Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 937: Give a gift

The royal princess ’birthday is definitely not a trivial matter in the past. In the feudal period, whenever the birthday of the royal members came, it was the time when the nobles cut meat. At least dozens of gold coins, as many as thousands of gold coins were sent to the palace, so that in some bad seasons, the royal family's income has not been as much as the gifts received by members of the royal family during their birthdays. This was once a flood of royal members. One of the reasons. It is said that after an emperor found that he could get tens of thousands of gold coins every birthday, he began to organize the birthday of royal members and invited nobles.

Later, after the power minister came to power, he ordered the royal family to reduce the requirement to plunder wealth from the nobles in the name of birthday banquets, etc., and killed some of the royal branches in the name of confusing the emperor to run the banquet and extorting the minister. The momentum of hosting various banquets has cooled down. After Magus came to power, some new requirements were added to these decrees. For example, adult royal members are not allowed to organize large-scale banquets to collect gifts. Only minor direct members of the royal family are still important. Many rules, such as the ability to manage birthdays, completely shattered the royal family's way of making money through "palace banquets."

If it hadn't been for Magus's formulation of these regulations, the Royal Palace would be like a hotel today, as long as it costs money to come in for various banquets.

This time is the princess's birthday. Of course, I have to take care of it. After all, this is the last time she can celebrate her birthday in the spotlight. At present, the financial problems of the royal family are a bit severe, and it is no longer possible to provide these less valued children to maintain luxury. life. This also means that from today on, Her Royal Highness will have to rely on her own efforts.

Blame Magus. This is the consensus of the royal family. Without Magus, everything would not be what it is today.

Magus, who was deeply hated by the royal family, was smoking with Dulin outside the banquet hall at this time. Of course, if they insisted on smoking in the palace, no one would say anything, but it was about education and decent, so they took the initiative Leaving the palace.

Magus looked at Doulin with a calm face and asked with a smile, "Did you feel nervous?"

Du Lin glanced back at him, lowered his head and bounced soot, patted his pants, and then raised his head and replied, "Nervous? What's that?"

"you know what I mean!"

Du Lin smiled and shook his head and said, "No, although she is a princess, but I am not nervous. I am not too arrogant. I don't think there will be any people of the same age, including smaller or larger groups. Better than me. Those who are nervous should be those who have a better foundation than me. Their achievements are far worse than mine. They are the people who should be nervous, not me. "He took a deep breath. The hidden but unlit fire on the cigarette **** was even brighter. He spit out the smoke and said with a smile, "Moreover, I don't plan to marry a royal princess."

His answer gave Magus some interest, and he couldn't help asking, "Did you say that you asked me to introduce the Royal Princess to you?"

"Yes, I did." Du Lin inserted the cigarette **** in his hand into the white fine sand that was used to extinguish the cigarette butts. The moment he inserted it, there was no more smoke and he turned to look at the horse. Gus, unbuttoned his shirt. He was a little hot. "I'm just talking. Now everyone knows that the royal ship is sinking. Do you think I will get on board?"

Magus sighed, "Why are you always so realistic? Isn't it a little romantic to lie to me?"

The current royal family is no longer the royal family of the past. Magus cut off most of the royal family's source of income and did not give them an overly relaxed environment, so that they faced financial constraints all the time, so that they would not There will be time and money to play some ridiculous tricks. Secondly, there was no actual power in the hands of the royal family. They were completely reduced to the mascot of the empire, and even these guards in the royal palace could not use them. This is a warship that has completely sunk in the long river of history. Even in the past it was extremely brilliant and extremely shining, and at this time it was also sunk.

There is not much interest in the shipwreck, and there is no treasure on it.

Right now, the only thing the royal family can handle is the name "royal". In recent years, most members of the royal family have left the palace, left the imperial capital, and went outside to find their own lives. As long as these people have no problems in their minds and are not so greedy, they all live well. According to statistics from a department dedicated to managing royal family members, most of the royal family members who have left in these years are in the education industry. Many of them have the honorary director or honorary principal of an education company and live a pretty good life.

People ... Especially the middle class's longing for the aristocracy is almost engraved in their bones. When they heard that the honorary director of a noble school or the principal is a member of the royal family who can be found in the Eight Classics, they did not blink their eyes. He paid a huge tuition fee, and then stuffed the child into school. In fact, most of these aristocratic schools are very young. The only ones who can get hold of them are probably the school decoration and the royal family.

Others are living in poverty, not every member of the royal family can still live so well after leaving the royal wings.

Magus promoted the reform of the royal family's teething, which greatly reduced the size of the royal family. Even some new generations, that is, some members of the royal family with royal ancestors who are currently descendants of the emperor, took the initiative and persuaded their parents Give up to register his identity. In the feudal era, the identity of the royal family was an honor, but in this increasingly competitive society, sometimes the background of the royal family will not only give these people any necessary and powerful help, but will become a burden for their promotion.

Compared with the hundreds of royal family members who can casually gather together in the past, there are currently less than fifty royal family members in the Yaoxing Empire, including grandpa and grandpa's father.

After smoking the cigarettes, the two turned and walked back to the palace. After waiting for a while, Her Royal Highness appeared.

The dazzling gem crown shone with a charming luster under the light, but it is said that this crown was specially leased from the jewelry company for the birthday party today. Originally, the royal family also had two princess crowns, which were later used. Go to the auction, after all, the royal family has not had a good life these years.

The princess's appearance was stunning four, especially the pair of white and tender melon, almost squeezed out from the round neck, but her waist was very thin. The nobles have some inexplicable aesthetics. For example, they prefer girls with thin waists, but they are required to be very plump, and they also need to have a sufficiently qualified body, so there is such a thing as a waist. Squeeze most of the meat from the upper body to the chest, while ensuring that there are no more excess fat on the waist.

Feminist groups have called for the abolition of this bad practice, and some noble ladies, including Mrs. Vivian, agree with it and reject this unequal dress code-in their opinion, the dress code is not intended to make I am more beautiful, but I am dedicated to courting men, so this is a bad habit, it is unequal, it is a discriminatory thing, and it should be eliminated.

Du Lin rubbed his nose and blinked, more sure that this was definitely not what he wanted.

The whole birthday banquet was carried out according to the process, and the queen appeared once more. Compared to the princess's innocent appearance, Du Lin actually felt that the queen was in line with his aesthetic view. What made Du Lin even more interesting was that he discovered There seems to be a little more to do with the queen. From the appearance of the queen, to her friendly and simple communication with the nobles, to her departure, she never talked to Magus, nor even looked at him squarely. In the same way, when the queen appeared, Magus became slightly silent, and his words became much less. He also did not look at the queen once.

When two people ignore each other, there must be a problem between the two.

It's not hate, it's love.

A philosopher once said that hate is an alternative expression of love, so only love is left between the two. In addition, it is said that the queen was introduced by Her Majesty the Emperor. There is no problem in it, and he will not believe that he killed Du Lin!

When Durin looked at Magus, there was a little more in his eyes. This is the winner of life.

When the birthday banquet comes to an end, everyone is giving gifts. Because of the existence of Magus and his decree, people will no longer simply send money to show their respect for the royal family, nor will they compare what they give. The value is higher. Now they are very clear that what is delivered today may appear in a second-hand store tomorrow, so it ’s meaningless to send something as good as Instead of putting the heart of the princess on the price of the gift, it is better to send something meaningful, such as a vase, or a mirror that looks good in sterling silver, or some other small, meaningful and inexpensive things.

Du Lin chose a book.

"Is this your gift?"

A young man beside Du Lin suddenly interjected. He glanced at each other and was a very ordinary young man. Of course, this ordinary is only relatively speaking. How many ordinary people can enter the palace to attend the princess's birthday party? Facing this absurd and curious question, Du Lin nodded, and then explained with a smile, "Books are valuable media for recording knowledge. Knowledge is priceless and will benefit people for life."

"It's not like money, it's gone when you run out, it's not like a piece of clothing, it always fades."

"It will always be a valuable asset that will last a lifetime. Whenever you need it, you will find how meaningful it is to read the book you need."

The young man nodded, and then asked, "So is this why you sent a genuine novel?"

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