Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 954: True or false

Heidle rubbed his eyes and woke up from his deep sleep. He glanced at the sky outside the curtains, the black almost seeping into the room through the glass window, it should be midnight now. He suddenly thought of something. As soon as he turned around, he saw Dufo. Dufo smiled and reminded him that Du Lin was here.

"I need a change of clothes." Heidler slowly turned over to do it. There are really many things that people can't do when they get older, even if it's just a normal thing, such as getting up and getting up.

Some of these young guys can jump straight up, and at worst they can quickly turn over and do it, but after a certain age, they don't know how to protect themselves like young people, and can only make themselves severely injured.

It was just a normal waking action, and Heidler did it for more than a minute, but Buddha didn't urge him, waited quietly, and then said, "No, you don't need to change clothes, This suit is perfect. "

Heidler chuckled and stood up slowly, holding on to the bedpost. "It's not wrong for you to say that. After all, you have to take it off later, so I won't lose time. Where is Du Lin?"

"Out there, come with me ..." Dufo stepped aside and led Heidler out of the bedroom.

After passing through the bedroom door, there is a relatively small living room. Of course, this small living room is also included in the category of the master bedroom. Du Lin is watching TV intently, and a 30-something guy is trying hard in the picture of the TV. Waving his arms gives a very energetic feeling.

Otis is the fourth city to receive cable TV signals. After all, this is the entertainment capital. If there is no TV, what kind of entertainment capital is it?

On-demand programs are being shown on TV. Freina and Nasha have decided to slightly change the operating strategy previously developed by Doolin, changing the 24-hour rolling show to 7am to 11pm. The order ends, and then the private program on demand service begins.

The issue of "stringing up channels" has been solved over Science Island, which makes on-demand simpler and more accurate billing. At the same time, it also adds a lot of revenue to the cable television company. Some elites always entertained and missed their favorite programs late. Now they only need to move their fingers and make a call to solve the problem of rebroadcast. It is still worthwhile for them to spend a little money to watch those missed programs. .

When it comes to the cable television group company, it has to be said that by far the largest piece of revenue is not advertising, but ... adult channel on-demand fees. Because the cable TV signal has not been connected to all cities and regions of the country, many local advertisers are not expensive to log in to the TV. Real advertisers are still waiting for the results of market verification and the popularity of cable TV signals. Under such circumstances, the on-demand of adult programs has become an assistant for income, the on-demand rate remains high, and the income is even more explosive.

What's wrong with spending some money for the ultimate beauty?

At this point, Du Lin tried an on-demand program. He ordered a political interview program in the evening. For this reason, Heidler had to pay an additional 50 cents on-demand fee at the end of the month. He wouldn't care about it. I don't care if I care.

"I have watched this episode ...", Heidler came out of the room in a loose robe and sat not far from Dulin. He pointed to a politician who was talking on TV and said, "I Knowing this guy is an empty talker, but public opinion and newspapers like him very much, he has a big mouth, dare to talk nonsense, and some ordinary people are supporting him. "

After speaking, he turned to Du Lin, "Did you have any new changes here today?" He pointed to the ceiling.

Du Lin leaned back on the sofa and nodded his head. He was a bit tired. He had planned to come with Dufo, but he didn't expect to encounter something temporarily. An accountant of the token company jumped off the building. If someone else jumps off the building, it's definitely not a big deal, but there must be a big deal on the accounting company of the token company. Every day, the token flow of the entire city of Otis is more than 10 million. According to the rules set by Du Lin at the beginning, the commission is 1%, and his daily income will be about 200,000 to 300,000. This is definitely not a A small number.

Once something went wrong here, it meant that a large number of his interests were evacuated by some people. He immediately hired a group of experts from the famous Dole audit company on Sherry Street to go to the token company with him. , Found some small problems.

Some people took over a total of more than 3 million cash from the company while he was not paying attention to the token company. It was not a one-time set-up, but was taken away in multiple batches. .

After Du Lin conveyed the news that he would adjust all industrial structures to various companies, including token companies, these maggots immediately realized that there would be big trouble. The structure of any company changes. The first step is to clear some past data. Three million is not a small number. The accountant who was pulled down realized that something would happen, no matter whether it was forced or proactive. In short, he jumped off the building.

In fact, it's not just a problem with the token company. Some other industries also have a problem, but there is no serious problem with the token company. Public appliances are the most private, followed by the small greedy and the small move, Nasha told him that a cleaner worked at the performance school in Illian for half a year, stole more than 40 brooms and a lot of garbage bags, Du Lindu I can't believe it. Someone stole it ...

But this is the case, not to mention the broom garbage bag or something, even the cup was secretly taken home.

Before coming to Heidler, Du Lin just dealt with a group of people and did it in front of some, many of them are core members of the Otis business group, including the seven major casinos currently hosting the work People.

Du Lin wants them to understand a truth, they can take their things, not theirs, they will pay the price.

So it made him very tired and tired.

When Heidler saw Du Lin nodded, he exhaled, "I knew it would be like this, were we abandoned?" He gritted his teeth. "Is there any other way?"

Du Lin glanced at Heidler a little unexpectedly. The old man has a keen sense of smell. He said before he said that he was going to run. Every successful person, no matter how successful he is, must have some special places. .

In fact, even if Du Lin does not account for these treasoners, the cabinet will clear them up. Even if the cabinet does not move them, the capital predators will move them. In short, they will not have any happy ending except running. After hanging in this society for so many years, they have successfully attracted many hatreds, and it is time to release them.

Du Lin sat up straight again. He looked at Heidler and said softly, "I'm very grateful for everything you have done for us in Tenell, no matter if it was your own intention, at least you let us advance a little bit. I was released a little bit, so I came here in person, this is a treatment that others have not enjoyed. To put it simply, there is no other possibility tonight. If you can survive three days, that is the manifestation of the will of the gods. I will Send you away and keep you old. "

Heidler suddenly laughed, and the kind of laughter, he pointed to Du Lin, "Do you really think you are the Messiah? They all say that, do you believe it yourself?" Du Lin did not Speaking, just looking at him calmly, he smiled and coughed violently, and continued to laugh after coughing for a while, "You really think you are the savior. In fact, I haven't understood it till now. Everyone, or did those people lie to you? "

The latter sentence is actually very interesting, and Du Lin's heart also has some emotions. Heidler poked the core of some things in one sentence.

The rumor that Doulin was Messiah was not spread by Doulin himself, but was announced by the Guarth community of Tener, who also found out that Dorian was the Messiah from the Guarth Bible The basis is ~ ~ It can be said that these Guarts "abducted" Du Lin, forcing him to challenge the most difficult level. But soon he began to benefit from being Messiah again. A large number of young people were willing to die for him. Many of them had never been seen before, and they were not even Guate of Tener City. When he met once, he worshiped him with incredible trust.

For example, the presidents of various cities and agents.

Heidler looked very clearly, and until now Du Lin was not sure who was kidnapping or who was cheating, and if he had to find a conclusion, he might have to take what he needed.

The unfair treatment of the Guarths over the years has made them want a Messiah to save them, at least allowing them to have the dignity and personality of a normal person and to enjoy the warmth in the sun. Anyone who is possible will be taken to the sky by this group of guarts who desperately want to see the light, and Du Lin just happens to be there.

As for Du Lin, at that stage he needed to break all rules and smash all the obstacles on the way forward, so he deepened his image in the group of fellow citizens and gained greater support and strength.

Yes, it may be true at the beginning, but with each development of Du Lin, a large number of Guartes have sacrificed and dedicated to him, making him realize that he really needs to do something!

I only want to live well when I am poor, but when I have greater power, I want everyone to live well!

This is a simple and great ideal. Unfortunately, Heidler can't understand or understand. There may be some exchanges of interests in the beginning, but to this day, Durin is the Messiah!

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