Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 972: teacher

After sending Amon away, Doolin got some unfriendly news from various aspects, for example, the "power" began to be divided among immigrants, and some so-called successful minorities began to rule the minds of the majority. This is a very Danger sign.

When there is only one voice and one thought in a group, it means that the potential danger has surfaced and turned into an untimely bomb, and I don't know when it will burst.

Therefore, this part of the people must be cleaned up. At the same time, Amon did not do well enough. At this point, Doolin also had some opinions on Amon. He let Amon get the life he wanted, but Amon did not return it. Du Lin wanted only half of what he wanted.

He should more actively integrate himself into the young immigrant group of the Empire, instead of being detached and hung in the air like a mascot.

The idea of ​​supporting another role model has already appeared in Du Lin's heart, of course, the old role model will continue to exist, after all, these are evidence of the true existence of the "Empire Dream", just like those mainstream groups flicker Guartes, Do Lin I also intend to flicker ... No, it is to prove the value and significance of insisting on the ideal.

In order for immigrants to understand a truth, they must adhere to their original intentions. You see, people have succeeded in insisting on their original intentions. Why can't they succeed if they succeed?

Because you relaxed your requirements!

Things are still fermenting, because a conflict between local workers and migrant workers has caused some small factories to stop working, which has also caused more people who are temporarily out of work on the road, and everyone is paying attention to the west. For the next development, some people are gloating, and some people are full of sorrow.

"Dulin is back?" In the small room, he was discussing how to discuss the justice of several influential representatives for his companions. When I heard the news, I was a little at a loss, but soon they left the question behind. Behind my head.

Du Lin's return has nothing to do with the current situation. Before the outbreak of these things, these people had a secret meeting. For them, everyone must be an important member of the high society in the future, and the current The situation is also moving in the direction they expected.

So far, police stations and investigative stations in various parts of the west have not carried out close raids on them, and it can be said that they are helpless.

Some people were arrested by the Bureau of Investigation at the beginning, but after they organized a march and demonstration, the Bureau of Investigation released the people under pressure, which also ensured their safety. The only thing left is to talk to the people in the government, finally resolve the current differences, and then leapfrog into a man.

"What if Du Lin is back? If he doesn't want to create a new conflict, he'd better stay in his house honestly." He was talking about a middle-aged man with gray hair and a pair of eyes, Svenven's look. He was a teacher in a small country before immigrating to the empire. Because he yearned for the luxurious life of the empire, he proposed technical immigration. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Social Services did not think that teachers in a small third-class country had any special skills. Gave his request.

In order to pursue the "empire dream", he finally had to apply for labor immigration, and was then assigned to the western side to do manual work.

At this time, his face was no longer depressed, but he was a little bit emotional. As a teacher for a lifetime, maybe this moment is his highest light.

He pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked around. The others were waiting for him to continue talking, which greatly satisfied his humble vanity. After a slight cough, he continued to say, "Dulin really has Great influence, including in the immigrant community. But don't forget that he is an empire and a capitalist. "

"When these things didn't happen, he did have a certain influence, but things have already happened and can't be undone. All the items that previously added points to him now start to lose points."

"People don't believe that an imperial man really wants to be on our side, but also a capitalist who exploits us by oppression. It is absolutely impossible, so we don't need to pay attention to him, we need to let the state government or the cabinet You know, to solve this, the most critical node is still on us! "

"A lot of people have died on our side this time. I think this is a very suitable opportunity to speak out. Tomorrow we will let our people go to the parade and let the workers hand over the killers!"

Another guy who looked a little stupid muttered, "They won't hand it over, there is no doubt about it."

The teaching teacher did not blame him, but gave him an encouraging look, "Yes, this is what we need now. Now we must let the government understand our resolve and demands, and then take a step back and make a reasonable concession ~ ~ Give them a step. "

"Empires are best to be decent, we will give them decent, but they must meet our other unreasonable requirements, such as pardon our poor brothers, no longer hurt them, and ensure our future security."

After listening to everyone's speech silently, a young man couldn't help saying, "I don't think it is a good thing for Du Lin to return. We should beware of him. His influence in the west is too great. . "

The teacher frowned. This was the second time someone had mentioned Du Lin, which made him a little unhappy and felt that his authority had been challenged. However, in the face of these guys who have no or little culture, they can only be patient. Explanation.

Du Lin ’s influence is mainly manifested on the farmer ’s side. In fact, Du Lin ’s influence in the immigrant community is declining over time. Thanks to him are only the earliest released slaves. Some of these people may still be grateful to Du Lin, but more people slowly feel that this is not a thing worth remembering for a lifetime, after all, that life is a kind of harm to them. Remembrance only Although they are in pain, they may even hope that they do not know any durin and have never been slaves.

At the same time, Du Lin announced that if he wanted to participate in the election, he must maintain a positive image of himself in front of the society. Once some of the potentially excessive methods are used, it will surely provide his potential political opponents with a handle against him. Will also be criticized.

Rather than worrying about Dulin, worry about their future problems.

The ideal of becoming a big man alone is absolutely not enough, and a lot of effort must be made to do so, such as forcing the state government and them to come to the negotiating table, just as the Empire and the Federation are doing now.

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