Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1005: Ventilation

De-chip, this is tantamount to denying the rules set by Doolin in Otis, and also wanting to break the rope that Doulin put on their necks. No wonder the problem has been going on for so long. If it is not the accountant can't bear the psychological pressure There was no sound at all when jumping from the building.

These people are thinking about how to "untie" themselves and untie the rope around their necks, and they have long colluded.

Once they have completed the work of chip demutualization in the casino, the next place where chips can be used in the streets and alleys will stop using chips. Eventually, the landmarks of Otis, those chips, will exit the stage of history.

Whether it is Du Lin or the city's city hall, they will lose control of the seven major casinos. With the invasion of the old capital forces, they can completely face the city hall.

"Where did you know this information, or did you go to the casino?" Du Lin looked at Natalie. Although her heart was turbulent, she did not show it, nor did she fully believe it.

Natalie shrugged and gave Du Lin a glance. "Although I am a little older, someone always pursues it. I have my own source of information." It is the big man who greeted and one of the seven shareholders. .

As Natalie herself said, she is already thirty-one this year. She is already an old girl in the words of ordinary families. But for successful people who are active in high society, thirty-one is not only not Big, but just right.

I have just taken off the immature greenness, exuding a mature beauty from the inside out. The maturity from the heart to the body is like a seductive fruit attracting the bee butterfly.

In nature, the best-looking animals are always male. They need to show all their females by showing their ferocity or beauty. Their genes are the best, and exchange of body fluids can get more dominant genes. Next generation.

Tatar is also a kind of animal. There are the same things in the gene fragments, these things are the existence of wisdom that cannot be erased.

It's just that the human species no longer relies on hair or fierce fighting to show their genetic advantages, but communicates similar signals through social status and money in their pockets-they are more suitable for living in this brutal competitive society. Children can get better living conditions, have a more tolerant environment for growth, get higher social status and more money.

In a chat, the shareholder inadvertently teased his "information" and said something that he might regret for a lifetime-Natalie, you can never imagine that the card game in the box last night involved How much money, that pile of cash is exciting and scary ...

I may have blown a cow and showed off my knowledge of the real society. In short, Natalie remembered this sentence and understood the meaning behind this sentence.

At that time, before Du Lin had been removed from office, he required that the seven major casinos must use chips to play games regardless of the level of cards, including private cards. To this end, Du Lin also ordered the token company to only make a batch of gem-level chips ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 for use in larger bets.

But they were useless. They successfully avoided Du Lin's eyes, but they were betrayed by a pig teammate.

If this does not happen, it is very likely that after two or three years they have accumulated enough capital to get rid of the Doolin rule and then sell themselves smoothly for a good price.

After waiting for the old party to take power, the capital forces that have been suppressed by Magus will inevitably have a huge rebound, which is also a major reason to be able to govern. These people have been suppressed by Magus for so many years, like a spring, one day they will fly. Rather than let them have a huge destructive force to destroy this society, this empire might as well give them a chance to decompress and relieve the pressure.

Wait for the new party to rule again in the next general election-this is also what Magus hinted to Doulin, the capital forces have retracted again, but they will not self-destruct to demand decompression, but will wait silently for a change. Letting the whole society choose the camp and stance one by one, one by one, and alternate administrations to avoid the sharpening of contradictions and finally erupting, this is the future political trend of the empire.

But in the eight years before that, capital forces will definitely look to the special market of Otis City. In addition to making a lot of cash balances, casinos are also a good place for money laundering. The empire may pursue the source of millions and tens of millions of funds from a gambling guest, but will not hold on to the extra income of the casino. At first, the Cape family desperately wanted to invest in the casino. It is to find a good place to wash white for the large amount of black money they smuggled.

When I thought of the situation of Otis City breaking to such an extent, while Turing was angry, there was a trace of anger. This thing of human heart is really impenetrable!

After having a meal with Natalie at noon, Doolin returned to a villa registered under the name of the Association, and called Magus to explain the situation here, which also made Magus curious. He wondered what Du Lin planned to do.

"Do you want to kill them? Just like you used to shut up all disobedient people?", Magus said this sentence with some ridicule. The killing method is indeed a certain level of The scariest and most effective means.

But at the current level of Du Lin, it will become a trouble. No politician has ever been able to rely on fear for long-term domination. In fear, people will become timid and timid in a short time, but long-term high-pressure fear **** can only be exchanged for the wrath and wrath One death will overthrow the ruler's decision.

Things like this often happen in history, so Magus's sentence is just a joke.

He also knew that instead of answering this question, he said his thoughts, "I want to use the power of the Imperial State Taxation Administration to send them to prison."

"We all know that there are still many tax evasion cases among capitalists. They are not afraid of being discovered. The IRS has not yet had a successful case to make people understand the terribleness of the IRS. This is an opportunity."

"Let everyone understand that they can commit crimes, can be smuggled, and do whatever they want, but!" He chuckled a few times, "They can't evade taxes and can't damage the empire in order to gain more benefits. This is not allowed! "

Magus carefully tasted Du Lin's words, thought about the real purpose of Du Lin to say these words ~ ~, then asked with a hint of pride in a little trick that saw through him, " Are you preparing for my retirement? "

For Durin at this stage, Magus is his biggest support, but this backing has only one year left, and it will collapse after one year, and then a thorny old party will come out to preside over the empire. jobs. One of the biggest drawbacks of the old party is that they are the most serious group of people who evaded taxes in these years.

为了 In order to convey benefits upwards, even these people dare to withhold taxes, let alone the problem of tax evasion. If you push the IRS to the front desk and get a firm foothold before Magus pushes it down, Dooling will have an extra sharp dagger in his hand, which can be ridiculous anytime, anywhere.

Even if Magus's influence was severely declining, he also had the means to fight the old party and the big capitalists of the aristocracy of the old party.

If you want me to live a bad life, I will check your taxes.

You look at me all day and obstruct my policies, so I will check your taxes.

You besieged me in politics, I still check your taxes.

This trick is not easy to deal with the old party now, but when the old party comes to power, it will become easier to use.

Even the most shameless person, in the highest moment of his life, he will find ways to maintain his decent!

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