Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 944: intensify

Du Lin has his own judgment on how to do one thing. He believes in his own judgment. The wonderful life in the dream for decades has allowed him to see more and more bizarre things than he has seen here. Hersman's current decision is what he wants to do, so he is also happy to be an obedient for the time being. After all, there are many things that are easy for them to be able to do but can't do, such as not needing The investigation revealed what scandals existed in certain large family members and how they were used to detonate public opinion. He gave Hersman so much money that he should take responsibility.

As long as Hersman's plan does not violate his own perception of things, Doolin will not object.

Compared to Doolin, who could spend time with the nobles and entrepreneurs in the imperial capital, Nicole obviously fell into a trough.

He was lucky to survive the attack, which was told by a lawyer dispatched by the workers' union that it was not a fight with each other, but an attack, a sudden outbreak, and immigration against imperial citizens Attack. The reason is not important. What is important is the result. Seven imperial citizens died in the attacks of these immigrants. What is more terrible is that these murderers are now victims. Many people stand in their sympathy. Solidarity with them, this is simply a contempt for imperial law!

As the lawyer said and the fact, seven workers died, and now the families of these seven workers hate Nicol. They also hate immigrants who don't keep their hands, but they hate Nicol even more. If he had not planned such a terrible revenge with his ass, not so many things would happen next, and their families would also Impossible to be killed by furious immigrants.

As a "victim", the workers' union helped these surviving workers pay bail and they were temporarily free. Except for some people who are still lying in the hospital for treatment, others have returned home. .

After drinking a little wine, Nicole felt that he should do something. He is not a person who has no responsibility. Since he did something wrong, he should apologize for his stupidity. He carried a wine bottle and found the home of a co-worker he knew. The guy had returned to the embrace of God.

He stood at the door and knocked on the door. After a few moments, the mistress with red eyes opened the door. The sad expression immediately became disgusted after seeing Nicol. Nicol didn't even say "I'm sorry" It was too soon to say that the hostess closed the door heavily.

Standing outside the door, Nicol sighed, looked at the closed door and shouted apologize, but got a response of "roll away from my house". In fact, he was uncomfortable, but now he can do nothing but apologize.

Not surprisingly, every household was unwilling to give him an opportunity to apologize, including those injured workers. He went to the hospital to visit these people and was kicked out.

Walking along the street, he was swaying while drinking, walking aimlessly, he was not sure where he was going, he just wanted to find something to vent. He kicked two dogs and a cat and walked the stove of a tramp while aimlessly moving, but instead of feeling better, he felt more uncomfortable.

On the side of a slightly remote street, he sat down paralyzed by a telephone booth, drinking tears in a spit while holding tears, and filled his heart with a regret that was so choking that he was about to suffocate. If only it was a little calmer at that time, why is it always so impulsive, the thought of those who lost their lives because of their own claims, Nicole is even more sad.

It is getting late, and there are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the road. Although this is one of the most prosperous cities in the west, there will not be too many pedestrians on the road after dark, because it is not safe here.

The danger in the West is that everyone here can legally own a firearm and buy enough bullets. Some social activists, including some politicians, are condemning the cabinet's special treatment for the West and the inaction of the state governments in the three western states. These people think that the main reason why the west is so chaotic and dangerous is the problem of the proliferation of guns. Everyone has guns that seem to enhance the security of ordinary people, but those criminals also have guns and ammunition. They will become more dangerous.

The bad guys dare to pull out a pistol in a public place to search for money in a life-threatening way. Would a good guy dare to do so?

Of course, it is daring. After all, this is the west. Defending your rights and interests from bullets is a code of conduct for simple farmers in the west. But the problem is that the bad guys will always pull the gun before the good guys. There is no difference between good guys and bad guys. The protection of firearms on the people is always on the passive side and will not be an active measure to protect themselves.

In the west, a large number of social activists and politicians are running to call for a large-scale gun ban, but the results have been little, and people have gradually come to understand that it is best not to go out after dark.

It's over eight o'clock at this time. In some bustling cities, this time is just the most exciting start of the day, but in the west this time is late enough. After dark, things that are more than 50 meters away become extra special. blurry.

Nicole, in a state of drunkenness, was lying beside a pile of vomit, squinting and moaning with no meaning. At this moment, he felt that the light in front of him was blocked by something, and he laboriously opened his eyes. He saw two children aged fifteen, six, seven, and eight squatting in front of him, and their hands were turning his pockets.

The next moment he understood what these people were doing, they were robbing a drunk!

Nicole's old and new resentment broke out together, he waved the wine in his hand and slammed it on the head of a big boy, the guy screamed and crouched on the sidewalk, and the other boy fled away in horror, alert He looked at Nicole who was trying to get up.

The whole world is spinning. Only Nicol, who does not spin, climbed several times and did not get up. He drank too much. Since Du Lin invented the distillation method, the degree of various alcoholic beverages has improved a lot. It's easier to get drunk. He didn't notice that the two teenagers who didn't leave flashed terrible chills in his eyes. He was still scolding and trying to get up, his head suddenly sinking and lying on the ground.

He touched his head. The bright red blood made him irritated. He even drunk three points. He grabbed the bottle in his hand and threw it at a young man, and then began to regret his alcoholism.

This is the second thing he regrets these days.

The two teenagers held stones alone, and a man with a one-foot-long iron rod facing his head was a violent meal. The blood did not stop them from stopping, and they fell into violence. It was more difficult for people to get out of this situation, and they lost the stones until they were sure that Nicole would not move any more, and the other was to hide the steel pipe in his pants.

The two quickly pulled out all the pockets of Nicol's body, found three pieces and thirty, and quickly left. In the process, Nicole occasionally trembled and twitched, and scared them at first. Jumping, and later became accustomed to it, they didn't realize that they had hit a series of hits on the back of Nicole, which was one of the most vulnerable parts of human beings.

The two teenagers took three pieces of thirty and quickly merged into the darkness. It wasn't until the next morning that someone called the police and found a face-down male body on a remote street. Cole has been killed.

"We can confirm from the scene evidence and the testimony of some people that the killers were two young people less than 20 years old, one about one meter six five or five and one one meter seven two ...", Police agents are explaining some of the current information to the lawyers of the workers 'union. The news of Nicol's accidental death was soon taken to the workers' union. They must have their eyes in the police station.

The lawyers of the workers' union were very dissatisfied with the seemingly official content. A male lawyer in his thirties, asked, "Is it possible to be two immigrant boys?"

Detectives suddenly became alert. If this thing was really done by immigrants, then obviously they were playing with fire, but from the information in the hands of them, it is not yet possible to identify the ethnic group of the two boys ~ ~ When the police met internally, it was unlikely that the immigrants would be because the group of immigrants would not go into the city in the middle of the night, and it was equally dangerous for them. It is more likely that some young gang members in the local area have a higher chance of accidental robbery from the perspective of Nicol's empty pockets.

They had received testimony from a shop salesperson. That night she sold Nicol a bottle and six bottles of wine, but now they have not found any change on Nicol's body, so the police think this is more like an occasional robbery. .

He bit his head and said, "We have no evidence that the perpetrators are immigrants!"

The lawyer said with a smile, "But you also have no evidence that the killer is not an immigrant ..." He nodded and said, "Well, thank you for notifying us, thank you!"

On the fourth day of the incident, a message spread that the killer was said to be two young immigrants. This news directly exploded the antagonism of ethnic dissatisfaction. The working class demanded that immigrants surrender their killers. The immigrants can only deny this, and the problem has intensified.

There was even a small-scale conflict, and the atmosphere in some cities became more concentrated for a while.

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