Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1014: Doolin style

"Did Chap speak?", Rani slumped on the sofa after a day of work. The busy work made him physically and mentally exhausted, mainly mentally.

He has to deal with the intractable lawyers and find ways to get something out of the subject of their agents, although this is very limited, and most of the time it has no effect.

It seems that Chap has already become an important core for solving the case. Rani feels that he should turn the direction and continue to let Chap open his mouth.

This time he communicated with the Ministry of Justice. If Chap is willing to cooperate with the investigation, they will give Chap a guarantee of pardon and ensure his safety before the trial is over.

As for later?

That's his own business.

"That ...", the detective he faced was a little embarrassed and his face was not good. This made Rani realize that something unexpected might happen. He immediately sat upright and his expression became serious.

Under his gaze, the agent could only tell the truth, "Chap is dead ..."

Rani did not immediately get angry, but frowned and asked, "How did he die, did the murderer catch it?" In fact, Chap's death at this time is not necessarily a bad thing, because Chap's refusal to cooperate also Let everyone hurt their brains.

If Chap ’s death is exchanged for an assassin who may speak, this will also have a positive side to the investigation, especially when Raney thought deep down that this might be Dulin ’s handwriting, and there was a hint of calm. .

Du Lin's intervention will pick up his unlucky egg sandwiched between Du Lin and Magus, which is a good thing for him, of course he will not show it.

The agent continued to remain embarrassed. "We are not sure if he was murdered. The forensic doctor has made a basic assessment. They think Chap was stabbed to death. Today ’s food bag is a bit hard and dry. Stuck in his throat. "

Chap's natural saliva and esophageal intestinal fluid moistened the bread, making them swell, and destroying some subtle evidence. With the disappearance of the bald chef, it is impossible for the Bureau of Investigation to take all the blame On yourself.

They will not admit to Raney that Chap's death was entirely caused by the incompetence of the local Bureau of Investigation. They need to excuse themselves. Obviously, death by accident is the most appropriate excuse. Of course, they did not give up the investigation of the bald chef, and also reported these things to Rani.

After Polany gave a "waste" evaluation to the local investigation bureau, he summed up the news and reported it to Magus, but Magus gave him an unexpected response, which was to let him contact Du Lin.

This reply can be said to be very unexpected, because Rani always thought that it was a manifestation of discord between Magus and Doolin. What was unexpected was that Doolin was indeed standing behind the investigation, but Doolin was Standing by the investigation team.

The more and more complicated situation started to make Rani's brain a bit insufficient, and he called Du Lin on the call of Magus.

"That's the case. Now our investigation is deadlocked. His Excellency Magus thinks that you may be able to make a breakthrough in our investigation, so this phone call is there." Rani's tone and It's not intense. On the contrary, it's very flat.

This may have something to do with his status. The Imperial Taxation Administration itself is a slightly humble department, at least in the past. It was only slightly better after the establishment of the special zone of Otis City. The huge amount of taxes received from Otis City every year made the Empire State Administration's face look a lot. They could not solve all the needs of the Empire ’s finances every year, but they were able to solve it In part, this makes Rani's life a little better.

But if he wants to be very proactive in solving this case, he may not be very motivated. From the current situation, the personnel involved in this case are very complicated. There are leaders of local gangs, well-known entrepreneurs in Otis and even the middle of the empire, as well as imperial capitals and politicians elsewhere.

This is a horse honeycomb, once you hit a pole, you will definitely bite yourself out of a bag.

Magus's determination on tax reform is unprecedented, but the resistance is also huge. As the director of the Imperial Taxation Office, Rani feels a huge crisis, political and unofficial.

He is not very willing to sit in this position, because in the next year he will offend very many people, very many people, including some big entrepreneurs, big nobles, big consortia, and a large number of these people are Politicians who support and represent the interests of these people.

Magus can step down next year and take all the problems off of himself, but his Rani is still young. What should he do if he offends so many people?

Now with Magus standing, he doesn't see how good his life is. Didn't he see that those mad people have dared to assassinate important suspects in the investigation bureau?

The loss of his current job is already his most tolerant guess of his results. He even feels that someone will avenge his behavior this year by killing himself.

Magus was excited for a while when he announced tax reforms, but as the director of the Imperial Taxation Office, he knew the complexity. In the future, the power of the Imperial Taxation Office will certainly be much greater than it is now, but for now, the difficulties and risks they face are unprecedented.

Not every politician will have great ideals and pursuits. Great people are often at ~ but more people in this society are ordinary people.

After hearing Rani's narrative of everything, Du Lin's only feeling was speechless. He had done his job as a nanny, which was almost equivalent to putting all the evidence in the hands of the investigation team and telling them How to detect this case.

Under such circumstances, this group of silly beeps were able to do things like this, which was indeed unexpected by Du Lin.

At the same time, he also realized the impact of Rani's inactivity on everything.

After a moment of silence, he replied, "I will deal with the next thing, and you will fully cooperate with Mayor Webster's investigation from tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Du Lin called Webb. Webb also mocked the work of the investigation team and described their work this week as "carving on shit." Obviously he also knew that Chap was dead. Message.

Du Lin did not evaluate the work of the investigation team, which was not suitable. "Tomorrow will be dawn. According to the list on the photo, everyone will be arrested, ignore their protest, and start directly."

另外 The other end of the phone fell into silence. After a moment, Webber asked carefully, "What reason should I use to catch them?"

"Violation of local law in Otis, suspected of using cash to participate in gambling!"

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