Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 960: daily

"What are you going to do with these two children in the future?" Mr. Kesma watched the two children screaming with a group of old geese, and laughed uncontrollably.

These two small assaults are not afraid in the town. Both humans and animals have suffered from seedlings, but they can't beat them. They can only scare them. However, this kind of intimidation without substantial harm was very useful at first. Gradually the two children realized that this group of people didn't talk about it, and finally developed this character.

Fortunately, this group of old geese can control these two children. The fighting ability of the old geese is very strong. Three or five old geese can climb down ordinary domestic dogs. Even a group of old geese may not be able to. Done. In the past many years, thieves have visited the alfalfa town. Except those that were found and disappeared after being caught, the others were repelled by the poultry that broke the battle.

Almost every household in the town is raising geese. The reason may be to deal with these two young men.

Du Lin also smiled and looked at the two struggling children. At this moment, he was very comfortable and happy. This is the great father's love, as deep as a mountain. In the face of Mr. Kesma's question, he didn't think much about it, and gave an answer directly, "Strive, get as much as you can, if you don't want to do anything and want to inherit my things, I would rather donate Will give them a penny. "

"The Ksma family will not let the waste steal the high position, do you say so?" He turned to look at Mr. Ksma, who nodded, and was satisfied with Du Lin's answer.

In fact, no matter what Du Lin offered to them or did not give them, it was not the best answer.

In the former, he and the descendants of Miss Noble, including the Timamont family, will be dissatisfied, because in their view, everything that Du Lin has is shared by him and his wife, and these things belong to the next generation of righteous heirs of. Give these things to outsiders, how can they satisfy them?

In the end, it will inevitably turn into a trivial dog-blood brother fight, until one of them falls.

If you don't give them anything, some people will say Du Lin's weird things, this part of the people mainly come from these old brothers and supporters around Du Lin.

At this stage, these people may not have discovered it themselves, and didn't realize anything, but soon his third child was born and he was a boy, these people will find these things.

There are two groups around Du Lin. On the one hand, they are headed by a third child. They have the noble background and standpoint of the noble forces. The other side is a non-noble power led by these two children. There will also be many contradictions and differences between them. If Du Lin cannot have a stable and controllable solution, the two groups will eventually fight. After his death.

So Du Lin ’s answer is a “struggle”. The Guartes will gain more power for these two children and dedicate their power. The Timamont family and the nobles will fight to protect the inheritance of the third child. As long as Du Lin can level the water and maintain a neutral attitude, whoever has the best ability will get more things.

The peace in fairy tales can never occur in this society. The cruel social competition is enough for the weak to be eliminated, and the strong is always strong. What is given to the weak is not necessarily love, but a kind of framing. Who has the ability and who is strong Just take more.

If someone dares to be a black hand here, Du Lin will let them understand that the greetings from themselves are sometimes not friendly and may be terrible.

Mr. Kesma kept silent, a dreadful light flashed in his squinting eyes, and it was obvious that the old gentleman had some ideas in his heart. Now that Du Lin has grown up and has power, he dares to be brazen and disobedient, and he cannot slap Du Lin in the same way as before.

The only way to get back face is to train two kids who are powerful enough to make Du Lin understand that being a father is not easy, and there are always some disobedient sons who make him brain-wrenched.

Thinking of this, Mr. Kesma glanced at Du Lin with a sarcastic look, and then he laughed, and Du Lin who laughed somehow.

After a while, Alyssa also got up, took two bowls of wheat kernel porridge from Mrs. Kesma, and came over to bring breakfast to the two men in charge.

The breakfast of alfalfa town is actually very simple and plain, basically it is wheat kernel porridge, and there are few wheat kernels. It ’s pitiful. You can hardly find much in each bowl, and more are all kinds of meat, beef, dog meat, wolf Meat or any other animal meat. The backward agricultural production system has extremely strong requirements for the physical strength of the workers. If you simply eat wheat kernel porridge, you can't afford heavy work every day, so meat is the main labor force of each family that must be supplemented every morning.

Du Lin looked at the grunted meat in the bowl, accompanied by the tangy Mai Renxiang, who had not eaten such a wheaten porridge for a long time. When he hadn't left the town of alfalfa ... I suddenly remembered it as if it was yesterday. Everything that happened was vividly remembered, but it was actually a long time ago.

His attention turned to Mr. Kesma's horns, and a pale gray had quietly occupied the bottom of the horns. Unconsciously, the man who once dominated Durin's life and fate was old. Suddenly he was a little sad, and years have shown the expression of ruthlessly to the fullest, even if he is as strong as Mr. Kesma enough to make all the nobles timid, there are times when it is late.

Somehow guilty in his heart, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Mr. Kisma's wrinkled old hand. Just when he wanted to say something, Mr. Kisma's wrist shook his hand away, then he tilted his head and looked at him. At one glance, he opened his mouth and spit out a word—Go!


Dorinhaha smiled, Mr. Kesma is still that Kesma, he will not change too much because of the passage of time, he has made the history of this world remember that there was such a person, so as a hero ’s son , Let history remember the name of Doolin, and the surname of Xima!

He was very relieved and quickly ate the meat in the bowl, drank the porridge, and ran away.

Seeing that Du Lin's back disappeared into the room, Mr. Kesma turned his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, shook his head slightly and hummed in silent minor, watching the grandsons suffer.

What a perfect day!

But the two little Mrs. Kesma didn't think so, they just wanted to steal a few goose eggs to their own hens to see if they could hatch the goose, and then they were besieged somehow. Two When the mud-covered man returned home, he felt bad for Alyssa.

Undressing, the two little men are blue and purple, one goose is enough to make the dog jiliaoliao bark for a long time, these two little **** did not cry but they have a kind. She complained that Mr. Kisma didn't try to save the two little ones, and distressed them with the ointment. As soon as she changed her clothes, the two **** ran Fred and ran out, not knowing what to do. Where did we go to make trouble.

Sighing, Alyssa stood on the second floor and looked down at Dulin who was talking to Dufo downstairs, and glanced at Mrs. Kesma who was holding the henhouse, and Mr. Kesma, who was always stern, Suddenly, I feel that such a life is actually very good, quiet, no worry, no sorrow.

Everything is so calm, calm enough to kill anyone's ambitions!

In the morning, Du Lin and Du Fu went to visit Mr. Layton. As an important member of Du Lin who had the best marksmanship and personal deterrence, Du Lin had to visit his dad.

Mr. Layton has not changed much as in the past, he is not tall, a little hump, his hands are always behind his back, and he is very kind when he laughs, giving a feeling of ... resembling a waste, especially with him When a fat wife with a round waist and a cow-like wife is standing together ~ ~, it always makes him feel that he must have suffered from a man's unbearable pain, such as domestic violence.

In fact, Mr. Layton is still a very amazing person. Under his training, Kena already has a better marksmanship than him, and he has a good understanding and modification of firearms. At present, he is in the west with Savie. The base trains new employees at the security company. Because of Du Lin's relationship, he has made outstanding achievements in this financial war that plundered the federal economy for two decades. The Ministry of Defense granted him two hundred gun certificates, which means that Du Lin can have two hundred heavily armed. "Bodyguards", coupled with the mine protection team, an armed organization of nearly a thousand people has been formed.

He will not use these powers, but the knife is the most threatening in his hand. When Shinji goes out, he may bring danger to himself. The death blow is the last outbreak of human need for survival. Rabbits and dogs In the time of death, the potential of ancestral relationships can be revealed, let alone human beings.

After a simple hello, Mrs. Layton's wife expressed her dissatisfaction with Du Lin.

"Your kid already has two children, and my family's Keith hasn't got married yet. This is something you did wrong!", Mrs. Layton was full of dissatisfaction with a fat face like Ray, Lei Suddenly he pulled the sleeves of his wife with a smile, but said nothing.

Du Lin really didn't expect that the Laytons would have such an idea. He immediately patted his chest and promised that he would introduce some good girls to Kina and let them hug their grandson earlier. This only made the couple smile and enthusiastically. He pulled Du Lin and said some inexplicable words.

It's just that if Du Lin did it, they wouldn't mind letting another son work for Du Lin.

Is this something that hit me?

Du Lin was thinking seriously.

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