Cosma Empire

Vol 4 Chapter 1030: Villain


Du Lin didn't think about it for a while, but soon he thought about it again. He smiled, reached out and grabbed the hand pressed gently on his head, placed it in his palm, and played gently.

"This is my house ..." He stopped suddenly, which made Ophelia inexplicably feel a sense of palpitations, a feeling of palpitations, and accompanied by a kind of uncomfortable words, Kodu Lin quickly said again, "Actually, this should be the house of the George family, do you know the George family? It is John George, the newspaper tycoon."

Ophelia's face has changed a little bit. The girl has not completely learned to hide her true emotions under a false mask. Doolin pretended not to see it, and continued to say his words.

He recounted the outbreak of contradictions between himself and the George family, the emergence of differences, and the birth of hatred. The girl was soon attracted by Du Lin's description.

That is a very interesting story, just like a third-class knight novel. The hero can always say "wait me for twenty years" when facing the bad guys who are impossible to live with, and realize these contents.

Who can imagine that a large news trust group that can influence the dynamics of the empire and the world, was dragged into **** by Dulin because of a difference of ideas.

At this moment, he once sighed that Mr. John's really poor girl had regarded Mr. John as an evil dragon, and Doolin was the dragon-slaying warrior.

He next talked about this house, and Ophelia expressed understanding that Doolin bullied a lonely girl like Nasha. The role of power is always reflected in the weak, and therefore it is called power- Power of the strong.

Speaking of this house, and about Nadia and Melissa, he used a long story to solve the confusion in the girl's heart. The girl's body was filled with despair and unexplainable.

Smile appeared on the girl's face again, smiling so naturally and so forthrightly.

Dulin sat up, hooked her fingers at the girl, hugged the girl in her arms, buried her hair between her hair, sniffed the smell of her body, and the whole person relaxed.

"A tree will be irrigated by a lot of rain when it grows up ...", the itchy girl who was being troubled by Du Lin suddenly stopped moving, quietly listening to the deep sound coming from her ear, quiet. Come down.

"There is rain that nourishes all things in spring, there is rain in summer, there is rain in autumn, and there is cold rain in winter."

"Yes, there are kittens and puppies with scented water." When she heard the girl laugh here, she realized what Du Lin was talking about.

"A variety of rain or liquid or something irrigated the tree, allowing it to thrive until it grew into a big tree that covered the sky. In the process, those who gave it The nourishing rain has long left it, and nothing will be left! "

Du Lin made some distance and looked at the girl. When the eyes of the two met, his eyes showed a touch of sincerity, "The big tree will not remember how the rain was poured in the past, those are in its life Passing by, but you are different. "

The girl shook Du Lin's hand tightly and asked nervously, "What am I?"


"Maybe there will be rainy days, but sunlight is the only indispensable thing in the life of this tree, and it will always be with it until eternal existence."

"The world of this tree warmed by the sun also makes its existence more meaningful. There is nothing to accompany its life except the sun, only the sun!"

The girl looked away a bit shyly. She was a little afraid of Du Lin's fiery eyes. "You made me shy ..."

Dulin gently bit her lips, "This is the meaning of my existence!"

Early the next morning, Dulin got up. Ophelia had to go to school after the holiday. She couldn't be as free as her to allocate time. Before sending Ophelia to school, May Lisa found Doolin.

As soon as the two met, she immediately apologized for everything that happened yesterday. "Sorry, I must let you down."

Dulin looked at the girl, then raised her arms, which made the girl close her eyes scaredly.

But the expected violence did not appear. Du Lin rubbed her hair. Her voice was as waveless as ever, and she seemed a little tender. "This is the power of youth. At your age, you can do whatever you want. Thing, do n’t wait for the day when you are old, you regret lying in the bed, why you left so many regrets when you were young. I have no objection to you partying here, my only requirement is that you make any decision before, Find out if it's illegal and I don't want to go to the police station to find you. "

There was something inexplicable in Melissa's eyes. She looked up at Du Lin and interrupted his words, "I ... can I do anything? Even before I did, I knew it must be a error?!"

"Of course, youth will not stop for anyone. Now if you haven't made mistakes yet, when you realize that, you are no longer qualified to make impulses and make mistakes." He smiled, and the sun fell On his shoulder, in the eyes of Melissa, the light emitted by Du Lin at this time actually covered the harsh sunlight!

"Well, go to school, I have other things in the morning!" Du Lin took a deep breath and watched Melissa seemed to make a decision. She ran into the car and left with the other two girls. villa.

Speaking ..., Her Royal Highness has been avoiding meeting with Du Lin in the morning, it seems that she did not drink too much last night, at least she remembers what happened.

I am also right, such a move is indeed a bit embarrassing for the Royal Highness Princess.

After solving two minor problems, Du Lin considered today's itinerary, and then took a car to find Kevin. He had some things to discuss with Kevin.

When he saw Kevin, the guy known as the strongest prosecutor in history was fishing, which was impossible in the past. He would rather lie in the arms of those cheap technical women. Pass time here.

"But it looks like we are more villains, isn't it?" Kevin's answer always makes people feel strange. "When the villains in the movie like to use fishing to create a mood, they want to make all audiences They all know, 'Oh, I see, these two are bad guys.' "

He looked at the calm lake, and then turned his head and grinned grinning, "A leader of an organized crime group, a lawyer who accepts all cases for money, without any professional ethics, um, now is a useless prosecutor, Our combination is simply a template for villains! "

Dulin frowned. "Why did you use only one sentence when introducing me, but you used three sentences when introducing yourself?"

Kevin froze for a moment, then laughed, "Because I am the main character, this is how the main character is treated!"

In fact, these short dialogues also reflected Kevin's dissatisfaction with his current job, which made Du Lin very satisfied.

Kevin is too capable and has a remarkable record in his own right. Maintaining an undefeated record in the career of a lawyer can scare many people. When he handled two almost impossible tasks after being a prosecutor, he was put on the shelf. Lift high and don't let go.

Both lawyers and prosecutors exist for legal services and to demonstrate legal justice and value.

But lawyers and prosecutors are not the same. For lawyers, every lawyer hopes that the companions who work with him can kill the Quartet, and the prosecutors and judges who kill can't afford to raise their heads, and it is a great honor.

Prosecutors are different. They want all their companions to be waste. Only themselves are the best. This is not to say, for those who are capable, relatively incapable prosecutors will reject the capable group. The reason for this is that the prosecutor is also a post with mixed qualifications.

的 The main reference in the promotion process was how many cases were detected, how many people were sent to prison, and how many times justice was done.

Everyone wants to climb up, but the position above is always limited, which has caused many disadvantages of small groups in the judicial system, and internal competition is too serious, leading to prosecutors like Kevin, who should have been shining, Reduced to a mascot, a signboard.

Kevin, who is not well-suited to the official system, cannot handle these issues well. For the same job, he just changed his position and environment, which made him feel useless. Passion has also become a little decadent ~ ~ and then he began to cultivate self-cultivation, forced kind.

He is not satisfied with his life, but Du Lin is very satisfied.

"After another year, I will go to my side after the general election and serve as the Attorney General of the State Department of Justice. I will give you the right to" unlimited firing "." Du Lin also used Kevin to let himself go. A very fashionable word.

Kevin stumbled again, his expression changed a little, "Are you sure? The election hasn't started yet?"

Du Lin was baffled by his questioning and asked, "Is it possible that the sun will shine into the court?"

Kevin raised his eyebrows and nodded his head slightly, affirming Du Lin's statement, "The truth always makes people doubt life, you are right, the sun will never shine into the court, but only on the surface (building)."

He quickly became excited again. "So does this mean that you can be sure about your future as prime minister?"

Du Lin showed a sharp side, and he hummed slightly with disdain. "Whoever stands in front of me, I will kill him, just like before!"

Kevin threw away the fishing rod in his hand. Now who is still fishing on the horse, he took Du Lin's shoulders and walked outside. Have fun! "

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