Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 981: Primetime-Sexcrime

The empire is far from as simple as people see it. Behind this calm, there are many unknown things that have happened and are happening.

For those like Magus, Doolin is a touchstone. If those juniors do not have the ability to step down Doolin, then simply let Doolin step on them. This empire must always continue ...

When Du Lin returned to the imperial capital, he did not know that because of his own reasons, the New Party leader and the Old Party leader had discussed him in their private time. All he had to do now was to pay the ticket.

"Mr. Du Lin, there are 75-dollar bills here. We accept cash, cheques, and phone transfers. See if you have time ..." The little policeman smiled and was not afraid of Du Lin. This is the most recent section of Du Lin It's related to the time to constantly refresh your image in front of society.

It is impossible to let people know him because of fear. To the limit of fear is anger. He must reverse the bad impressions and influences he may have left, and package himself as a socially responsible entrepreneur as well as a caring, charitable and funny star politician.

These things are very useful. The money is spent, and the effect is manifested. The little policeman is not afraid of Du Lin at all. I see that this little policeman is only in his early twenties. He has freckles on his face and his red face is like autumn and late autumn Ripe ripe fruit that is about to rot on the ground.

While Du Lin was writing the check, the little policeman corrected his cap and asked a question, "Mr. Du Lin, what do you think wealth means to you?" He saw that Du Lin's movement stopped. , Immediately added, "I mean I'm a poor person, I can't understand what kind of mentality a person has when he has a lot of money, I'm curious."

Du Lin looked up at him, smiled, continued to write the unfinished check, and then flicked it between his fingers. "Fortune is no longer a demand for me, but a change in society for more people to get A source of happiness, are you satisfied with this answer? "

The policeman checked the check and collected it. He did not go to the bank to verify it. One reason was that to obtain a cash check, a security deposit was required. Secondly, he felt that a person such as Dulin could not write a blank check. What people should do.

"There is some gap with my imagination. I thought you would say that the money can make you feel happy ... Although there is some official tone, thank you for answering my question.", The small policeman smiled at Du Lin. Smiled, "Now you can meet your friend and take her away."

Du Lin nodded his head slightly, turned and walked to the back of the detention room. The "friend" in the mouth of the little policeman actually meant Melissa.

The first thing the little girl went to the Imperial City after getting permission from Du Lin was to take her girlfriends and friends around for a ride. Du Lin, including Natia, were not worried about Melissa's safety because Du Lin's cars are almost all bullet-proof, and the most unfortunate are also specially reinforced.

Rather than worrying about Melissa being injured in a car accident, she might as well worry about whether someone would be hospitalized if she was hit by her.

Not long after arriving in the emperor this time, Du Lin was informed by a lawyer that he was punished.

The reason was that the car in his name stayed in the banned area many times for a long time, and there were two violations of the red light and one accident of damaging public property. This is due to the fact that Empire did not inhumanely give each driver how many points each year, but in another way promoted people's impression of compliance with laws and fines.

This is actually learned from the Federation. The federal penalties for non-criminal liability are very interesting. The first punishment of each year may only cost three or five dollars, but the second and third times will be continuously accumulated according to some base. May be the tenth time to accept the punishment to pay a one-hundred-dollar fine.

Such horrific economic sanctions have made more people understand the need to abide by the regulations. After all, if you do n’t have the money to pay the fine, you will go to jail. Otherwise, she can only call Nadia, and that is definitely not a pleasant experience.

When Du Lin saw the little girl, she was sitting in the corner of the detention room with a little anxiety, because the vehicles she drove were registered under Du Lin's name, so the police station gave her some preferential treatment and took the initiative to inform her. Doolin's attorney Adams.

Standing outside the door and looking at it, Du Lin knocked on the door. When the little girl looked up and saw Du Lin, she rushed to the door and saw that she seemed to cry over the cold steel bars, and more than once.

The police officer in charge opened the door of the detention room. After the girl came out, she kept her head down and followed Du Lin and went out. "I don't know what I did. No one told me ..."

Du Lin's footsteps stopped, and Melissa stopped, "Dear, it is not an adult's responsibility to evade one's own responsibilities for reasons such as this. Your God has given you many precious qualities. And wisdom, this is to give you the courage and ability to take on your responsibilities, to recognize the mistakes you have made, and not to make excuses for you to escape these. Do you understand what I mean? "

Melissa didn't speak, Doolin continued to move forward, and the little girl was behind him. Before walking out of the gate of the police station, Du Lin heard the sound of crying from behind, and yelled a few times.

He didn't care about her. After walking to the side of the road, Du Lin got in the car. The little girl thought about going up, but Du Lin closed the door one step ahead.

She looked at Du Lin tearfully, and did not understand what Du Lin meant, but Du Lin stretched out her hand with a smile, holding in her palm the key of the vehicle she was driving before being arrested, "I believe you will understand what happened Can do, what can't be done, right? "

"You ..." Melissa looked at Du Lin a bit overwhelmed. "Do you want me to drive your car?"

Du Lin shrugged, "Why not? You have also learned enough lessons because of your own mistakes. I think you have grown up in this lesson. I also believe that you will not make the same mistakes again. Do you think I am right? "

"Yes, yes, sir!" Melissa quickly took the key from Du Lin and thanked Du Lin again for her generosity, and then drove one of the few sports cars in the Du Lin garage with a humming noise. In traffic.

The nephew of the local president blew a whistle and said with a smile, "Mr. Du Lin, it doesn't look like the girl has grown up."

Du Lin also smiled, "Someday ...", he paused a bit to end the topic, "Go to the Royal Academy, and arrange someone to stare at her, and don't let her cause a big disaster."

A girl of sixteen or seven or eight is about as capable as a boy in terms of trouble, and she can make a hole in the sky without paying attention. After scheduling the next thing, Du Lin closed his eyes for a moment, and he needed a rest.

Dufo did not return with him this time, but instead turned to Theodore, and he needed to explain to Mrs. Vivian why he fell into the pit and showed a very proud Look.

She felt that her son might have undergone some unknown changes, and the Buddha did not tell the truth.

In fact, it was just a small accident. The three children found a small natural pit and dug deeper. They stole some cow dung and sheep feces and filled them in. Then they spread the branches and straw to prepare to harm others. fall down. These little **** have never done anything good, and this is something everyone in Alfalfa Town has long known.

It may be that the branches they used to cover the opening of the cave were a bit thick at the beginning. When the dog was tested after being laid, the dog did not fall off. Then the two children started to encourage Fred, who was bigger than them, to try.

Fred walked up very responsibly and jumped.

That day was the day that Mrs. Vivian went to alfalfa town to borrow Fred back to school ...

The Timamont family bought a house next to Royal College for the convenience of Ophelia's studies at Royal College ~ ~ There are two days before Royal College will start. Ophelia is now Live here.

The little girl was a little shy when she saw Ophelia again, but more of a surprise and a sense of happiness that was beyond description.

Du Lin took out 10 million to set up a foundation called "Ophelia Angel Charity" to promote the promotion of charity. Every year, 50% of the foundation's fundraising and various profits will be used for charity. Behavior, which has led many caring people to pay attention to this foundation.

After all, this is the first philanthropic foundation in the entire empire to use purely charitable devotion as its business philosophy. It has opened up a new field to a certain extent and will naturally attract a lot of attention. At the same time, the name Ophelia spread throughout the empire.

"You shouldn't do that. After all, we haven't got married ...", the little girl complained, but she was very happy. She felt that Du Lin was a very romantic person and a very understanding person.

Look, this is the romance of the rich, and the romance that most ordinary people cannot get from selling blood.

Ophelia was a bit shy and let Du Lin play with her little hand, his face flushed and asked, "But ... Does this make people feel a little too deliberate?"

"Intentionally?" Du Lin hummed twice. "I intend to leave the foundation to you to manage it, as long as you can continue to be charitable and help those in need, even if it is deliberate, it is God's arrangement! "

"Leave it to me for management?" Ophelia's head suddenly widened. "But I'm not good at the operation of the foundation and I haven't tried similar management work. I'm worried that I will not do well. "

Du Lin smiled indifferently and said, "If you don't do well, take these tasks as experience. I will continue to invest in the money, until you know how to do it."

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