Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1017: New changes

"This is defamation!", Hersman slaps the newspaper in his hands in anger. There are more than twenty days before the New Year. Everything was satisfactory, but at this time, something special appeared in the public opinion. "We should give these news a severe counterattack in the newspapers and on TV, and make them apologize."

Some tabloids without any brand name are the third-class tabloids of pseudo-charity to report how girls who are too poor to wear clothes are living a rough and difficult life, attracting people's attention, and leaving newspapers that help girls. Suddenly in these newspapers some negative news about Du Lin, about his private life.

At least from Hersman's point of view, these are all negative news.

There are some eloquent articles describing Du Lin ’s unknown defaced private life, which is quite true, as if the reporter stood by and watched the whole process and applauded loudly.

Helsman is very clear that people are often very interested in the private life of "celebrities", and actively take the news of what they know, and some selfless guesses to others. This is why several scandals in the history of the royal family spread quickly throughout the empire, and people are discussing these things.

It's absolutely impossible for people to quietly talk to their best friends when they meet at a bar. Hey, you know the ninth interpretation of Article 7 and 8 of the bill passed by the Imperial Parliament and a previously passed bill Does the first interpretation of Article 3, paragraph 2, conflict? My views on this matter are different from those of the lawmakers. I think the empire ..., society ..., people ...

Alas, what you said makes sense, but I also think that there are some differences with your ideas. I think ...

If someone really says these things in the bar, then they must have run out of the asylum. At this time, they can call the police to send them where they should go.

The information that can be actively disseminated among the crowd is often entertaining or meets the needs of people, especially the negative news of celebrities.

People are more willing to discuss the privacy and scandals of certain celebrities. This kind of attack on people can be regarded as imperfect things against the perfect Jedi counterattack, and people will never tire of it.

"It's not that he's great, but I'm a little worse, that makes him look terrific!", It's difficult for us to admit the success and excellence of others, even at the expense of refusing to admit the success and excellence of others, Perhaps from the day when humans were born, everything hostile to everything beyond themselves has been buried deep in the genes

Du Lin's personal traits in the media and public opinion have long been well known. He has indeed succeeded in shaping himself into a hero from the civilian population. He is the implementer of the Empire Dream, the miracle of the times, and the times. Witness. But this set of things said every day, every month said that the people will one day be disgusted and disgusted.

打开 As soon as I open the newspaper every day, I can see a successful, wealthy, and powerful young man talking about his feelings about life and his "insignificant" success. After the initial freshness gradually dissipated, the content of the report only left Chi Guoguo's life attack, because everyone who needed to know Du Lin unilaterally through the newspaper would never be a successful person.

So at this time, some tabloids started to attack Du Lin, and made up indecent news to discredit him, but it was more in line with the psychological needs of the public. The vast majority of people in this society will not believe that there are perfect people in the world. Those who seem perfect are just hiding their ugly side, but now we have discovered these through newspapers.

Under normal circumstances, these news will indeed have a fatal impact on a politician, but Doolin rejected Hersman's idea of ​​investigating these newspapers and writers. He had different opinions.

"You can make these newspapers not publish such articles, or even make them apologize to me in your own newspaper, but you can't restrain people's thoughts." Du Lin looked at Hersman and said very seriously, "Let They bowed their heads and could only release a wrong message to the people, that is, I was scared, I flinched, and I used my strengths desperately to make those who dare to report the truth lower their heads. The bombs that have already detonated will not be dumb , On the contrary, it will continue to explode, creating greater power. "

Helsman said with a frown, "We will organize an investigation, investigate the problem clearly, and then bring the real truth to the people, who knows who is true!"

Dulin shook his head, "Do you know what people want most now?" This question, which has nothing to do with the subject, closed Hersman's mouth.

It's not that he doesn't know the answer to this question or even the idea, but he knows very well that he can't persuade Du Lin now, even if he has the answer!

Hursman's abandonment made Du Lin very satisfied. The old man gave him a lot of help, let him know some hidden secrets in the political circle, and some special knowledge. But he is old. This era belongs to the age of young people. Zhang Yang's unbridled youth will eventually replace twilight, although it will eventually become twilight.

But in this process, youth is the trend of the world.

The politicians of the past were too conservative and their tactics were not clever enough, at least in the view of Doolin.

In the face of today's situation, Du Lin can find no less than five ways to resolve it, and there is a way to discredit these people and transform him into disguise to help him promote it ~ ~ The defective person is a real person. After embellishing himself as a living standard, it is also time for people to pick up a magnifying glass and find some "problems" in themselves.

Human beings will only feel kind to their kind, and will never make contact with false things that do not exist in their ideals.

Later, at the request of Doolin, some newspapers in Ambilo and other areas began to "counter-attack", but these counter-attacks were not the kind of questioning and attacks full of gunpowder smell, but more like a friendly booster, such as Du During Lin's trip to the world in the first half of the year, during a visit to a small country, some secrets happened with the queen of the kingdom.

When these messy stories were made, but the details were so fast that they could not distinguish between true and false, the readers of the newspapers laughed and said absurdly while reading this article that made the prostate gig tight. absurd"!

"Now these reporters have no professional ethics. I am very old in newspapers. They have no interesting stories, but at least their reports are very rigorous." Some people in the bar said to their friends, "But I like these The story, when read, has a special feeling, like ... "

His words were not finished, and his companion immediately intervened and said, "It's not Dolin who did the shame, but you, right?"

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