negligence, I will give you a few words..."

"Garbage, no matter how hard you try, you are still garbage, and the final fate you will face is to throw it away. Do you understand?"

The cold breeze drifted from the window sill and floated into people's hearts under the bright lights. There was an extremely frozen atmosphere permeating both classes.

But if you want to fight outside, you must first make peace with yourself. Song Sheng made a cold face, laughed, and stood on tiptoes to leave. At the end, he didn't forget to look back and laugh sarcastically.

"Han Chaochen, please come out."


With a hint of red in his long green-black hair, the young man raised his hair and walked toward the door in a dashing way. However, suddenly his right foot was stuck to the ground and he could not move.

"Mr. Chaochen, you can't go."

The mechanics reminded him worriedly that after all, Song Sheng was not worthy of their trust, so they hoped to recruit Chaochen to join the group and put their idea of ​​overthrowing Song Sheng into practice.

"Senior is born with magical powers. I believe that if you join hands with us, you will be able to stand up and become the master!"

Unfortunately, Chaochen smiled faintly, then gently moved his hands and gently touched the white forehead of the girl who was leaning over.

"Okay, listen to me, as long as I'm here, he can't hurt you, okay."

"Mr. Chaochen, I'm not kidding!"

"Okay, if you keep talking, I'm going to get angry."

"Are you willing to endure that guy's anger and live quietly under depression!?"

The girl poured out all the words that were suppressed in everyone's hearts, but Chaochen's expression remained unchanged, as dull as a puppet, with no emotional changes at all.

"Sorry, I can't understand what you want to say? Yunqiao."

When the two people's eyes met, it was like a collision between two consciousnesses, or two worlds. One was full of emotion, while the other was already numb.

Unknowingly laughing at himself, Yunqiao quietly retracted his outstretched hand, his body trembling a little, as if his will to resist was deeply suppressed.

"You just stepped forward. I thought you were on the same team as us, a person with feelings..."

"But, according to my data... we are robots, aren't we?"

As if the ultimate switch of depression was turned on, everyone except Chaochen fell into silence for a while. People close to him also returned to Yunqiao disappointedly, patted the girl on the shoulder, and sighed deeply to declare the failure of the win. ending.

"Sorry to disturb you, go quickly, Song still waiting for you."

"Oh well."

"Chaochen, what happened if you haven't come out for so long?"

"Come here!"

Chaochen turned around and ran to the door. He pulled the handle with his right hand and prepared to leave. However, when the door came loose, he quietly turned back and looked at the disappointed figure of the girl, feeling a faint pain in his heart.

"Here we come, morning."

"Yes, Master, do you have any orders?"

"I want you to do another experimental test to check whether you are qualified to go to the ruined city in the east. How about it? Do you have time now?"


Ignoring the noise of other people whispering on the street, Han Chaochen closed his eyes, used his extraordinary hearing to identify Song Sheng's moving position, and then followed him to the laboratory below.

"Then go inside, I'm going to conduct an experiment next."


Like a white mouse, Han Chaochen obediently got into a huge empty cylinder tube, closed his eyes and waited.

As the buttons were pushed one by one, countless electric currents and poisonous gas filled the entire air tube. Looking at the expressionless Chaochen, Song Sheng smiled and clapped his hands.

"It's very strong. This kind of pediatric thing can't hurt you anymore, so let's do the next experiment."

"As you are sent."

Song Sheng smiled and sat down on the armchair, lit a cigarette casually, swallowed the white smoke three times, and quietly pushed the memory reshaping button.

"Just have to be patient for a while."

After there was no movement in the experimental cabin, Song Sheng found a memory backup about Chaochen, deleted all the unfavorable or unimportant information in it, and then returned it to Chaochen.

A burst of white mist spread out as the cabin door opened. Han Chaochen stood up in a daze, shook his head twice, and asked vaguely:

"Did the experiment pass?"

"We still need to work hard. The results of the experiment were not successful."

"Then I'm going to train now, right?"

"Of course, if you really want to."

"I'll be there."

"Then I'm too embarrassed to influence you, right?"

"Master, take your leave."

"Take care of yourself."

After leaving the laboratory alone, Han Chaochen looked at the others around him with a colder look, and the memories related to them were diluted again.

Han Chaochen couldn't remember how many times this happened. He would have this abnormal feeling after every experiment. Song Sheng always thought he could be kept in the dark.

Unfortunately, Chaochen has been trying to break through this blockade of consciousness, and it has been effective.

As he gave himself spiritual hints again and again, he could now quickly remember everything that had happened before.

"Now is not the time to resist. Of course we must resist."

"But the most important thing to do now..."

"Just be patient."

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