Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 91 It’S Hard To Move Even An Inch

As night fell, a plane crossed the long river between the two cities and kept moving forward at high speed in the sky.

"The plane has entered the Eastern City - Varadonco."

"The phantom effect will be detected in a few minutes, please get ready for battle."

"In order to recover the aircraft well, Xiaoyun will evacuate first after landing two people, and then follow the movements of the two."

"At this point, please take care of yourself, both of you."

Assembling the landing equipment in the plane, Wei Ying stood in the sky and looked down at the entire Dongcheng. The messy wind ruffled his hair, igniting the fighting spirit in his heart.

The long sword was unsheathed, and a blue light suddenly appeared. The young man was extremely calm. Even though he knew that there would be a fierce battle next, Wei Ying still showed no fear. He turned around and confirmed each other's will with Xinglian, and then sent the order to start action to Yi Xun.

"Come on, let's get started!"


Putting on his goggles, after Wei Ying checked his equipment, he stood at the opening of the plane and jumped. A "blue eagle" in the sky made an emergency landing towards the city.

Before his body hit the ground, a flash of white flashed through his mind. Wei Ying suddenly woke up and subconsciously looked towards the giant magnetic needle in the center of the city.

It is obviously different from the picture sent by Iletya. Reinforcers are placed in the four directions on the outside, and current is passed between some machines. The sizzling sound is even transmitted to Wei Ying's head. In spirit.

"Xinglian, are you okay?"

"I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"We have to move fast! Let's go!"


Wei Ying dragged the parachute with both hands and moved his landing position to the top of a nearby high-rise building. After rolling around, he stood up and looked at the crowd below again.

"It's almost exactly the same as in the photo, a bunch of walking zombies."

"Senior Weiying, I'm here!"

Accurately landing at the same position as Wei Ying, Xinglian quickly adjusted his body, took out his gun and pointed it at the stairs leading down.

"Don't be so nervous Xinglian, they don't seem to have discovered us yet. This may have something to do with the ME chip in our bodies."

"Then take this opportunity to rush over and destroy that giant thing!"

"I think so too!"

The two of them hurriedly went downstairs, and the rapid footsteps were mixed with the complicated breathing of the two people. The building was not empty, but it was just the same as Iletya's initial situation. No one noticed the two of them, allowing them to go all the way. Down.

After leaving the building, a blue light rushed out from the alleyway and ran towards the device in the center. It was the white wolf summoned by Wei Ying, but in the endless night, its soul state showed a blue appearance. .

"The task of tearing them apart will be left to you!"


Under the empty sky, the white wolf plopped forward, pounced with its front feet on the ground, and flew freely among the enemy's ranks. However, when it randomly found a target and pounced on it, it could not tear their bodies apart.

If creatures on the soul level want to attack enemies on other levels, it is necessary to use the soul as a medium to introduce power. However, these enemies are mechanical bionic humans and have no such thing as a soul.

"Damn it, come back, White Wolf."


"Can we only rely on forceful attack?"

Seeing Wei Ying's hesitant expression, Xing Lian stepped forward and pulled out the bolt of the bomb in his hand, "In that case, let me do it."

Xinglian was impatient and wanted to express herself in front of Wei Ying. Before the boy could talk, she had already dashed away like a cunning rabbit, with her left hand holding a grenade high and her right hand putting a shotgun on her shoulder.

"Blast it!"

The girl threw the grenade into the sky with all her strength. The grenade flew across the sky for more than 40 meters and landed at the feet of the army. Just as people were reacting, the grenade detonated on the spot just in time.

Thick flying smoke mixed with red body blood was thrown into the sky. In the chaos, several explosive bullets hit the central nervous device, causing a certain amount of considerable damage.

But such a reckless attack also angered the troops stationed nearby, and the rumble of marching footsteps of the troops could be heard from four directions at the same time.

The electromagnetic waves generated by the attack on the mental device also affected Wei Ying's spirit, and the effect was more than twice as powerful as before.

"Xinglian! Be careful!"

Two missiles struck from the sky, and four armed helicopters appeared in the sky one after another. Standing in front of the army, Xinglian lost his temper and fired two more shots at the spiritual device.

Seeing that Xinglian had no intention of retreating, Wei Ying had to step forward to cater to her and fight together. At the moment when the army launched the missile, Wei Ying flicked one hand and an ice wall was formed in front of the soldiers. The impact caused by the explosion hurt the soldiers. to their internal military.

"Thanks for the help!"

"Hurry up, keep attacking! I'll cover you!"


The two made a desperate move, one taking cover and the other setting up a short defense, moving slowly towards the central spiritual device.

"Enjoy your last peace, broken machine."

"Throw your bomb at its shaft, Star Lotus!"


As the last two portable grenade bolts fell off, two beams of fire flashed from outside the cold ice wall, and other mixed munitions hidden in the two bombs also exploded. The center of the city instantly turned into a sea of ​​​​fire.

The violent vibrations on the street made Wei Ying feel cold behind him. This was not caused by the bomb just now, nor was it the plane in the sky, but a sign of the march of heavily armored troops.

The two behemoths on the street knocked away anything that stood in front of them. The two tanks were followed by an endless line of heavily armored soldiers, holding in their hands strong acid weapons that were prohibited from use on the third floor.

Wei Ying, who thought it would be over, looked toward the center. Through the thick black smoke, he saw the magnetic needle wrapped in a red defensive barrier, and he suddenly stopped breathing.

"That thing hasn't exploded yet!"

"Get out of the way!"

A shell came from far away on the street, followed by countless small missiles at the end. The armed helicopters in the sky also carried out a covering bombing. Under the machine gun fire, countless metal bullet casings fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

Along with the huge one-meter deep crater that was blasted out of the street, when the army around them sent personnel to check, no living creatures could be seen.

However, in the next second, they shifted their gaze to another corner of the city, and the neural device marked their new coordinates for them.

"Huh? Am I still alive?"

Wei Ying looked around and found that the surrounding environment had changed.

"Where is this?"


He was separated from Xinglian for some reason, so he had to find a nearby hidden location to hide. At the same time, he kept hinting to himself in panic to ensure that his nerves could resist brainwave interference for a longer period of time.

After roughly analyzing the current situation, Wei Ying judged that he was in the easternmost part of Varadonco. In this unexpected situation, even if a helicopter assisted him in evacuating, it was out of the question.

But he never forgets the most important thing in his heart - the liberation of Varadonco!

After an unknown amount of movement, the communicator hidden in his clothes suddenly vibrated.

He looked at the inexplicable information note on the screen - Xiaoyun.

Open the message it sent.

"The situation of the two masters is too urgent. Out of helplessness, Xiaoyun teleported the two of them remotely. However, due to the information blockage in the city, he was unable to move you accurately."

"You are now at opposite ends of the city from Master Xinglian, please act with caution."

"In addition, the mental control in the city has suddenly strengthened. According to data analysis, your spirit will be completely eroded before the next transmission. Although it is a bit difficult, please complete the action before dawn, otherwise Xiaoyun will not be able to contact you. "

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