Corridor Of Creatures

Chapter 95 Become A Hero

"Please pay attention to the reconnaissance plane in the sky! It will fly over this area in one minute!"


Every time a message was given, Xinglian responded accordingly. The two people's wills were connected to each other, forming an indestructible steel wall.

"Xiaoyun has sent you a new explosive device, it's just at the next corner of the alleyway!"


Even though their hearts were pounding, neither of them mentioned a word about giving up. They devoted themselves to fighting for a free tomorrow, even if they might sacrifice themselves for it.

The snow in the sky became more and more violent, and the ice and snow storm rolling around completely blurred Xinglian's sight. In desperation, she began to move along the street.

After turning around the street and arriving at a place with a relatively wide field of vision, Xinglian looked up and saw that the white tornado was moving from the side toward the center.

The girl had never imagined seeing such weather, nor did she believe that such weather would happen for no reason. She just guessed that it was probably Wei Ying's work.

"Yixun, Xiaoyun, please continue to spy on the road ahead for me, please!"


For some reason, Yi Xun, who was standing on the platform of the tower in the ruined city, looked at her clenched right hand and laughed bitterly. She seemed to have gone crazy, but her brain had never been so clear-headed.

"Now, Miss Xinglian, while you are still safe, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Without stopping her running action, Xinglian continued to try to shorten the time for her to rush to the central position, and pinned all her hopes on the moment when the opponent's west zone defense was weakest.

Yi Xun looked at the faint flashes of stars in the dark night sky, slowly closed his eyes, and let the crystal tears from the corners of his eyes streak across his face.

"If we don't succeed this time, what will the price of being a hero be...?"

For Yi Xun, hero refers not only to Xinglian, but also to Wei Ying who proposed this plan and dared to fight. Although they have severed contact with him, they still have Wei Ying alive in their hearts. hope.

So what exactly does it cost to be a hero?

Xinglian didn't know what the price of becoming a hero would be, but she knew one thing very well, an inevitable fact.

If this battle fails, whether it is Iletya who is controlled by the device, Wei Ying who has lost contact, or other partners imprisoned in the black market, as well as Yi Xun and Shen Dao, they will all end up with the same fate. .....

"I think he will probably die."


"Yeah, he'll probably die."

"If the hero dies, will our hope still exist?"

Like a whisper before the end of the world, Yi Xun lamented the hardships along the way. She was afraid, her body couldn't stop shaking, and tears fell down her skin to the ground.

I am afraid that even if I try my best in the end, I will still end up with a tragic ending, I am afraid that I will never see my friends from the past again, I am afraid that the spark of hope will be ruthlessly extinguished, and I am even more afraid of facing death alone.

The fear in her heart began to slowly erode the girl's will to fight. She even wanted to laugh at herself for being cowardly now, even though she had made a life-and-death oath just now.

However, hearty laughter came from the other end of the communicator.

"Listen to me, Yi Xun, you just asked me if hope will still exist after the hero dies, right?"

"um, yes!"

"Then let me tell you."

The white snow in the sky gradually stopped, but the soldiers on the street showed no signs of regaining their consciousness. Wei Ying's outcome and Xing Lian were also unknown.

As the trigger was pulled, the suppressive heavy-armored soldiers blocking Xinglian fell backwards. The girl did not hesitate to shoot the other soldiers in front of her. She stepped through the streets full of blood and headed towards the last road leading to the mental device. Main Street.

Even though her hands were stained with blood and the enemy blocking her was her former partner, Xinglian still showed no sign of cowardice or fear. She raised her shotgun with a smile and faced it bravely.

"Hope always exists!"

"New hope comes with the emergence of new heroes!"

"Now I am a hero, leading our hope!"

"And you who fight with me, Yi Xun! You are also a hero!"

"If I fall here, it doesn't mean that the flag that symbolizes freedom and victory will be contaminated by dust!"

"If I die here, Yi Xun, you will be the next hero!"

"Please let our light of hope penetrate this Varadonco shrouded in darkness!"

"Go and lead your own new hope..."

God is always ruthless, and the goddess of luck did not protect these poor people. Varadoncon once again installed a magnetic energy device to isolate all information sources outside Varadonco.

"Come on, my fighting spirit will never be extinguished. You and I must decide the winner today!"

The cold storm's erosion of the city paved the way for Xinglian's advance. Except for Iletea, who could still fight her, the entire Varadonco could not find a second available army for the time being.

To put it more simply, Varadonco now has no soldiers available.

"Thank you, Weiying, thank you...hero."

There was a slight fight between the two, but the Rose Sword was never able to hurt Xinglian's body. On the contrary, in the constant confrontation between the two, Xinglian gained an advantage little by little, and the distance between him and the mental device gradually shortened.

Suddenly, I wonder if Wei Ying's will to fight was also transmitted to Xinglian. Iletya fell to the side because she landed on a slippery layer of snow.

"This is the moment!"

Xinglian pulled the bolt of the explosive device, and before Iletya pounced on it, she took two long steps to the side of the device and threw the explosive into the air with both hands.

The sparks burned along the fuse and entered the explosive device. The shock wave generated by the huge explosion bounced the two girls away. Iletta hit the wall and fell unconscious on the spot.

Although Xinglian was bleeding from the back of her brain, she still slowly stood up and forced herself to open her eyes and look at the thick black smoke, hoping to witness the destruction of the evil device with her own eyes.

However, when the smoke dissipated, a protective layer wrapped around the device completely defeated the girl's remaining will to fight.

"Still... still there?"


No longer able to resist, the girl fell backwards. The hot blood melted the nearby snow into water, but her strong will failed to turn into the same proportion of power to bring them victory.


"This woman is still breathing. Lock her up with that man and undergo mental transformation."

This redemption war, which concerns the entire Varadonco, ended with a tragic ending and declared failure.

A series of chaotic electromagnetic sounds rang in Yi Xun's ears. She raised her right hand, wiped away the unfulfilled tears on her face, and opened her eyes to look towards the Eastern City where the two heroes fell.

Although her voice was still trembling a little, the fire of hope burning in Yi Xun's heart would never be extinguished. She puffed up her chest, gritted her teeth, and held back tears.

"Me too...I'm a hero too."

"The hero... will never cry again!"

"Xiaoyun, let's go!"

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go north... to find new forces of resistance against the darkness."

"We must bring back new hope and let the flag of victory fly high under the dawn. We must go, now..."

"Go and be a real hero!"

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