Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1001: Serial pit

Donald is a chess piece of Magus. In their eyes, the powerful Cape family and the Hymn Consort were played by Magus as a sacrifice for deterring capital, but they took it all seriously. They are the real victims.

We are different, we are really pitted!

However, he has betrayed Doolin, whether or not Doolin knows this, this is a fact that has happened. According to Doolin's character, maybe there will be a day to clean them up. They think they can't be better than Todd, and even Todd has been cleaned up. It is even easier to clean them up.

So they decided to improve their strength and power as soon as possible, so as to ensure that the day when they really face Du Lin, there is still a chance to breathe.

So how do you improve your strength?

这个 In a society where money is above all else, as long as there is enough money, it is true power.

So they made a plan and started stealing money.

These people are not just one, two, three, five, seven, eight, nine, ten, or twenty-two, three, four, five, or even thirty-five, six, seven, or nine, as simple and many.

三分之一 One third of the people in the entire shareholder network were banned, and a small part of them moved back without mentioning it, but most people said that since they have gone the black road, go all the way to the black. And with so many people united, they may not be really afraid of Du Lin. And everyone is united, and they have each other's black materials. As long as you keep your mouth shut, don't move too much, Du Lin won't find the situation here.

After three or five years, they have enough capital, and they may not be able to sit down and talk with Du Lin.

What they didn't know was that Du Lin didn't really care about their betrayal. When a person is strong enough, he sees farther away than his feet. From the perspective of Durin at that time, he valued the overall interests of Otis even more. It was simple to remove some of the betrayers, but this would lead to turmoil in Otis, creating a very bad impact and possibly hurting Otis in International image.

If they knew, maybe it would not have happened.

But I have to say that there is nothing wrong with their plan. They bought the management of some token companies, and then falsely reported the numbers. They set up a "convenience exchange service" in a hidden place in the casino to provide tokens and cash directly. Exchange business. Because of the token company's authorization certificate, and some token company employees are here to host work, some of the senior guests in the seven major casinos enjoy the service of redeeming tokens and cash without leaving the casino.

In order not to create a large gap, they always carefully limit the cash to ensure that Doolin will not be alarmed.

偷 Stolen hundreds of thousands today, and one or two million tomorrow. Sometimes, even if the turnover is low, I will take the initiative to report a little more money to balance the balance sheet.

The management of the token company saw that these big companies were stealing money. It didn't make sense for us, cattle farmers, to watch other people eat meat and drink soup. They could only lick their bones, so some of them also moved their minds.

If any accidents happen, just push the matter on these shareholders.

But who knows that Du Lin suddenly has a new plan for the token company and needs to check the accounts. Sudden changes are too late to wipe out the problem. Taking into account Du Lin's methods and other situations, the accounting nerves responsible for making false accounts are broken, and they choose to jump off the building to make up for their mistakes and not involve themselves. Family.

It was easy for him to make such a jump. He urged him to be relieved, but he pitted everyone else.

不 If you do n’t jump off the building, you may not have a chance to wipe out the account. After all, the buttocks of the shareholders are even cleaner. The token company just did n’t wipe the buttocks, and those people are sitting directly on the dunghill. Du Lin checked that they must be more unlucky, so it is definitely not a big problem to get some money from them and smooth out the accounts here.

Can you account of what happened when you jumped off the building?

Even if I jumped off the building, everyone could not understand the fake accounts, and it was too late to find a trusted accountant to do this, so a group of people panicked.

Not only panic, but also cold.

The only good news is that Du Lin didn't pay too much attention to the things inside, leaving only two people from the auditing company to check the accounts, and he happened to have more important things to do, giving them a chance to relax.

Then they found someone, smoothed their accounts, and persuaded them to dismiss two employees of the audit company. They thought that this matter would be okay. They knew that the audit company had to be troublesome, and they took the initiative to talk to Du Lin He greeted and pulled Du Lin's attention back again.

Only this time, it will not be as lucky as the previous few times, because Du Lin will not go to check the token company, he started to check directly from the shareholders of the seven major casinos.

"How about you? Did you do it?" Durin looked at Lucius and asked.

修 Lucius felt much better at this moment. Compared to the palm wrapped in a napkin and the finger soaking in the wine, Du Lin's mood at this time was the greatest relief to him.

He froze, shook his head quickly, and said a little dare.

He did not dare. If he did, he would have relied on those skilled women and scammers to make money as early as in the time of Nami Lindes. So he did not betray Doolin. Sometimes being timid is also a good thing, at least not too much.

Du Lin thought about it, nodded, and asked people to bring paper and pen in front of him. "Give me a list, and then you can go to the hospital and ask the doctor if you can connect your fingers."

"Yes, yes ...", Lucius quickly wrote down the people he knew, and wrote three pieces of paper. He glanced durin secretly, not seeing much change in durin's expression, and grinned with pity.

Du Lin looked at the list, then asked him to leave. Du Lin, who was sitting in the restaurant, looked at the bright night city outside the window, his eyes gradually cooled.

These people ... According to his temper, it is best to send them all to see God. Anyway, the old man has never hated too many people in his kingdom. After all, only people have been seen so far, and no one has returned.

But the situation he is in now is not suitable for causing mass killings. The only way is to let them give up on their own.

With a sigh of sorrow, he patted the list next to him, like a gavel with a judge's conviction, and determined the fate of these people.

Damn, why don't you always understand, no matter what they do, one day will pay for it!

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