Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 984: Examination paper

In August, the long tug-of-war between the Federation and the Empire finally ended. The Federation acknowledged the failure of the war and compensated the Empire for the federal shield equal to 10 billion stars. It was paid in ten years. Before all payments were made, the Empire would control the Federation and the Tariff and trade rights between empires.

Everything is like a repeat of more than twenty years ago, but this time the loser has become a federation.

At the same time, after the ceasefire agreement, the empire and the federal government reached a new agreement that many people ca n’t understand. The empire provides “humanitarian” help to the federation with interest-free loans and material assistance every year, and it has contracted a large number of City reconstruction work to help the Federation restore cities that were destroyed in the war.

If only the latter one is clear to everyone, and help the federal rebuild, then the federal must give money. How to determine the price is sure that the builders have the final say, but why the empire clearly won the war, but still gave the federal money. Give federal stuff?

Many people who have always maintained the tone of conspiracy theory believe that there must be hidden spies from the confederacy at the top of the empire, so the cabinet was so deceived that it made such a somber decision.

"However, people will never understand that short-term politics can never be wrong. Even long-term policies may be wrong. What is wrong is not the purpose and people who make the policy. What is wrong is the progress of the times. The plan is off target! "

In Magus's room, Magus sat behind the desk and looked at Du Lin, who was lazily squinting and basking in the sun, and slammed the table twice with dissatisfaction. "Did you understand what I said? "

Looking at this lazy boy, Magus was a little angry, more contacts, and more natural, after removing the camouflage, Doolin was not at all as capable as he was usually ... capable. He will always be lazy in the afternoon, although Magus understands that young people need long bodies, and it is normal for them to be sleepy in the afternoon, but they are not ordinary people and cannot enjoy everything that ordinary people can enjoy.

This society and this country have given them too much care and privilege. They must abandon these meaningless waste of time and think about how to make this empire stronger.

"Ah? Ah!" Du Lin rubbed his eyes and sat up slightly. "I heard you."

I slept a little late last night. I originally wanted to pursue the sublimation of the soul with Ophelia and synchronize the frequency of the soul before the engagement, but unfortunately, the little girl finally escaped home. Then Kevin went to him again, and the two drank together for a while. The drink became more and more energetic. After listening to a midnight opera, they exercised for a while before going to sleep.

Now somehow sleepy.

Magus grinned a little, and there was a chill in the laughter, which gave Du Lin a little spirit.

He knocked on the table and asked, "Yes? Good, then talk about your views on aid to the federal, don't talk about those jerk!", He has not actually explained these things, and politics is partly a matter of personal ability. Understand, the other part is that someone needs to be taught.

Why the elite education of the aristocracy can cultivate more elites than ordinary social families, the truth is very simple. The experience accumulated by each generation will be instilled into the heads of these aristocratic young people in writing. It seems that everyone At the same starting line, only others are running, they are driving, and the finishing line is slightly forward.

Du Lin lacks these accumulations, so Magus has been “making up lessons” for Du Lin. When there are some new policies, he will use it as a case study for Du Lin to let him understand why the cabinet will make some observations. Go up to policies that contradict the mainstream values ​​of society.

This assistance to the Commonwealth is a good example, and it has not been done before. Magus believes that this is something that Doolin needs to understand and understand.

Just looking at the dull and lethargic look of Du Lin now, he was furious.

"Ah!" Du Lin scratched his head, patted his face to refresh himself, then thought for a while and gave an explanation.

"In fact, it's very simple. We took apart the financial aid and material aid and looked forward to it." He lit a cigarette in the frown of Magus, then went to the window sill and pushed open the window. His actions are really out of touch, but he didn't say anything. Some things can be easily reversed, and some things take longer.

Du Lin smoking a cigarette while saying, "Giving money is nothing more than to appease the resentment of some of the remaining extreme resistance forces in the Federation against the empire, and to increase the war to a state-to-state issue through increased propaganda. The above does not involve society and individuals. It helps to alleviate the hatred of the entire society against the empire with the aid of funds. Secondly, after the money enters the federation, it will accelerate the circulation of the stars in the federation and change some federal people ’s lives through silent currency invasion Ideas, and deepen the federal recognition of the empire. "

"Adding the necessary repayment period can further effectively control the pressure and growth space of the federal economy."

"Actually I think this trick is very low-level. The federal government should have effective countermeasures. They will most likely use this money as a deposit for issuing the federal shield instead of entering the market. Reconstruction requires all contractors to use Imperial Star Settlement, but I find it difficult. "

"Moreover, for most ordinary people in the society, they still have no access to too high-level things. Maybe in a short time they know that the empire will help them with a sum of money every year, but soon they will forget. But they really know And the people who enjoy the utility of this money are often the middle and upper classes of the federal society, and they are the vested interests under the federal system, so they will not spread these benefits. "

"Return to the issue of material assistance. In fact, this problem is the same as the above problem. It achieves the purpose of a silent invasion by exporting industrial standards. Even if only one third of the cities are using the materials we assist, these cities The industrial standards of the European Union will also be implemented in accordance with the industrial standards of the Empire, which means that two types of standards will emerge in the federal industrial sector. "

"Under the background that the national power of the empire is becoming stronger and more advanced, more enterprises will gradually begin to change the choice of standards, from federal standards to empire standards, and to complete the unification of industrial standards. When the Empire ’s industry developed When entering a new field, it is very likely that the federal standards will be completely replaced and the federal industry will be subject to the industrial development and technological scale of the empire. "

"Whether a country is strong, industrial level is an important criterion, when the entire federal industrial environment is adhering to the Imperial Industrial Standards ..."

He exhaled a cigarette and glanced at Magus. "In the industrial sector, we have the final say."

Magus nodded with satisfaction, he was a little curious, is there really a **** in this world? Or something like that?

Du Lin's wisdom, his maturity, his point of view, his perspective on the problem and his understanding of the problem itself are nothing like a farmer-born country boy. It can be said that on many issues, he is more professional than some people who have received more professional and higher education. He is like ... knowing these things in his lifetime. It is inevitable that he will doubt his understanding of the world. .

Many people don't have a clear understanding of this issue. As Du Lin said, when they aided the federal supplies and industrial production machinery began to play a role, that is, when the federal industry began to collapse.

The simplest example is what to do when the spindle of a machine worth 1 million is broken?

Should it cost thousands of dollars to buy a spindle produced by the Empire, or will it take a million or two to buy a new federal machine?

Even if the owner of the machine is a federal official, a comparison between a few thousand and one or two million can still tell how to make a choice.

But where did Du Lin get these more partial knowledge?

Magus couldn't understand ~ ~ But this did not prevent his continued appreciation of Doolin. A very good young man was born in the empire, was discovered by him, and then drawn into the circle of nobility This is a blessing for the Empire.

As for whether Doolin would be a highly sophisticated political talent cultivated by the Federation or other countries and sent to lurk in the empire, Magus was not worried at all.

If one day Du Lin really becomes the Prime Minister, the first thing he will do is to destroy everything that can affect him, including those illusory guesses.

Undercover has become the biggest head. Whoever sends him undercover is his greatest enemy.

Of course, the investigation should continue to investigate, no matter how to always find out, where did this little **** know all this.

"Uncle Magus, how many points can I get for my test paper?" Du Lin flicked, and his **** was popped out of the window, and a few sparks fell on the sidewalk.

Magus grunted, "Reluctantly passing ..."

"I think I can get A +, a hundred points!" Du Lin shook his clothes and sat down again.

Magus said with a bit of his teeth, "I'm the examiner!"

The armistice agreement has now been signed, which also means that the engagement ceremony between Dulin and Ophelia is approaching, and it is initially scheduled for September.

Good days are approaching day by day, and the relationship between Du Lin and Ophelia is also heating up. On September 7th, the two held an engagement ceremony on the outskirts of the capital.

The main reason is that there are too many people, there is no suitable venue, and the engagement ceremony is not suitable for the Royal Palace. As long as everyone joins in, it will be done in the open air. In their status, the requirements for the occasion are not So important.

No matter where he is, Magus is always Magus, and he is always the Prime Minister of the Empire.

Du Lin, after all, is that Du Lin!

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